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Useful ADSI Site server functions

; SiteFunctions.wbt
; Functions for AD Site determination and other site functions
; written by Carlos E Junco Jr

if FileLocate("WWADS34I.DLL") == "" then exit

; Functions

; GetSubnetObj(IPAddress, AsCN)
; Gets SubnetObj that IP Address belongs to
; IPAddress(string) = IPAddress whose subnet membership you need
; SubnetMask(string) = Subnet mask used by host at IPAddress
; DomainName(string) = name of domain in forest or domain controller (i.e. or
; Returns = site object which IPAddress belongs to, or returns "**None**" if belongs to no subnet object,
; or returns "**Error**" if error occurs

#definefunction GetSubnetObj(IPAddress, SubnetMask, DomainName)
subnetStr = ""
subnetMaskBits = 0
strADRoot = ""
subnetObjPath = ""

; Check if valid IP Address string
i = ItemCount(IPAddress, ".")
if i != 4 then return "**Error**"
for i = 1 to 4
num = ItemExtract(i, IPAddress, ".")
if !IsNumber(num) then return "**Error**"
if num < 0 || num > 255 then return "**Error**"

; Check if valid Subnet Mask string
i = ItemCount(SubnetMask, ".")
if i != 4 then return "**Error**"
for i = 1 to 4
num = ItemExtract(i, SubnetMask, ".")
if !IsNumber(num) then return "**Error**"
if num < 0 || num > 255 then return "**Error**"

; Create subnet string
for i = 1 to 4
ipNum = ItemExtract(i, IPAddress, ".")
subnetNum = ItemExtract(i, SubnetMask, ".")
part = ipNum & subnetNum
subnetStr = strcat(subnetStr, part)
if i != 4 then subnetStr = strcat(subnetStr, ".")
; count bits for subnet
for c = 1 to 8
subnetMaskBits = subnetMaskBits + ((subnetNum >> (c - 1)) & 1)
subnetStr = strcat(subnetStr, "\/", subnetMaskBits)
; Get Subnet Object
strADRoot = dsGetProperty("LDAP://%DomainName%/RootDSE", "configurationNamingContext")
SubnetObjPath = "LDAP://%DomainName%/cn=%subnetStr%,cn=subnets,cn=sites,%strADRoot%"
if !dsisObject(SubnetObjPath) then return "**None**"
; return string
return SubnetObjPath
; GetSiteObj(SubnetObj)
; Gets Site Object associated with subnet object
; SubnetObj(string) = full path to subnet ojbect
; returns Site Object associated to the subnet object or returns "**Error**" if error occurs
#definefunction GetSiteObj(SubnetObj)
siteStr = ""
domainPrefix = ""
; Check if valid object
if !dsisObject(SubnetObj) then return "**Error**"
siteStr = dsGetProperty(SubnetObj, "siteObject")
i = StrIndex(SubnetObj, "/", 8, @FWDSCAN)
domainPrefix = StrSub(SubnetObj, 1, i)
return strcat(domainPrefix, siteStr)

; CreateLDAPChildStr(ParentPath, Child)
; Create LDAP child string
; ParentPath(string) = parent LDAP path
; Child(string) = child object(s) (i.e. "CN=Whatever" or "CN=Whatever,CN=SomethingElse")
; returns full ldap path to child or "" if error
#definefunction CreateLDAPChildStr(ParentPath, Child)
i = StrIndex(ParentPath, "/", 8, @FWDSCAN)
if i < 9 then return ""
str = StrSub(ParentPath, 1, i)
if str == "" then return ""
str2 = StrSub(ParentPath, i + 1, -1)
if str2 == "" then return ""
return strcat(str, Child, ",", str2)
; GetSiteDCs(SiteObj, DomainName, flags)
; Gets domain controlles in the specified site
; SiteObj(string) = path to site object
; DomainContext(string) = domain whose domain controllers you want, if blank, will get DCs from all domains (i.e. "DC=Domain,DC=com")
; flags(int) = flags specifying kinds of domain controllers, can be added together:
; 1 = Global Catalog Server
; 2 = Bridgehead Server
; returns list of domain controllers or "**Error**" if error occurs
#definefunction GetSiteDCs(SiteObj, DomainContext, flags)
SiteServersPath = ""
ServersPaths = ""
DCsPaths = ""
OnlyGCs = flags & 1
OnlyBHs = flags & 2
DomainContext = StrClean(DomainContext, " ", "", @FALSE, 1)
; Check if valid siteobj
if !dsisObject(SiteObj) then return "**Error**"
SiteServersPath = CreateLDAPChildStr(SiteObj, "CN=Servers")
if SiteServersPath == "" then return "**Error**"
ServersPaths = dsGetChldPath(SiteServersPath, "server")
c = ItemCount(ServersPaths, @TAB)
if c == 0 then return ""
for i = 1 to c
ServerPath = ItemExtract(i, ServersPaths, @TAB)
if ServerPath == "" then return "" ; shouldn't happen
; Check if DC
NTDSSettingsPath = CreateLDAPChildStr(ServerPath, "CN=NTDS Settings")
if !dsisObject(NTDSSettingsPath) then continue
if (OnlyGCs)
isGC = dsGetProperty(NTDSSettingsPath, "options")
if isGC == "" then continue
if !(isGC & 1) then continue
if (OnlyBHs)
transports = dsGetProperty(ServerPath, "bridgeheadTransportList")
if transports == "" then continue
if DomainContext != ""
hostname = dsGetProperty(ServerPath, "dNSHostName")
if hostname == "" then return "" ; shouldn't happen
defNamingContext = dsGetProperty("LDAP://%hostname%/RootDSE", "defaultNamingContext")
defNamingContext = StrClean(defNamingContext, " ", "", @FALSE, 1)
if stricmp(defNamingContext, DomainContext) != 0 then continue
DCsPaths = ItemInsert(ServerPath, -1, DCsPaths, @TAB)
return DCsPaths

; Test 

UserAccount = ""
pass = AskPassword("Enter Password", UserAccount)
dsSetCredent(UserAccount, pass)

; You would get the IP and subnet of the machine the script is running on for closest DC or Site.
subnet = GetSubnetObj("", "", "")
Message("subnet", subnet)
site = GetSiteObj(subnet)
Message("site", site)
DCs = GetSiteDCs(site, "", 1)
AskItemList("Domain Controllers", DCs, @TAB, @unsorted, @single)

Article ID:   W15828
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:41:00
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:41:00