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Setting Expiry Date on AD Account

 Keywords:  set expire date active directory account


Please can you advise how I can set the Expiry date on an AD account. Using ADSI extender to create the account but unsure how to set "AccountExpires" attribute. It is an Integer8 field not a time field.

12th Dec 2003 translates to 126871488000000000 if you look at attribute when set manually.


The extender knows how to handle this field. Just use the standard WIL YMDHMS time as field value. For example:
sValue = "2002:12:30:01:59:00"
dsSetProperty(sAdsiPath, "accountExpires", sValue)

Article ID:   W15393
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:27:26
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:27:26