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Is there an 'AskArrayList'?

Keywords: 	 AskArrayList


It would really be nice if there were a function like AskItemList() that would allow you to pick an item, but do it from an array.

For example, if we have the following array:

   1             2           3
1 Marty blue 17
2 Jeff green 9
3 Bill yellow 35

I would like to display all three lines and have the user pick one.

Currently (unless I'm missing something), I would have to create a variable, manually popualte it with the array:

a = "Marty,blue,17@TABJeff,green,9@TABBill,yellow,35"

display the AskItemList box, figure out which they chose and (difficult) which element of the array it is, then I can work on it.

Am I missing something? Is there an easier way?


Hmmm. It should not be *too* difficult, but it's a kind of too general function to add to WinBatch. But once you get a UDF perfected, you could use it where ever you like. ... try the following udf ...
#DefineFunction udfArrayAskRow (title, array, sortmode, selectmode, askmode)
sortmode = max(@unsorted,min(@sorted,sortmode))
selectmode = max(@single,min(@extended,selectmode))
askmode = max(0,min(1,askmode))
delimitem = @tab
delimrow  = "|"
dimmin = 1
dimmax = 2
dim = ArrInfo(array,0)
If (dim>dimmax) then return ("")
If (dim<dimmin) then return ("")

For i=1 to dimmax

list = ""
For d1=0 to e1
   row = ""
   For d2=0 to e2
      index = ""
      For i=1 to dim
         index = ItemInsert(d%i%,-1,index,",")
      row = ItemInsert(array[%index%],-1,row,delimitem)
   row = ItemInsert(d1,-1,row,delimitem)
   list = ItemInsert(row,-1,list,delimrow)

resultlist = ""
rowlist = AskItemList(title,list,delimrow,sortmode,selectmode)

Select askmode
Case 0
   icount = ItemCount(rowlist,delimrow)
   For i=1 to icount
      rowitem = ItemExtract(i,rowlist,delimrow)
      rownum = ItemExtract(-1,rowitem,delimitem)
      resultlist = ItemInsert(rownum,-1,resultlist,delimrow)
Case 1
   resultlist = rowlist

Return (resultlist)
; parameters:
; title      = title of the AskItemList box.
; array      = 1-dim or 2-dim array variable.
; sortmode   = @sorted    for an alphabetic list.
; sortmode   = @unsorted  to display the list of items as is.
; selectmode = @single    to limit selection to one item.
; selectmode = @multiple  to allow selection of more than one item.
; selectmode = @extended  to allow selection of multiple items by extending the selection with the mouse or shift key.
; askmode    = 0          to return a list of selected array row index/es delimited by "|"
; askmode    = 1          to return a list of selected array row/s delimited by "|"
; If array dimension is not in the allowed range (1..2) then this udf returns an empty string "".
; The function IntControl (63, p1, p2, p3, p4) can be used to set the display coordinates for AskItemList.
; (IntControl 63 can be useful to cut resp. hide the rightmost array column item while displaying the AskItemList box.)
; Detlev Dalitz.20020521

; --- test ---
; create 2-dim test array with d1 rows and d2 columns
d1 = 4
d2 = 4
arr = ArrDimension(d1,d2)

arr[0,0] = "Mickey"
arr[0,1] = "Mouse"
arr[0,2] = 11
arr[0,3] = "MM"

arr[1,0] = "Goofy"
arr[1,1] = "Dog"
arr[1,2] = 22
arr[1,3] = "GD"

arr[2,0] = "Carlo"
arr[2,1] = "Cat"
arr[2,2] = 33
arr[2,3] = "CC"

arr[3,0] = "Dagobert"
arr[3,1] = "Duck"
arr[3,2] = 44
arr[3,3] = "DD"

; another testcase
; create 1-dim test array with d1 rows
;d1 = 4
;arr = ArrDimension(d1)
;arr[0] = "Mickey"
;arr[1] = "Goofy"
;arr[2] = "Carlo"
;arr[3] = "Dagobert"

MsgTitle = "Demo udfArrayAskRow (title, arrayvar, sortmode, selectmode, askmode)"

; test 1.0
title   = "Test 1.0, select single array row (index)"
row     = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @single, 0)
MsgText = row
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; test 1.1
title   = "Test 1.1, select single array row"
rowlist = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @single, 1)
MsgText = rowlist
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; test 2.0
title   = "Test 2.0, select multiple array row/s (index)"
rowlist = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @multiple, 0)
MsgText = StrReplace(rowlist,"|",@crlf)
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; test 2.1
title   = "Test 2.1, select multiple array row/s"
rowlist = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @multiple, 1)
MsgText = StrReplace(rowlist,"|",@crlf)
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; test 3.0
title   = "Test 3.0, select extended array row/s (index)"
rowlist = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @extended, 0)
MsgText = StrReplace(rowlist,"|",@crlf)
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; test 3.1
title   = "Test 3.1, select extended array row/s"
rowlist = udfArrayAskRow (title, arr, @unsorted, @extended, 1)
MsgText = StrReplace(rowlist,"|",@crlf)
MsgText = StrCat(title,@crlf,MsgText)

; you can do the tests with "sortmode = @sorted" too.


Article ID:   W15106
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:49:42
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:49:42