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Console Wrapper

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Console Wrapper Extender

 Keywords: ConWrap Console Wrapper Wrap  

The Console Wrapper Extender fully supports redirected STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR with piping and all that.


PackTemp Readme

Developed by Artomegus

PackTemp 1.2


-- Description and syntax

Packs a compiled WinBatch script and optional additional files.

PACKTEMP [/C] [/O destination] [/Y] source [file [...]]

  /C              Uses the console wrapper stub in the output file.
  /O destination  Specifies the path and filename for the output file.
  /Y              Suppresses prompting to confirm overwrite of output file.
  source          Specifies the source executable.
  file            Optional file(s) to be included in the packed executable.

If no destination is specified, the output file will go in a subdirectory
named packtemp in the same directory as the source executable, and the output
file will have the same name as the source executable.

-- Features

PackTemp will pack one or more files into a single executable.  The
resulting executable will unpack the files to a temporary directory, and
then run the source executable (the first file in the list).  After the
source executable terminates, the temporary directory will be deleted.

The temporary folder will be placed in the current user's temporary
directory (specified by the environment variables TMP or TEMP).  The name
of the folder will be the string "es-" followed by a unique hexadecimal

When creating the output file, PackTemp will copy the icon and version
information from the source executable to the output file, so that the
appearance matches that of the source executable.

PackTemp is a console-based application that will log its output to the
console (which can be redirected to a file of course).  PackTemp will
return an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for failure.

-- The source files

For each file listed after the source executable, PackTemp will use a
special search algorithm to reduce the need for having multiple copies
of extender DLLs in different folders.

If the file path is unqualified (i.e. it doesn't start with a drive letter
or backslash), PackTemp will search for it first in the directory of the
source executable.  If the file is not found there, PackTemp will check if
the WinBatch redistributables folder is installed on the local system,
and will search there next.  Lastly, if the file is not found there,
PackTemp will check the current working directory.

-- The stub program

The core of the output file is a stub program that takes care of extracting
the files, waiting for the source executable to finish, and cleaning up
afterwards.  There are two different stub programs: the standard stub
and the console wrapper stub.

There are common features between both stub programs.  Both stubs will set
the priority of the source executable based on the priority used to start
itself, and both stubs pass along the command-line parameters in the same
way (more on this later).  Finally, both stubs will set their own exit code
to match the exit code of the source executable.

Additionally, when starting the source executable, both stub programs
override the current working directory by setting it to the temporary
folder where the source executable was unpacked.  This is done to prevent
compiled WinBatch scripts from looking for DLLs in the current working
directory of the stub program, which could lead to DLL conflicts and could
prevent proper extraction of files in WinBatch scripts compiled with the
"Large EXE" option.

If the source executable needs to know the original working directory, it can
examine the initial command line parameter passed by the stub program.  See
the section below on command line parameters for more information.

-- The standard stub

The standard stub will pass along the same startup information (window
position, etc.) that was used to start itself.  It doesn't create any windows
of its own; it simply unpacks the files to a temporary folder, starts the
source executable, waits for it to terminate, and then deletes the temporary

If the standard stub encounters an error unpacking the files, or any other
fatal error prior to starting the source executable, it will create a file
in the user's temp directory (TMP or TEMP environment variable) named
packtemp-crashlog.txt, and the stub will return an exit code of 1.

-- The console wrapper stub

The console wrapper stub is intended to be used in conjunction with the
console wrapper extender, which allows the compiled WinBatch script to access
STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, and console I/O like a standard console application.
See the conwrap-readme file for more information on using the console wrapper

Unlike the standard stub, the console wrapper stub does not pass along the 
its startup information, because the console wrapper itself is the front end
for the application, and the compiled WinBatch script runs in the background
sending and receiving data to and from the console wrapper.  In fact, when
using the console wrapper, it is best that the compiled WinBatch script runs
hidden to prevent confusion.

By default, PackTemp will use the standard stub, unless the /C switch is used.
If you use the console wrapper stub, be sure to include the console wrapper
extender file (WCONW34I.DLL) in the compiled WinBatch script, or include
it in the packed executable.

If the console wrapper stub encounters an error unpacking the files, or any
other fatal error prior to starting the source executable, it will log a
diagnostic message to STDERR and will return an exit code of 1.

-- Command line parameters

One of the problems with being extracted to a temporary folder is that
the WinBatch script would not normally be aware of the path of the original
stub program that was executed.  Also, both stub programs set the source
executable's working directory to the temporary folder containing it.  To
solve these problems, both stub programs modify the list of parameters passed
to the source executable.

One additional parameter is inserted at the beginning of the list.  The
parameter is actually an item list delimited by the vertical bar (|) symbol.
The first item in the list is the string "<:packtemp:>".  This can be used by
the script to determine whether or not it was executed by a stub program.
The second item in the list is the original path and filename of the stub
program that was executed.  The WinBatch script can use this information
in the same that it would use IntControl 1004.  The third item in the list
is the original current working directory at the time the stub program
was executed.  The WinBatch script can use this information with the
DirChange command to set the current directory.

Here is a code sample indicating how one might check if the script was
run by stub program:

; check if we were run from by a packtemp stub
bPackTemp = @FALSE
if param0
   if "<:packtemp:>" == ItemExtract(1, param1, "|")
      sStubFile = ItemExtract(2, param1, "|")
      sStubDirCurrent = ItemExtract(3, param1, "|")
      bPackTemp = FileExist(sStubFile) && DirExist(sStubDirCurrent)

The above snippet of code does some minor validation of the items passed to
it to verify that the stub file and working directory exist.  If the
information checks out, the bPackTemp variable will be @TRUE.  After the
script has added all its extenders, it can then use the following code
to set the current directory back to the original working directory:

; if a stub started us, change to original working directory
if bPackTemp then DirChange(sStubDirCurrent)

-- Cleaning up

It is important that the source WinBatch executable does not create any
subdirectories in the temporary folder to which it was extracted.  The
stub program has a simple cleanup algorithm and will not recursively
delete directories within the temporary folder.  Also, it is important
that no files in the folder remain locked by other programs after the
WinBatch executable terminates.  Otherwise, the stub program will not
be able to remove the files and delete the temporary folder.

-- Operating system compatibility

PackTemp (and its resulting output files) will not run on Windows 95,
Windows 98, or Windows ME.  It will only run on a Windows NT-based
operating system, which includes Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Server 2003.

-- Examples

The following command would create a packed executable named SOURCE.EXE in
the directory "C:\packtemp":


The following would create a packed executable named OUTPUT.EXE in the
current working directory, and would look for SOURCE.EXE in the current
working directory:


The following would create a subdirectory named "packtemp" in the current
working directory.  Within the subdirectory, it would create a packed
executable named SOURCE.EXE using the console wrapper stub, and
automatically overwriting any existing file.  The files WBDDD34I.DLL
and WCONW34I.DLL would be included in the packed executable:


-- Notes

PackTemp was packed using itself (a non-packed version of course) and makes
use of the console wrapper stub and the console wrapper extender.


Change log


Version 1.0, 24-Aug-2005

    First release

Version 1.1, 26-Aug-2005

    The stubs now modify the command line parameters differently.  Instead
    of inserting multiple parameters at the beginning, the stub programs now
    insert a single parameter, which is an item list delimited by the
    vertical bar (|) symbol.

    The stubs set the current directory of the source executable to the
    temporary folder where it was extracted.  This prevents the compiled
    script from searching for DLLs in the current directory of the stub
    program.  The current directory of the stub program is now in the list
    of data contained in the first parameter passed to the source executable.

    Additional error checking was added to packtemp.wbt to prevent duplicate
    file names in the file manifest.

    The conwrap-readme.txt file was modified to reflect changes in the way
    the packtemp console wrapper stub operates.  No changes were made to
    basic functionality of conwrap.exe or wconw34i.dll.  Conwrap.exe was
    re-compiled to account for minor changes in the error-handling code
    code shared between it and the console wrapper stub.

    The source code project files were cleaned up to change them to use the
    Release configuration as the default, and to fix an issue where a
    header file (strsafe.h) was included in several projects via a relative
    path, and would probably prevent compilation on other systems.

Version 1.2, 31-Oct-2006

    Fixed bug in stub detection code (and example in this document).

    Updated to include Conwrap version 31004.

Version 1.2.1, 14-Nov-2006

    Updated to include Conwrap version 31005.

Conwrap Readme

Console Wrapper/Extender version 31005 
* About the console wrapper and extender 
     The console wrapper, combined with its associated extender, enables 
     WinBatch scripts to interact with the command-line console in the same 
     way as native command-line applications.  The script can read from the 
     standard input file (STDIN) and write to the standard output (STDOUT) 
     and standard error (STDERR) files.  Additionally, the script can write 
     to the console window and read input from the console. 
     The wrapper is a command-line executable that runs a designated WinBatch 
     script.  The wrapper continues to run as long as the script does, and 
     takes care of passing data between the script and the console/standard 
     files.  The script interfaces with the wrapper via the extender, which 
     provides a host of functions for reading and writing data. 
* Using the console wrapper 
     There are two ways to use the console wrapper.  The first way is to use 
     the console wrapper executable, conwrap.exe.  The second way is to use 
     the PackTemp utility with the /C switch to pack the program using the 
     console wrapper stub. 
* The console wrapper executable 
     The executable named conwrap.exe is a wrapper program that will in turn 
     run a WinBatch file.  There are two ways to have conwrap.exe determine 
     the name of the file to run.  In the first method, the filename is the 
     first parameter on the command line.  In the second method, the name of 
     the wrapper executable is modified, which will cause the wrapper to look 
     for a similarly-named file in the same directory. 
     When using the first method, the name of the wrapper executable must be 
     either remain "conwrap.exe", or start with the word "conwrap" (case 
     doesn't matter).  The first parameter can be the path to a WinBatch 
     script (.WBT, .WBC, or .W32), a compiled WinBatch executable, or the 
     main WinBatch interpreter (WinBatch.exe). 
     If you use the name of a script file, then Conwrap will locate the 
     associated executable (e.g. WinBatch.exe) using the file extension.  You 
     can override what executable is used by creating an environment variable 
     in the form of CONWRAP_XXX, where XXX is the extension.  The environment 
     variable should specify the full path to the executable that will 
     execute the script. 
     Here is an example of using a script file: 
     conwrap.exe script.wbt param1 param2 
     Here is an example of using a compiled WinBatch executable: 
     conwrap.exe script.exe param1 param2 
     If the main WinBatch interpreter is used, then the next parameter must 
     be the name of the WinBatch script to run, followed by the actual 
     parameters.  Here is an example of using the main WinBatch executable: 
     conwrap.exe c:\...\WinBatch.exe script.wbt param1 param2 
     The second method for using the wrapper executable involves renaming it.  
     If the name of the wrapper executable starts with anything other than 
     the word "conwrap", then the wrapper will look for a file in the same 
     directory with the same name, but with a .WXE extension.  This file must 
     be a WinBatch script that has been compiled to an executable (small or 
     large EXE).  The WinBatch compiler options can be modified so that the 
     output file ends with the correct .WXE extension.  This method does not 
     support .WBT, .WBC, or .W32 files. 
     An example scenario for using this method would involve compiling a 
     WinBatch script as SCRIPT.WXE.  In the same directory as SCRIPT.WXE, 
     there would also be a copy of CONWRAP.EXE, renamed as SCRIPT.EXE.  When 
     SCRIPT.EXE (the wrapper executable) is run, it will look for and run a 
     file named SCRIPT.WXE in the same directory as itself. 
* The console wrapper stub 
     If the /C switch is used with the PackTemp utility, the resulting 
     executable will use the console wrapper stub.  The stub is nearly 
     identical to conwrap.exe, except that it extracts the compiled script 
     (and other optional files) to a temporary directory before running it.  
     In this case, the compiled script doesn't need to be renamed, because 
     the file information has been added to the stub itself.  Once the script 
     exits, the stub deletes the temporary directory. 
* Command line parameters 
     Both the wrapper executable and stub will pass all command line 
     parameters to the compiled script.  However, the stub inserts one 
     additional parameter at the beginning of the sequence to provide 
     information that would otherwise be unavailable.  Reference the 
     packtemp-readme file for more information. 
* The process exit code 
     When the script exits, both the wrapper executable and stub will set 
     their exit code to match the exit code returned from the script.  
     IntControl 1000 can be used to set the exit code within the script. 
* Using the extender 
     To use the extender in a script, add the following line to the 
     Note that the extender will only function properly if the script was 
     directly called by the wrapper executable or stub.  Thus, it is not 
     possible to have an intermediate program between the wrapper and the 
     When AddExtender is called, the extender will attempt to initialize 
     communications with the wrapper program that called it.  If 
     initialization succeeds, then the cwInitError() function will return 0.  
     If it fails, the value returned by cwInitError() will an error number. 
     Thus, the first thing that should be done after adding the extender is 
     to check the value returned by the cwInitError() function. 
     The included example script, CWTEST.WBT, demonstrates the use of many of 
     the functions.  Here is one method for running the example script from 
     the command line: 
     conwrap.exe cwtest.wbt 
Special precautions:  
* Closing the console window, logging off, or shutting down 
     Console applications (such as the console wrapper) handle certain events 
     much differently than standard Windows applications. For example, if the 
     user closes the console window, either by clicking the close button or 
     closing it from the taskbar, then the console application is given a 
     limited amount of time to finish processing and exit before the user is 
     presented with an option to terminate the application. 
     The same thing happens when the user logs off or shuts down the system, 
     in which case the console application may have even less time to respond 
     (as little as five seconds). 
     Thus, the console wrapper has little choice but to exit as soon as 
     possible when one of these events occur.  When it does happen, the 
     wrapper will execute the following sequence: 
     1) The wrapper will close down communications with the extender.  This 
        causes a couple things to happen: 
        - Extender I/O functions will fail with error 102 (Parent process no 
          longer running).  Thus, error checking should be used around all 
          extender I/O functions. 
        - The cwFlags function can be used to check for this condition 
          without generating an error.  However, this does not eliminate the 
          need for error checking around I/O functions. 
     2) The wrapper will wait two seconds for the WinBatch script to exit.  
        If the script does not exit within this amount of time, then the 
        wrapper will send a WM_CLOSE message to the script.  This message is 
        usually ignored by WinBatch scripts, but processing can be enabled by 
        using IntControl 1008.  Doing this causes WM_CLOSE messages to be 
        handled just like Ctrl+Break. 
     3) The wrapper will wait yet another two seconds for the WinBatch script 
        to exit.  This is used mainly by the console wrapper stub, to give 
        the script time to exit before attempting to delete the temporary 
* Tips for creating well-behaved console scripts 
     Considering the above information, a well-behaved console script should 
     be ready to terminate at any moment.  The following tips can be used to 
     ensure that your script handles things gracefully: 
     - As mentioned before, use error checking around all extender I/O 
       functions, either via ErrorMode(@OFF)/LastError() or by trapping 
     - If the script has a loop that can run for more than a few seconds 
       without processing any input, add code inside the loop to check 
       cwFlags to see if the parent process has terminated. 
     - Consider enabling the processing of WM_CLOSE messages via IntControl 
       1008, and setting IntControl 12 to allow the script to be terminated 
       silently via Ctrl+Break. 
     - If it's not desirable to allow the script to be terminated without 
       notice, try to avoid the use of dialog boxes, message boxes, and other 
       things that temporarily halt script processing. 
     - Use IntControl 38 to enable silent logging of fatal errors. 
     - If another program depends on the exit code returned from the script, 
       set the exit code (using IntControl 1000) early in the script to a 
       default error value.  If the script has to terminate before processing 
       is finished, then the other program will know an error occurred. 
List of extender functions:  
cwControl( number [, value ] ) 
     (i) number     Control item to read/set 
     (i) value      Optional new value for control item 
     (i)            Value of control item 
Use this function to control operation of the extender. 
Control item 1 - Line terminator for cwWrite functions 
     Possible values: 
     0   -   No terminator 
     1   -   CR/LF (default) 
     2   -   LF 
     3   -   CR 
     4   -   Tab 
     The previous value will be returned if a new value is specified. 
Control item 2 - Console input mode 
     Possible values: 
     0   -   Line input mode (default) 
     1   -   Character input mode 
     The previous value will be returned if a new value is specified. 
     In character input mode, the function will return as soon as the user 
     has typed a character.  Typing Ctrl+C will not set the cwCtrlC() flag.  
     Instead, the read function will return ASCII character 3.  Ctrl+Z will 
     return ASCII character 26.  Also, auto-echo is disabled in character 
     input mode.  Special control characters such as function keys and arrow 
     keys are not handled and will not return a value. 
     Note that this setting only affects console input (including STDIN if it 
     has not been redirected from the console).  It has no effect on disk 
     file or pipe input, which are always set to line input mode. 
cwCtrlBreak( [ clear ] ) 
     (i) clear      @TRUE = clear Ctrl+Break flag after reading 
                    @FALSE (default) = don't clear flag after reading 
     (i)            0 - Ctrl+Break has not been pressed 
                    nonzero - Ctrl+Break has been pressed 
Use this function to determine if Ctrl+Break has been pressed in the console. 
If you pass @TRUE for the clear parameter, the flag will be cleared after it 
is read (if it had been set).  Otherwise, cwCtrlBreak will return the same 
value the next time it is called. 
Note that NT based systems handle Ctrl+Break differently then Windows 95 
systems.  On NT systems, when the user presses Ctrl+Break in the console, the 
signal is also passed to the WinBatch script, and should be handled with 
IntControl(12).  On Windows 95/98 systems, the WinBatch script doesn't 
receive the Ctrl+Break signal. 
cwCtrlC( [ clear ] ) 
     (i) clear      @TRUE = clear Ctrl+C flag after reading 
                    @FALSE (default) = don't clear flag after reading 
     (i)            0       - Ctrl+C has not been pressed 
                    nonzero - Ctrl+C has been pressed 
Use this function to determine if Ctrl+C has been pressed in the console. 
If you pass @TRUE for the clear parameter, the flag will be cleared after it 
is read (if it had been set).  Otherwise, cwCtrlC will return the same value 
the next time it is called. 
cwErrorMsg( [ number ] ) 
     (i) number     Error number from cwInitError() or LastError() 
     (s)            Text associated with the specified error number 
Use this function to get the text associated with an error number returned 
from the cwInitError() extender function or the LastError() WIL function. 
cwFlags( mask [, clear ] ) 
     (i) mask       Specifies which flags to check: 
                    1 = Ctrl+C pressed. 
                    2 = Ctrl+Break pressed. 
                    4 = Parent process terminated. 
                    Combine flags with logical OR (|). 
     (i) clear      @TRUE = clear Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break flag after reading 
                    @FALSE (default) = don't clear flag after reading 
     (i)            Status of flag(s). 
Use this function to check the status of several flags maintained by the 
This function can be used as an alternative to the cwCtrlC or cwCtrlBreak 
functions for checking the status of those keys. 
When specifying the mask for which flags to check, combine the values using 
the logical OR operator (|).  For example, if you want to check all three 
flags, the mask would be 1 | 2 | 4, resulting in a value of 7. 
If none of the flags specified in the mask were set, then the return value 
will return zero.  If one or more of the flags were set, then the return 
value will be a combination of one or more of the flags.  To check individual 
flags in the result, use the logical AND operator (&).  For example, if the 
return value was in variable X, then (X & 2) would be non-zero if the 
Ctrl+Break flag was set. 
If flag 4 is set, indicating the parent process has exited, special care 
should be taken to finish processing and exit as soon as possible.  See the 
Special Precautions section above. 
If you pass @TRUE for the clear parameter, the Ctrl+C and/or Ctrl+Break flag 
will be cleared after it is read (if it had been set and was included in the 
mask).  Otherwise, the flag(s) will return the same value the next time the 
function is called.  The flag indicating that the parent process has exited 
cannot be cleared. 
     (i)            Initialization error code 
Use this function to see if an error occurred during extender initialization. 
The function will return 0 if initialization was successful. 
If initialization failed, then none of the extender functions will work 
except this one, cwErrorMsg(), and cwSystemError().  Other extender functions 
will trigger an error. 
The value of cwSystemError() may be set to provide extended debugging 
The value returned by this function can be used with cwErrorMsg to get a 
description of the error. 
cwIsConsole( file ) 
     (i) file       @cwIn, @cwOut, or @cwErr 
     (i)            0 - File is not attached to console 
                    nonzero - File is attached to console 
Use this function to check if the STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR files are attached 
to the console. 
If the function returns a nonzero value, then the associated file is attached 
to the console.  For STDIN, this means that the user will be prompted to type 
input.  For STDOUT and STDERR, this means that output will go to the console 
cwOutputHandle( file ) 
     (i) file       @cwOut, @cwErr, or @cwCon 
     (i)            Handle 
Use this function to obtain a handle that can be passed to system API calls 
(e.g. via DllCall). Data written to the handle will go to the respective file 
(STDOUT, STDERR, or the console window). The handles can only be used for 
output, typically via WriteFile. 
cwRead( file ) 
     (i) file       @cwIn or @cwCon 
     (s)            Line of input 
Use this function to read a line of input from STDIN or the Console. 
If input is coming from a file or pipe, then the function acts very much like 
the FileRead() WIL function.  It will return the string *EOF* when end of 
file is reached, or the pipe is broken. 
If input is coming from the console, and line input mode is enabled, then the 
behavior varies depending on the OS platform: 
Windows 95/98: 
     If the user presses Ctrl+Z, input ends immediately and the function 
     returns *EOF*. 
     If the user presses Ctrl+C, nothing happens, but the cwCtrlC() function 
     will return @TRUE the next time it is checked. 
Windows NT/2000/XP/2003: 
     If the user types Ctrl+Z at the beginning of a line and presses Enter, 
     the function returns *EOF*. 
     If the user presses Ctrl+C, input ends immediately and the function 
     returns *EOF*.  The cwCtrlC() function will return @TRUE the next time 
     it is checked. 
Reference the topic on cwControl(2) for information on changing the console 
input mode. 
     (s)            Line of input. 
Calling this function is the same as calling cwRead(@cwCon) 
     (s)            Line of input. 
Calling this function is the same as calling cwRead(@cwIn) 
     (i)            The last system error that occurred. 
Use this function to obtain extended error information if an error occurs 
while calling a Console Wrapper extender function. 
The error code returned is the value returned by the GetLastError() API call. 
cwType( file ) 
     (i) file       @cwIn, @cwOut, or @cwErr 
     (i)            File type (see below) 
Use this function to check the file type for STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR. 
The function will return one of the following values: 
     0   -   File type could not be determined (rare) 
     1   -   Disk file 
     2   -   Character file (LPT, console, etc.) 
     3   -   Pipe 
File types can vary depending on whether or not input/output was redirected 
when the program was executed. 
cwWrite( file, text [, flag ] ) 
     (i) file       @cwOut, @cwErr, or @cwCon 
     (s) text       Text to output 
     (i) flag       @FALSE - don't add terminator to line 
                    @TRUE (default) - add terminator if set 
     (i)            0 - Normal return value 
                    nonzero - Broken pipe 
Use this function to write output to STDOUT, STDERR, or the Console. 
If output was redirected to a pipe, then this function will return a nonzero 
value if the process on the other end of the pipe terminated or closed the 
pipe handle. 
cwWriteCon( text [, flag ] ) 
     (s) text       Text to output 
     (i) flag       @FALSE - don't add terminator to line 
                    @TRUE (default) - add terminator if set 
     (i)            0 - Normal return value 
                    nonzero - Broken pipe 
Calling this function is the same as calling cwWrite(@cwCon, ... ) 
cwWriteErr( text [, flag ] ) 
     (s) text       Text to output 
     (i) flag       @FALSE - don't add terminator to line 
                    @TRUE (default) - add terminator if set 
     (i)            0 - Normal return value 
                    nonzero - Broken pipe 
Calling this function is the same as calling cwWrite(@cwErr, ... ) 
cwWriteOut( text [, flag ] ) 
     (s) text       Text to output 
     (i) flag       @FALSE - don't add terminator to line 
                    @TRUE (default) - add terminator if set 
     (i)            0 - Normal return value 
                    nonzero - Broken pipe 
Calling this function is the same as calling cwWrite(@cwOut, ... ) 
Error codes 
     101 Extender did not initialize successfully 
               Will be returned by all I/O functions if initialization 
               failed.  Check cwInitError before using I/O functions to avoid 
               this error.  No more I/O can be processed if this error 
     102 Parent process no longer running 
               May occur during I/O functions if the wrapper terminated.  No 
               more I/O can be processed if this error occurs.  Script should 
               exit if this error is encountered. 
     103 Invalid file number for this function. 
               An invalid file number was used with cwWrite or cwRead.  I/O 
               can continue if this error occurs, but the script should be 
               checked to find out why an invalid file number was used. 
     104 Read operation failed 
               A system error occurred during a read operation.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     105 Write operation failed 
               A system error occurred during a write operation.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     106 Error writing IPC command 
               System error while sending a command to the wrapper.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     107 Error reading IPC result 
               System error while reading command result from wrapper.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     108 Error writing IPC data 
               System error while sending data to the wrapper.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     109 Error reading IPC data 
               System error while reading data from the wrapper.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
     110 Failed to allocate memory for command 
               System error while allocating memory for sending data.  Use 
               cwSystemError to get the system error number.  It may be 
               possible for I/O to continue after this error, but it is 
               recommended that the script exit. 
The following errors may be returned by cwInitError: 
     111 OpenFileMapping failed (must start via wrapper program) 
               System error while opening file mapping created by wrapper.  
               Likely indicates that the console wrapper was not used to run 
               the script. 
     112 MapViewOfFile failed 
               System error while trying to map data into memory. 
     113 Version mismatch in initialization data. 
               The version information passed from the wrapper is not 
               compatible with the extender's version. 
     114 Failed to allocate stdin input buffer 
               System error while allocating memory. 
     115 Failed to allocate console input buffer 
               System error while allocating memory. 
     116 Failed to allocate IPC buffer 
               System error while allocating memory. 
Change log 
Version 31001, 07-Jun-2004 
     First release 
Version 31002, 11-Jun-2004 
     Added cwControl item 2 to allow changing console input mode. 
     Added cwCtrlBreak function to check if Ctrl+Break has been pressed. 
     Disk file/pipe input is now handled directly by the extender instead of 
     passing through the console wrapper first. 
Version 31003, 24-Aug-2005 
     Added cwFlags function. 
     Modified wrapper's Close/Logoff/Shutdown handler to send a WM_CLOSE 
     message to the child process (which can optionally be ignored). 
Version 31004, 31-Oct-2006 
     Added cwOutputHandle function. 
Version 31005, 14-Nov-2006 
     Modified the way the target executable is discovered.  If the wrapper 
     executable filename starts with "conwrap", then the first parameter of 
     the command line is used as the target file name.  Otherwise, the 
     wrapper executable name is used with the extension changed to .WXE. 
     The wrapper now provides more verbose information in the event of a 
     fatal error. 

Article ID:   W16865
File Created: 2019:08:14:08:57:56
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:08:57:56