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Dialog Constants

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Dialog Constants for WIL Dialog


The Dialog Constants extender defines a number of constants that are useful for WinBatch dialogs.


To load...

It defines one function
   dlgcVersion()     ... Returns the extender version number

It defines the following constant values
DPO_DIALOG_INIT               = 0    ; Dialog has been created but not displayed.  
                                     ; This event is only generated once pre dialog session.
DPO_TIMER_EVENT               = 1    ; Set a Timer event.
                                     ; (i) > 0 - milliseconds between callbacks
                                     ; 0 - turn off timer; 
                                     ; -1 - return current setting
DPO_PUSHBUTTON_PUSHED         = 2    ; User has pressed a PUSHBUTTON or PICTUREBUTTON control.
                                     ; (i) 1 - turn on event callback
                                     ; 0 - turn off callback
                                     ; -1 - return current setting
DPO_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED      = 3    ; User has selected a RADIOBUTTON.
DPO_CHECKBOX_CHANGED          = 4    ; User has checked or unchecked a CHECKBOX control.
DPO_EDITBOX_TEXTCHANGED       = 5    ; User has changed the text in an EDITBOX or MULTILINEBOX control.
DPO_MULTILINEBOX_TEXTCHANGED  = 5    ; User has changed the text in an EDITBOX or MULTILINEBOX control.
DPO_FILELISTBOX_FILESELECTED  = 6    ; User has selected a file in a FILELISTBOX control.
DPO_ITEMBOX_ITEMSELECTED      = 7    ; User has selected one or more items in a ITEMBOX control.
DPO_DROPLISTBOX_ITEMCHANGED   = 8    ; User has changed the text appearing at the top of a DROPLISTBOX.
                                     ; This event can be triggered by the user picking a new item from the list portion of the control
                                     ; or by the user typing new text into the control.
DPO_CALENDAR_DATECHANGED      = 9    ; User has selected a new date in a CALENDAR control.
                                     ; Note: cycling the month with the right and left arrows 
                                     ; does not produce a callback. The user must click on a 
                                     ; specific day of the month.
DPO_SPINNER_NUMBERCHANGED     = 10   ; User has changed the value of a SPINNER control.
DPO_CLOSE                     = 11   ; User has selected the Close command from the system menu.
                                     ; This event only applies to dialog's with system menus 
                                     ; enabled by a call to IntControl 49.
DPO_FILELISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED = 12   ; The user has used the mouse to double-click an item in an FILELISTBOX.
DPO_ITEMBOX_DOUBLECLICKED     = 13   ; The user has used the mouse to double-click an item in an ITEMBOX
DPO_DIALOG_DISABLE            = 1000 ; Grey the dialog's title bar and redraw dialog as necessary.  
                                     ; Optionally, display the system's "wait cursor".
                                     ; (i) 1 - disable dialog
                                     ; 2 - disable and wait cursor
                                     ; 0 - enable dialog 
                                     ; -1 - return current setting.
DPO_BACKGROUND_CHANGED        = 1001 ; Change the dialog's background bitmap or color.
                                     ; (s) bitmap file name or RBG color string(i)
                                     ; -1 - return current background.

; DialogControlGet(dialog-handle,  control-number, request-code)
DCGET_VALUE                  = 1
DCGET_TEXT                   = 3
DCGET_ITEMLIST               = 5
DCGET_ITEM                   = 6
; DialogControlSet(dialog-handle, control-number, set-request-code, set-info)
DCSET_VALUE                  = 1
DCSET_REPLACE_TEXT           = 3
DCSET_REPLACE_LIST           = 5
DCSET_ADD_ITEM_SORT          = 14
DCSET_REMOVE_ITEM            = 15

; DialogControlState(dialog-handle,  control-number, request-code, style)
DCSTATE_NULL                 = 0    ; Dummy.
DCSTATE_SET_FOCUS            = 1    ; Give a control the input focus.
DCSTATE_QUERY_STYLE          = 2    ; Query a control's style.
DCSTATE_ADD_STYLE            = 3    ; Add one or more styles to a control.
DCSTATE_REMOVE_STYLE         = 4    ; Remove styles from a control.
DCSTATE_GET_FOCUS            = 5    ; Get control that has focus

; Style
DCSTYLE_INVISIBLE            = 1    ; Control is invisible.
DCSTYLE_DISABLED             = 2    ; Control has disabled appearance and does not accept any user input, if would otherwise accept input.
DCSTYLE_LISTONLY             = 4    ; Control will only accept values already in the drop down list portion of the control.
DCSTYLE_BLOCKINPUT           = 8    ; The controls text cannot be change by typing in new text when the control has the input focus.
                                    ; (Note: The user can still change the value in a SPINNER controls by using the up and down arrows.
DCSTYLE_ASTERISK             = 16   ; Displays all characters as an asterisk (*) as they are typed into the control.
DCSTYLE_DEFAULT              = 32   ; A button with this style is the default button when no push or picture button has the input focus.
DCSTYLE_DIGITS               = 64   ; Allows only digits to be entered into the edit type controls. Note: even with this set, it is still possible to paste non-digits into the edit control.
DCSTYLE_FLAT                 = 128  ; Creates a button with a flat appearance.

Article ID:   W16867
File Created: 2019:08:14:08:57:56
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:08:57:56