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File And Folder Extender

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File Finder using Specified Array Size

 Keywords: Search Find Files Finder Specified Array Size VMalloc Recursive Array String Size Memory Limit

;**           File Finder using Specified Array Size
;**          ( for use with a large number of files )
;** Purpose: Search and Store a Large Number of Filenames to a File. Avoids
;**          Running into String Size Limits ( vMalloc errors )
;** Inputs:
;** Outputs: Results in a output file
;** Reference:
;**       REQUIRES WinBatch 2013A or newer
;** Developer: Deana Falk 2014.05.09
AddExtender ("wwfaf44i.dll",44005) ; File and Folder Finder. Use 44005 to avoid duplicates from reparse points
If Version( )< '2013C'
   Pause('Notice', 'Need 2013A or Newer Version of WinBatch') ; ArrayItemize

; Search for files
strFolderSource = 'C:\'
strFileMask = '*'

strMsgTitle = 'Search for files.'
strMsgText = ""
BoxOpen (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
WinPlace (050, 100, 950, 600, "")
BoxDataTag (1, 1)

strFolderTemp = ShortCutDir ("Local Settings") : "\Temp\"
strFileOut = StrInsert (StrReplace (TimeYmdHms (), ":", ""), ".", "", 9) : ".List.txt"
strFileOut = strFolderTemp : strFileOut
hdlFile = FileOpen(strFileOut,'Append')

;fafHidden = 1      ; Include hidden files.
;fafSystem = 2      ; Include system files.
;fafFolders = 4     ; Inspect  subfolder names also.
;fafFindFolders = 8 ; Only inspect subfolder names not file names.
fafRecurse = 16    ; Recurse through subfolders.
;fafNoPathInfo = 32 ; Do not return path information to files or folders found.
;fafNoRedirect = 64 ; Do not turn off file redirection for x64 windows.

chunksize = 1024*10
arrList = ArrDimension (chunksize)
arrPtr = 0
hdlFAF = fafOpen (strFolderSource, strFileMask, fafRecurse)
While @TRUE
   strFileFullName = fafFind (hdlFAF)
   If strFileFullName == "" Then Break
   ; Limits the size of the array that holds the list of file names
   If arrPtr >= chunksize
      ; Convert array to @lf delimted list
      strList = ArrayItemize( arrList, @LF )
      strList = StrReplace( strList, @LF, @CRLF )
      ; Append files to output file
      FileWrite(hdlFile, strList)
      ; Re-initialize the array
      ArrInitialize(arrList, '')
      arrPtr = 0
   arrList[arrPtr] = strFileFullName
   arrPtr = arrPtr+1
   BoxText (strFileFullName)
   BoxDataClear (1, 1)

; Convert remaining array to @lf delimted list
strList = ArrayItemize( arrList, @LF )
strList = StrReplace( strList, @LF, @CRLF )
; Append files to output file
FileWrite(hdlFile, strList)

fafClose (hdlFAF)

If FileExist (strFileOut) == 1 Then Run (strFileOut, "")

Article ID:   W17573
Filename:   File Finder using Specified Array Size.txt
File Created: 2014:05:09:08:55:00
Last Updated: 2014:05:09:08:55:00