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List of Error Codes Returned by pGetLastError

Keywords:   pGetLastError


Does anyone have a list of the what the different error codes you can get back with pGetLastError are?


#define RS232ERR_NONE             0      /*RS232 no error*/
#define RS232ERR_BUFFER          -1      /*RS232 buffer not set or buf changed*/
#define RS232ERR_ACTIVE          -2      /*RS232 port not active*/
#define RS232ERR_XMTBUF          -3      /*RS232 xmit buffer full*/
#define RS232ERR_RCVBUF          -4      /*RS232 recv buffer empty*/
#define RS232ERR_SYNTAX          -5      /*RS232 port syntax  error*/
#define RS232ERR_BUFSIZ          -6      /*RS232 invalid buffer size*/
#define RS232ERR_PORT            -7      /*RS232 invalid port*/
#define RS232ERR_HANDLR          -8      /*RS232 handler changed*/
#define RS232ERR_BAUD            -9      /*RS232 invalid baud rate*/
#define RS232ERR_PARITY         -10      /*RS232 invalid parity*/
#define RS232ERR_LNGTH          -11      /*RS232 invalid data length*/
#define RS232ERR_STOPBIT        -12      /*RS232 invalid # stopbits*/
#define RS232ERR_PROTOCOL       -13      /*RS232 invalid protocol*/
#define RS232ERR_IRQCHANGED     -14      /*RS232 IRQ changed*/
#define RS232ERR_PORTCHANGED    -15      /*RS232 port changed*/
#define RS232ERR_THRESHOLD      -16      /*RS232 invalid threshold*/
#define RS232ERR_INVIRQ         -17      /*RS232 invalid IRQ*/
#define RS232ERR_INTOFF         -18      /*RS232 interrupts not enabled*/
#define RS232ERR_BREAK          -19      /*RS232 invalid break syntax*/
#define RS232ERR_FATAL          -20      /*RS232 fatal error*/
#define RS232ERR_DSR            -21      /*RS232 CTS error*/
#define RS232ERR_INVADR         -22      /*RS232 Invalid RS232 address*/
#define RS232ERR_ENVIRON        -23      /*Environment variable not set */
#define RS232ERR_IOCTL          -24      /*Error issuing IOCTL call */
#define RS232ERR_ATEXIT         -25      /*Error issuing atexit cleanup */
#define RS232ERR_DEVINIT        -26      /*Error mapping device for dir calls*/
#define RS232ERR_DOSOPEN        -27      /*Error opening Device */
#define RS232ERR_MALLOC         -28      /*Error allocating memory */
#define RS232ERR_EXTMICRO       -29      /*Error on external micro*/
#define RS232ERR_CARDCHANGED    -30      /*Card changed error */
#define RS232ERR_CARDTYPE       -31      /*Card type error */
#define RS232ERR_NOSUPPORT      -32      /*Not supported */
#define RS232ERR_CMDBUFFULL     -33      /*Card command buffer full*/
#define RS232ERR_PPORT          -34      /*Invalid parent PCB*/
#define RS232ERR_NODEVICE       -35      /*No device for this port*/
#define RS232ERR_UNKNOWN        -36      /*Unknow error*/
#define RS232ERR_BUSY           -37      /*Busy*/
#define RS232ERR_NOTIMER        -38      /*No more timers available*/
#define RS232ERR_INT14VEC       -39      /*INT 14H vector changed*/
#define RS232ERR_INT1CVEC       -40      /*Timer vector changed*/
#define RS232ERR_DPMI           -41      /*DPMI error*/
#define RS232ERR_WINBUF         -42      /*No windows buffer or too small*/
#define RS232ERR_NOASYNCRES     -43      /*No asynchronous resources left */
#define RS232ERR_NOTIMERRES     -44      /*No timer resources left */
#define RS232ERR_NOOTHERES      -45      /*Out of other resources */
#define RS232ERR_FILEIO         -46      /*File I/O error */
#define RS232ERR_HMEMG64        -47      /*Hardware memory exceeded 64K */
#define RS232ERR_MAPVXD         -48      /*VXD not loaded */
#define RS232ERR_THREAD         -49      /*Could not start a thread */

Article ID:   W15423
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:27:40
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:27:40