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C-Variables WIL Extender



   Copyright (c) 2003 Artomegus.
   May be distributed freely.
   Provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
   Use at your own risk.


Download:  111 KB


   - Heap functions

   cvHeapCreate( [ heap-size [, max-identifiers ] ] )
      Allocates the C-Variables heap for the current WinBatch script

   cvHeapDestroy( )
      Frees the C-Variables heap for the current WinBatch script

   cvStatePop( )
      Pops the current heap state off an internal stack

   cvStatePush( )
      Saves the current heap state on an internal stack

   - Type definition functions:

   cvFieldDef( prototype, field-name )
      Define a field in a structure/union

   cvStructBegin( )
      Begin a sub-structure within a structure/union

   cvStructDef( type-name )
      Begin the definition of a new structure type

   cvStructEnd( )
      End a structure or sub-structure

   cvTypeDef( prototype, type-name )
      Define a new type based on a prototype

   cvUnionBegin( )
      Begin a sub-union within a structure/union

   cvUnionDef( type-name )
      Begin the definition of a new union type

   cvUnionEnd( )
      End a union or sub-union

   - General variable functions:

   cvCast( [ prototype, ] reference )
      Collapses a reference, optionally casting it as a different type

   cvDef( prototype, var-name [, value ] )
      Defines a new variable and optionally sets the value

   cvGet( reference )
      Gets the value of a variable

   cvHexGet( reference )
      Gets the value of a variable as a hex string

   cvHexSet( reference, value )
      Sets the value of a variable using a hex string

   cvIsDefined( name )
      Checks if a type or variable is defined

   cvItemize( reference, count [, delimiter ] )
      Creates an item list from an array variable

   cvPtr( reference )
      Gets a pointer to a variable

   cvSet( reference, value )
      Sets the value of a variable

   cvSizeOf( name )
      Gets the size of a type or variable

   - String variable functions:

   cvStrDef( var-name, value [, size] )
      Creates a new string variable on the heap, with an optional max size

   cvStrGet( reference )
      Gets the value of a string variable

   cvStrItemize( reference, count [, delimiter ] )
      Creates an item list from a string-array variable

   cvStrLen( reference )
      Gets the length of a string variable

   cvStrSet( reference, value )
      Sets the value of a string variable

   - Memory allocation/checking functions:

   cvIsBadReadPtr( ptr, size )
      Verifies access to read from a block of memory

   cvIsBadStringPtr( ptr, size )
      Verifies access to read a string from memory

   cvIsBadWritePtr( ptr, size )
      Verifies access to write to a block of memory

   cvMemAlloc( size )
      Allocate a block of memory

   cvMemCopy( destination-ptr, source-ptr, size )
      Copy a block of memory

   cvMemFill( destination-ptr, size, byte-value )
      Fills a block of memory with a byte value

   cvMemFree( pointer )
      Free a block of memory

   - Miscellaneous functions:

   cvControl( number [, value ] )
      Reads/sets control values for extender

   cvDllCall( dll-filename, return-var, proc-name, arguments-var )
      Calls a DLL procedure

   cvDllCallC( dll-filename, return-var, proc-name, arguments-var )
      Calls a DLL procedure using the C calling convention

   cvDllLastError( )
      Returns most recent DLL error code after calling cvDllCall or cvCBAutoDllCall

   cvIf( number, value-if-true, value-if-false )
      Returns one of two values depending on the value of a number

   cvInfo( number )
      Gets information about the extender

   cvLastError( number )
      Returns last extender-specific error

   - Callback functions:

   cvCBAutoDllCall( dll-filename, dllproc-returnvar, dllproc-name, dllproc-argsvar, callback-returnvar, callback-argsvar, cbitems-handle, maxcalls )
      Call a DLL procedure that requires a callback function, and automatically collects data sent to the callback function

   cvCBItemDef( handle, index, reference, flag, size )
      Defines a callback item to collect

   cvCBItemError( handle, index )
      Gets the last error that occurred for the callback item

   cvCBItemsAlloc( count, elements-init, elements-add [, strsize-init [, strsize-add ] ] )
      Allocates a buffer for callback items to collect

   cvCBItemsFree( handle )
      Frees up a buffer allocated by cvCBItemsAlloc

   cvCBItemVar( handle, index )
      Creates a reference to the data collected for the callback item.

Article ID:   W16864
File Created: 2019:08:14:08:57:56
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:08:57:56