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Samples from Users

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Get a list of users and write out to CSV file

; Get a list of users
; Write out user properties to a .csv file
ServerDn=dsGetProperty("LDAP://rootDSE", "serverName")
ServerName=ItemExtract(1, ServerDn, ",")
ServerName=ItemExtract(2, ServerName, "=")
ServerDn=dsGetProperty("LDAP://rootDSE", "defaultNamingContext")
ServerPath="LDAP://" : ServerName : "/" : ServerDN

handle = FileOpen("c:\ADSI.csv","WRITE")

users_in_OU = dsFindPath( ServerPath, "(&(objectcategory=Person)(objectclass=user))" )
count = ItemCount( users_in_OU, @TAB )
For xx = 1 To count
   ; User container object's path
   UserPath = ItemExtract( xx, users_in_OU, @TAB )
   ; Get properties.
   sDisplayName = dsGetProperty( UserPath, "cn" )
   sFirstName = dsGetProperty( UserPath, "givenName" )
   sLastName = dsGetProperty( UserPath, "sn" )
   sAlias = dsGetProperty( UserPath, "uid" )
   sSMTPAddr = dsGetProperty( UserPath, "mail" )
   FileWrite( handle, sDisplayName : "," : sFirstName : "," :sLastName : "," : sAlias : "," : sSMTPAddr )

Run("c:\ADSI.csv", ""))


Article ID:   W17545
Filename:   Get a list of users and write out to CSV file.txt
File Created: 2008:11:25:12:45:26
Last Updated: 2008:11:25:12:45:26