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X-10 Control Sample Script from User

Keywords:    X10  x 10

I wanted to use Winbatch to control my X10 lights through the CM11A controller. The x10ctl.wbt script (W12583) was VERY helpful but I spent a lot of time figuring out how the author created the manifest constants for addressing the housecode/unit, function code, etc.

I made a slight rewrite to allow the housecode/unit and function to be entered on the command line, and made the calculation of the unit address code and the function code explicit and capable of addressing all possible units.

Thanks to the original author for figuring out all the command logic to drive the controller!


pname = "x10ctl"
dbg = @YES

mypath = intcontrol(1004,0,0,0,0)
posn = strindex(mypath,"\",0,@backscan)
mypath = strsub(mypath,1,posn)
if (dbg) then display ( 3, pname, mypath )

if (dbg) then display ( 3, pname, ".%param1%. .%param2%." )

unitc = -1
funcc = -1
gosub x10parse

if ( (unitc<0) || (funcc<0) )
display (3, "%pname% error","P1 = .%param1. P2 = .%param2%.")


stop_poll = xbaseconvert("c3",16,10)
Header = 4
Send = 6
if (dbg) then display (1,pname,"stop_poll = %stop_poll%")

pPutByte(port,stop_poll) ; turn off any interface polling of PC

getbyte = -1
while getbyte == -1
pPutByte(port,Header) ;Header -- Address a Unit
pPutByte(port,unitc) ;House code / Device Code
progress = "%pname% Header & unit code"
Gosub WaitForAck ; Wait for Checksum

pPutByte(port,0) ; Send Ack
progress = "%pname% Ack header & unit code"
Gosub WaitForAck85 ; Wait for 0x55

getbyte = -1
while getbyte == -1
pPutByte(port,Send) ; Header -- Send Function
pPutByte(port,funcc); House Code / Function
progress = "%pname% Send function"
Gosub WaitForAck ; Wait for Checksum

pPutByte(port,0) ; Send Ack
progress = "%pname% Ack function"
Gosub WaitForAck85 ; Wait For 0x55


start=TimeYmdHms( )
Now=TimeYmdHms( )
diff=TimeDiffSecs(Now, start)

While diff < 4
Now=TimeYmdHms( )
diff=TimeDiffSecs(Now, start)
If getbyte > -1 then break
if (dbg) then display(1,progress,getbyte)


start=TimeYmdHms( )
Now=TimeYmdHms( )
diff=TimeDiffSecs(Now, start)
While diff < 4
Now=TimeYmdHms( )
diff=TimeDiffSecs(Now, start)
If getbyte == 85 then break
if (dbg) then display(1,progress,"Ready")


; units = arrdimension(16,16) ; devices a-p, units 1-16
; funcs = arrdimension(16,5) ; devices a-p, alloff, allon, on, off, loff
; units = arrayfilegetcsv("c:\work\x10\units.csv",0)
; funcs = arrayfilegetcsv("c:\work\x10\funcs.csv",0)

units = arrdimension(16)
funcs = arrdimension(5)

units[0] = 110 ; dev a or unit 1
units[1] = 1110
units[2] = 10
units[3] = 1010
units[4] = 1
units[5] = 1001
units[6] = 101
units[7] = 1101
units[8] = 111
units[9] = 1111
units[10] = 11
units[11] = 1011
units[12] = 0
units[13] = 1000
units[14] = 100
units[15] = 1100 ; dev p or unit 16

funcs[0] = 0 ; alloff
funcs[1] = 1 ; allon
funcs[2] = 10 ; on
funcs[3] = 11 ; off
funcs[4] = 110 ; loff

; if (dbg) then display (1,pname,"Arrays initialized")
if (dbg) then display (1,pname,".%param1%. .%param2%.")

unitc = -1
funcc = -1

if ( !isdefined(param1) ) then goto return
if ( !isdefined(param2) ) then goto return

param1 = strlower(param1)
param2 = strlower(param2)

device = strsub(param1,1,1)
dndx = char2num(device) - char2num("a")
if ( ( dndx < 0 ) || ( dndx > 15 ) ) then goto return
if (dbg) then display(1,pname,"dndx = %dndx%")

if ( isnumber(strsub(param1,2,-1)) )
undx = strsub(param1,2,-1) - 1
undx = 0
if ( ( undx < 0 ) || ( undx > 15 ) ) then goto return
if (dbg) then display(1,pname,"undx = %undx%")

; unitc = units[dndx,undx]
unitc = (units[dndx]*10000) + units[undx]
unitc = xbaseconvert(unitc,2,10)

fndx = -1
if ( param2 == "alloff" ) then fndx = 0
if ( param2 == "allon" ) then fndx = 1
if ( param2 == "on" ) then fndx = 2
if ( param2 == "off" ) then fndx = 3
if ( param2 == "loff" ) then fndx = 4

if ( fndx < 0 ) then goto return

; funcc = funcs[dndx,fndx]
funcc = (units[dndx]*10000) + funcs[fndx]
funcc = xbaseconvert(funcc,2,10)


if (dbg) then display(1,pname,"Unit = %unitc%, function = %funcc%")


Article ID:   W16361
File Created: 2014:07:18:09:49:36
Last Updated: 2014:07:18:09:49:36