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Get Nested User Groups

The following is far from polished but may give you an idea or two. It uses both ADSI COM objects and the ADIS extender to get all groups. It will be much slower than the extender but in this case that may be a good thing.

AddExtender("wwads34i.dll")  ;;; Adsi extender

;;; User Defined Functions

;**  Recursive function that adds each group's groups to the list.
;**  Input sPreFix - moniker prefix LDAP:// + server or domain or ""
;**        sGroup  - DN of group to add
;**        lGroup  - tab delimited list of groups so far
;**  Return - list of groups with group DNs+Prefix added.
#DefineFunction AddGroups(sPreFix, sGroup, lGroups)

   ;Get the group object.
   saMemberOf = 0
   nErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
   objGroup = ObjectGet( StrCat(sPrefix, sGroup) )

   ; Make sure an object was returned.
   If ObjectTypeGet(objGroup) == "DISPATCH"
      saMemberOf = objGroup.GetEx("MemberOf")

   ; Only if user has groups.
   If ObjectTypeGet(saMemberOf) == "ARRAY|VARIANT"

      ; Add each group's groups
      ForEach sGroup In saMemberOf
         If sGroup != ""
            lGroups = AddGroups(sPrefix, sGroup, lGroups)
            lGroups = ItemInsert( StrCat(sPrefix, sGroup) , -1, lGroups, @TAB)

   objGroup = 0
   Return lGroups

;;; Main - Get all groups for a user.

ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION = 1       ; Regular authentication
sPrefix    = "LDAP://shamrock/"   ; Using server but could be domain.
sUser      = "jclass\GuessWho"    ; Credentials
sPassword  = "*TopSecret*"
lGroups    = ""                   ; Result as list of group paths.

;  Get the top level class object
objLdap  = ObjectGet("LDAP:")

; Create target user path
sAdsPath = StrCat(sPrefix,"CN=Homer Simpson,CN=Users,DC=jclass,DC=org")

; Can use ObjectGet, if an AD object is open.
objUser  = objLdap.OpenDsObject( sAdsPath, sUser, sPassword, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION)

; This call will error if the user only has a primary group.
saMemberOf = 0
nErrorMode = ErrorMode(@OFF)
saMemberOf = objUser.GetEx("MemberOf")

; Does the user belongs any groups?
If ObjectTypeGet(saMemberOf) == "ARRAY|VARIANT"

   ForEach sGroup In saMemberOf

      ; A group object?
      If sGroup != ""

         ; Add parent groups.
         lGroups = AddGroups(sPreFix, sGroup, lGroups)
         lGroups = ItemInsert( StrCat(sPrefix, sGroup), -1, lGroups, @TAB)


; Note that we are hanging on to the user object so we
; don't have to re-autenticate.

; Use the extender to get the Primary group
; (Can be done with COM but is a bit convoluted. if dsGetPrimGrp
; is causing a problem, a COM based solution can be worked up.)
sPrimeGroup = dsGetPrimGrp(sAdsPath)

; Get the dn so we don't have to parse the full path.
sPrimeGroup = dsGetProperty(sPrimeGroup, "distinguishedName")

; Now add any parent groups.
lGroups = AddGroups(sPreFix, sPrimeGroup, lGroups)

; Finally, add the primary group.
lGroups = ItemInsert( StrCat(sPrefix, sPrimeGroup), -1, lGroups, @TAB)

; Finish cleanup
objUser = 0
objLdap = 0

; Did it work?
Message("Groups", lGroups)

Article ID:   W16813
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:26:22
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:26:22