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Winsock Internet Extender News

Keywords:  updates extenders new features  

Ver 11126  July 20 1997

    Fixed bug on failed http transfers where some servers, returning
    the 404 error messagee did not terminate the final line with a LF.

Ver 11129  Aug 20 1997

    Fixed a bug introduced earlier so that the SMTP From and To lines
    can accept addresses in the form of    
    John Dow 

Ver 11132  Feb 08 1998

    1) Fixed sConnect to not return TRUE when connecting
       with unresponsive port numbers (Give BUSY error)
    2) For WxGetInfo requests 1 and 2, swapped bytes on the
       port part of the address.  Apparently they were reversed.

Ver 11133  Feb 09 1998

    1) Fixed dunConnect when attempting to use a non-existant
       connectoid.  Now returns @FALSE instead of 627 and
       the WxLastError is properrly set to 627.

Ver 11134  Feb 17 1998

    1) Fixed "MAIL TO" and "MAIL FROM"  SMTP "envelopes"
       to work more in compliance with spec and allow
       email addresses of "Somebody "
       to work with more different mail servers.

Ver 11136  May 12 1998

        Added @HHeaderOnly to HTTPRecvFile, HTTPRecvText, & HTTPRecvTextF. This sends an http
        HEAD request instead of the normal GET request. (If the server doesn't respond to the HEAD
        request, then it's retried with a GET.)
        The caller then gets the message header only returned to it.
        New function: HTTPRecvTextF. This has the same syntax as HTTPRecvFile, but it ensures that
        the file it writes out has CRLF's at the end of each line.
        New function: wxMsgSetHdr. This sets a header value for subsequent outgoing HTTP requests.
        wxMsgSetHdr (nHdrName, sHdrValue)
        This function sets header values for outgoing http requests.
        	(n)		The header to set. This can be one of the following:
        				1 = User-Agent:
        				2 = Referer:
        				3 = From:
        				4 = Pragma
        	(s)		The new value of the header line. If this is "" (the default), then
        			the header line won't be included in an outgoing HTTP request.
        	(n)		@TRUE if the header was set correctly, or @FALSE if you requested an unknown header #.
        The User-Agent: field is useful to the webmaster of the site your WIL code is
        accessing. When they run a website statistics program such as WebTrends, they
        can see how many user sessions were made from which browser, web crawler, etc.
        The Referer: field lets the webmaster tell which URL a client browsed from when
        they linked to a page on the site.
        The From: field gives the webmaster an email address they can contact in case
        they have questions, or if there are errors in the http request you need to know
        The Pragma: field is usually used with a value of "no-cache". This tells any 
        proxy or other intermediate server not to serve you up a file from its cache,
        but to make sure the request is passed on to the actual server.
        Although the http protocol lets you have more than one Pragma: header line, you 
        can only have one Pragma: line when sending a request from WIL.
        Note: This function sets the header fields for all subsequent calls to HTTPRecvText,
        HTTPRecvTextF, HTTPRecvFile, HTTPRecvQuery, or HTTPRecvQryF.
        	wxMsgSetHdr (3, "")
        	wxMsgSetHdr (1, "Joe's WebCrawler v1.0")
        	wxMsgSetHdr (2, "")
        	wxMsgSetHdr (4, "no-cache")
        New function: HTTPFullPath. This builds a fully-qualified HTTP url from a given url.
        You can give it 4 defaults for the various parts.
        sFullPath = HTTPFullPath (sPath, sDefServer, sDefDir, sDefFile, sDefAnchor)
        This function builds a fully qualified http url from the specified url.
        	(s)		The url to examine. This can be relative or otherwise not fully-formed.
        	(s)		The default server. (Ex.: "")
        	(s)		The default directory path. (Ex.: "/a/subdir/")
        	(s)		The default filename. (Ex.: "index.html")
        	(s)		The default anchor. (Ex.: "top")
        	(s)		A fully-qualified URL. This includes the initial "http://", the
        			server & trailing "/", plus the directory path, filename, and anchor
        			(if present).
        Added timeout detection to these functions:
        	SConnect		DNS_TIMEOUT
        	SSendBinary		SENDRCV_TIMEOUT
        	SSendLine		SENDRCV_TIMEOUT
        	SRecvBinary		SENDRCV_TIMEOUT
        	SRecvLine		SENDRCV_TIMEOUT
        When these functions time out, they set the Last Error to @SErrFailure. @SErrFailure now
        pretty consistently means "timeout".
        I wonder if SENDRCV_TIMEOUT should be bumped up to maybe 15 seconds from the current
        10 as the default?
        BugFix: Parsing a URL that just consists of a "../dir/or/file" didn't always work.
        Enhancement: P3Delete & P3Close return better error codes. (We now let WXDoSSendLine
        pass thru its errors instead of turning them into @SErrFailure.)

Ver 11137  May 22 1998

        Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release in the
        wxAddr2Host function

Ver 11138  May 24 1998

        Fixed a bug dealing with incorrect wxPing response.

Ver 11139  June 27 1998

        Fixed bug in HTTPStripHTML: It was stripping off text that wasn't in an HTML
        tag after the last tag in string. This was OK if the string had the whole file,
        as the last characters are usually ""; but if you're processing it line
        by line it caused problems.

        Also, if you were processing an HTML file line by line & a tag spanned two lines,
        it wouldn't detect the 2nd half of the tag at start of next line. (Now it deletes
        both halves.)

        Added new global PARM: MAX_RECV_BUFFER. Default = 128000. This kicks in when
        receiving a text file thru HTTPRecvTextF.

Ver 11140    Aug 18, 1998

        Fixed memory loss bug in p3 functions

Ver 11141, 11142, 11143  Aug 1998- Jan 1999

       I would like to know what happened here too
       Rumor has it there was a search on for the bug fixed in the 11145

Ver 11144  Jan 20 1999

     Fixed a bug in dunDisconnect(0) where if crashed if no connection was open
     Allowed httpRecvText and to receive data blocks bigger then 64K

Ver 11145 Jan 27 1999

     An awful bug affecting the reliability of all kinds of data transfers was 
     fixed.  Turns out to be that the default compiler optimizer setting
     in the C compiler was not producing correct machine code.  Removed
     all optimization, and bugs vanished.  

Ver 11146, 11147

     Internal debugging versions

Ver 11148, Feb 4 1999

     Fixed another bug dealing with tcpip transfers.  There simply
     can't be any left...

Ver 11149, Mar 3 1999

    Fixed smtpSendFile where it was sometimes sending extra characters
    at the end of the file.  And maybe causing occassional crashes.

Ver 11150, Mar 6 1999
    Fixed DoRecvLine in the case where the last line of valid data did
    not have a trailing LF.  The trailing data is pushed thru now anyway.

Ver 11151
    Test copy

Ver 11152  Mar 20, 1999
    Modified ftpPut function to add ability to append to existing files and
    to store into unique filenames -- Basically the previous version would
    do a "STOR" of a file -- this new version adds the ability to do an 
    "APPE" and a "STOU".

Ver 11153  Aug 11, 1999
    Modified FTP code to allow long file names greater than 128 bytes.  
    Basically allowing full 256 character long local file names for 
    ftpPut and ftpGet.  

Ver 11154  Dec 21, 1999
    Modified wxPing to get a better indication is the target machine is
    up or not.  Previous versions got fooled if a network router responded.

Ver 11155  Mar 29, 2000
    Fixed dunConnect and dunConnectEX problem when running under Win2000

Ver 11156  Aug 16, 2000
    Fixed problem with sClose that caused hang when far side of connection
    hung on the close.  sClose now obeys the Socket timeout and will timeout
    the connection and continue with the sClose if the far side hangs.

Ver 11157, 11158
    Internal debugging versions

Ver 11159  Sept 13, 2000
    Fixed problems with sRecvBinary not receiving data correctly.

Ver 11160   Sept 13, 2000
    Fixed problem with httpRecvFile when a bad packet was received.

Ver 11161
    Internal debugging version

Ver 11162   Sept 28, 2000  
    Fixed memory leak in httpRecvText

Ver 11165  Dec 12, 2000
   The WinSock extender has been updated to a new format
   to allow more descriptive function names and additional
   parameters.  This version of the extender requires
   WinBatch 2001A or newer to run.  This extender will 
   not work on WinBatch 2000C or older.
   In addition, so as not to affect existing scripts using 
   a previous version of this extender, the extender DLL 
   has been renamed to include a 34I in the DLL name 
   instead of a 32I.  Old and new versions of this 
   extender can *usually* co-exist side by side.
   To use the new extender with old scripts and with 
   WinBatch 2001A or newer you will need to change the 
   AddExtender line in the script to reflect the new DLL 
   name.   e.g.
   should become

Ver 11166  Jan 29, 2001

   Modified the httpRecvFile and the httpRecvQryF functions
   to verify the count of received data bytes against the
   content header byte size.  If the numbers to not match,
   the functions return an 0 as an error indicator.

Ver 11167  Nov 26, 2001

   Modified the sConnect function to no longer require IP
   addresses to be reverse-dns-served to work properly.
Feb 11, 2004 
NOTE:  The PDH.DLL was renamed to PDH.OLD-DLL and the PDH.DLL
       was removed from the WWWSK.EXT text file as a component of
       the extender package for WBCompiler Large builds as pretty much
       all machines have the PDH.DLL installed these days.

- - - -

Ver 44001  Nov 1, 2004

      Fixed bug in the sSendLine function that limited
      output strings to 1024 characters if no CRLF was
      pre-provided to the output string.  

      - -

      The WinSock extender has been updated to a new
      format to allow more descriptive function names and
      additional parameters.  This version of the extender
      requires	WinBatch 2004B or newer to run.  This
      extender will not work on WinBatch 2004A or older.
      In addition, so as not to affect existing scripts using
      a previous version of this extender, the extender DLL
      has been renamed to include a 44I in the DLL name
      instead of a 34I.  Old and new versions of this
      extender may *usually* co-exist side by side.
      To use the new extender with old scripts and with
      WinBatch 2004B or newer you will need to change the
      AddExtender line in the script to reflect the new DLL
      should become

Ver 44002  Nov 4, 2004

      Refixed bug fix in 44001.  This time sSendLine was not automatically
      adding a CRLF if the length of the line was less than 2.

Ver 44003  Nov 8, 2004

      Speed optimization to 44002 bug fix.  Now it runs much faster.

Ver 44004  July 7, 2005

       Increased http URL buffer for httpRecvFile from 256 to 25600 bytes

Ver 44005 Feb 20, 2008
       Changed Wsock.c so that complete initialization and shutdown are only 
       performed on the first load and last shutdown respectively.  THis only affects
       processes that can load multiple copies of the extender, Such as WinBatch Studio Debug.

Ver 44006 Sep 07, 2011

       Ported extender to 64-bit.

Ver 44007 Mar. 20, 2018
      Made the 64-bit versions of the extender Large Address Aware compatible.  

Article ID:   W12604
Filename:   !!NEWS FLASH - BUGS - FIXES!!.txt
File Created: 2018:03:20:10:01:46
Last Updated: 2018:03:20:10:01:46