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Get Exchange Server a Users Mailbox is On


Is there anyway to query what Exchange Server a User's Mailbox is on? I want to write a little script that the Helpdesk can use. They would enter the User's ID, and then it would display their Exchange Server.


You could try checking the "msExchHomeServerName" property with the ADSI extender's GetProperty function. I am sure there are other ways, as well. You can get a user object using the dsFindPath function. Here is an untested example:
; Construct the full server ADSI path using serverless binding
sServerDn = dsGetProperty("LDAP://rootDSE", "serverName")
sServerName = ItemExtract(1, sServerDn, ",")
sServerName = ItemExtract(2, sServerName, "=")
sServerDn = dsGetProperty("LDAP://rootDSE", "defaultNamingContext")
sServerPath = "LDAP://%sServerName%/%sServerDN%"

; User's old style SAM account name.
sSamName   = "rtest"   ; As an example.

; Search for the user on the domain.
sUserPath = dsFindPath(sServerPath, "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=%sSamName%))")

sExchServer = dsGetProperty(sUserPath, "msExchHomeServerName" )

Article ID:   W16803
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:26:20
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:26:20