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How to Launch an Item on the Desktop

Keywords: 	  run desktop item


Do you have sample code showing how to run an item on the desktop?


Here's code to do it:

	hwndex = DLLhwnd("Program Manager")
	hwnd = cwndbyclass(hwndex,"SHELLDLL_DefView")
	hwnd = cwndbyclass(hwnd,"SysListView32")
	wintext = cgetlvtext(hwnd)
	xselect = AskItemList("Choose A Icon To Run", wintext, @TAB, @unsorted, @single)
	num = ItemLocate (xselect, wintext, @TAB)
	cDblClickItem (hwnd, num) 

Article ID:   W13183
Filename:   Run an Item on the Desktop.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:14:57:30
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:14:57:30