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List All Servers in the Current Domain

;List all servers in the current Domain
AddExtender( 'wwads44i.dll' )
sAdsiPath = 'LDAP://rootDSE'
sValue=dsGetProperty (sAdsiPath,'defaultNamingContext')
sFilter = `(objectCategory=computer)`

MyOuPaths = dsFindPath(sStarPath, sFilter)
oucount = ItemCount(myoupaths,@TAB)
serverlist = ''
For x = 1 To oucount
   ou = ItemExtract(x,myoupaths,@TAB)
   objServer = ObjectGet(ou)
   cn = objServer.CN
   serverlist = serverlist : @TAB : cn
   objServer = 0
AskItemlist( 'Server list', StrTrim( serverlist ), @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE )

Article ID:   W17550
Filename:   List All Servers in the Current Domain.txt
File Created: 2008:11:25:13:46:48
Last Updated: 2008:11:25:13:46:48