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Batch Compile UDF


#DefineFunction BatchCompile_UDF(sourcedir, recurseflag)
	; Selects all Winbatch source files in specified directory
	; and compiles them all at once, with no user interaction required

	; NOTE: This code will compile all .wbt files using its existing .cmp configuration file or it 
	; will create a .cmp file using the 'Default' SMALL EXE For Networked PC's compile option.
	; CAUTION - do not run the compiled version of this program as the script
	; will fail to compile itself as the executable will be in use
	; instead run just the WBT file, or run the executable from a path that will not be
	; processed by this script
	if rtStatus()== 1
		Message("Error","This script cannot be run compiled")

	;Check Recurse Flag
	flag = 0
	if recurseflag == @true then flag = 16
	; scan the drives and find all the winbatch source files
	temppath = ""
	while @true
		if file=="" then break
		curdir = FilePath(file)

	 	; Ignore the contents of the Recycled Folder if any wbt files are found
		if StrIndexNc(curdir, "RECYCLED", 1, @FWDSCAN) then continue

		; Only process each unique path once
		if StrICmp(curdir,temppath) == 0 then continue
		temppath = curdir; set the temppath to prevent reprocessing of this path

		;Grab a list of all.wbt files
		wbtfiles = FileItemize(StrCat(curdir,"*.wbt"))

		;skip directories with no .wbt files
		if wbtfiles == "" then continue
		count = ItemCount(wbtfiles,@tab)

		;Loops once for each .wbt file in this directory
		For xx = 1 to count
			; Create a CMP file 
			file = ItemExtract(xx,wbtfiles,@tab)
			root = FileRoot(file)
			cmpfile = StrCat(curdir, root, ".cmp")
			;message("The CMP File is",CmpFile)
			If !FileExist(cmpfile)
				gosub MakeCmp
				; check to make sure the required settings exist
				Type = IniReadPvt("Main", "Type", "", cmpfile)
				Src = IniReadPvt("Main", "Src", "", cmpfile)
				Targ = IniReadPvt("Main", "Targ", "", cmpfile)
				; if any are blank then recreate the CMP file
				if Type == "" || Src == "" || Targ == ""
					gosub MakeCmp
		; Run the compiler with the path name as its only parameter
		RunShell("C:\Program Files\WinBatch\System\WBCompiler.exe", FileNameShort(curdir), curdir,@normal,@nowait)
		Wname = "Select projects to compile"
		If WinWaitExist(Wname, 15)
			;ignore keyboard temporarily
			;Move to the File List Window
			; Select all Files in the Window
			; Now Compile all the files
			;Reenable keyboard
			Wname = "WinBatch Compiler"
			if WinWaitExist(Wname,15)
			Display(5,"Compiler Operation Failed to Complete","Program Execution will Continue!")

return (@TRUE)

  ; MAIN
  IniWritePvt("Main", "Type", 2, CmpFile) ;SMALL EXE COMPILE OPTION
  IniWritePvt("Main", "Src", StrCat(CurDir, root, ".wbt"), CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Main", "Targ", StrCat(CurDir, root, ".exe"), CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Main", "Icon", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Main", "CmpVersion", "3", CmpFile)
  ; Options
  IniWritePvt("Options", "TechWebPage", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Options", "RunHidden", "0", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Options", "LargeExtractDest", "0", CmpFile)
  ; Version Info
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "Comments", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "CompanyName", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "FileDescription", root, CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "FileVersion", "1.0", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "InternalName", StrCat(root,".exe"), CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "LegalCopyright", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "LegalTrademarks", "", CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "OriginalFilename", StrCat(root,".exe"), CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "ProductName", root, CmpFile)
  IniWritePvt("Version Info", "ProductVersion", "1.0", CmpFile)
  ; Other Files
  IniWritePvt("Other Files", "Count", "0", CmpFile)
  ; Extenders
  IniWritePvt("Extenders", "Count", "0", CmpFile)


; WBT directory to batch compile
wbtdir = "C:\WBT_FilesToCompile"
BatchCompile_UDF(wbtdir, @false)
Message("Batch Compile","Complete!")

Article ID:   W16397
File Created: 2008:03:05:11:23:48
Last Updated: 2008:03:05:11:23:48