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Searching an array for data


What is the most efficient way to search an array for data without knowing element positions? I have a 2 dimensional array (filled from a CSV file) that I need to find if dimension 1 matches inputted data from a dialog box, and if so get the data that corresponds in dimension 2.

I currently use For Next nested loops and equality checks but this takes far too long, especially if the data being searched is not present.


For current versions of WinBatch use ArrayLocate or ArraySearch.


strList = 'a b c A B C 1 0 -1'
value = 'C' ; (uppercase letter C)
sub1 = 2 ; Start on the third element of the first dimension
; Create an array to search
arrList = Arrayize( strList, ' ' )
; Search the array starting on the third element of the first dimension
arrRslt = ArrayLocate(arrList,value,sub1)
; Read result from the array
result = arrRslt[0]
; Display results ( expect 5 )
Pause( 'ArrayLocate of value: ' : value, 'Element number: ' : result )
; find all occurrences of "fred" in a two dimensional array
arr = ArrDimension(3,2)
arr[0,0] = "fred"
arr[0,1] = "fred"
arr[1,0] = "john"
arr[1,1] = "bill"
arr[2,0] = "tom"
arr[2,1] = "fred"
res = ArrDimension(2)
res[0] = 0
res[1] = 0
While 1
   res = ArrayLocate(arr,"fred",res[0],res[1])
   If res[0] == -1 Then Break
   res[1] = res[1] + 1 ; skip that one
; To find name and city for particular id.
array = ArrDimension (25, 3)
array[1, 0]  = "WN001"     ; id
array[1, 1]  = "fred"      ; name
array[1, 2]  = "amsterdam" ; city
array[2, 0]  = "WN002"     ; id
array[2, 1]  = "pete"      ; name
array[2, 2]  = "rotterdam" ; city
array[7, 0]  = "WN007"     ; id
array[7, 1]  = "detlev"    ; name
array[7, 2]  = "wuppertal" ; city
array[24, 0] = "WN024"     ; id
array[24, 1] = "john"      ; name
array[24, 2] = "new york"  ; city
lookfor = "WN007"
arrResult = ArrayLocate (array, lookfor ) ; arrResult = [7,0]
id = array [arrResult[0], arrResult[1]]
name = array [arrResult[0], arrResult[1] + 1]
city = array [arrResult[0], arrResult[1] + 2]
Pause( 'Results', id: @LF : name : @LF : city )


strList = 'a b c A B C 1 0 -1'
value = 'C' ; (uppercase letter C)
; Create an array to search
arrList = Arrayize( strList, ' ' )
; Search the array
result = ArraySearch( arrList, value, 0, 0, 0, ArrInfo(arrList,1)-1)
; Display results ( expect 5 )
Pause( 'ArraySearch of value: ' : value, 'Element number: ' : result )
When choosing the Binary Fast Search options 1 & 3 to find every occurrence of a duplicate value, you must search in both directions from the first found item. It makes more sense to just do a Linear search when you want to find every occurrence of a value unless you have a very large data set.

The following paragraph is taken from the ArraySearch functions documentation.

 This function will not necessarily locate the item with the lowest index of a set of duplicates. To find every occurrence of a duplicate value, you must search in both directions from the first found item. A linear search is the preferred method to find every occurrence of a value, unless you have a very large data set. 

Fast Binary Search Options 1 & 3
 This function can optionally search using a fast binary search but the array must first be sorted on "search-column' using the ArraySort function. 

Linear Search Options 0 & 2
 A sequential search method for finding a value in an array. Checking each of its elements in sequence, until the desired one is found. If your intent is to locate all duplicate items then a linear search is recommended. 


What you want is "Content Addressable Memory"

where you can lookup the #2 data by supplying the #1 data without the tedious searching.

Use the Content Address memory UDF

Basically copy and paste the whole bit of code and then just figure outthe very bottom part. All the UDF stuff will work like magic.

If there is a delay, it will be in the loading of the data on initialization.

If the data never changes, there are some sleazy hacks available.

OR get the CAM extender:

Article ID:   W15891
File Created: 2014:07:18:09:50:34
Last Updated: 2014:07:18:09:50:34