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Error 1300: DLL file not loadable

Keywords: dllcall dll file not loadable error 1300

If you are getting Error 1300: DLL file not loadable, then the problem may be that you are DllCall-ing a 16-bit DLL with the 32-bit version of Winbatch, or vice versa. Make sure you're using the 32-bit version of both, or likewise, the 16-bit version of both.

For some reason the DLL could not be loaded.
32 Bit WinBatch can only load 32 bit DLL's. 16 Bit WinBatch can only load 16 bit DLL's.

The message indicates we can find the file, but that we do not like it for some reason. Possible reasons include:

  1. Trying to load a 16 bit DLL from 32 bit WinBatch (or vice versa)
  2. Dll file corrupt on disk
  3. DLL file locked by another application (If this is the case set DLL to read only)
  4. OS out of file handles (rare)
  5. Other supporting DLL's not available.

In WinBatch version 96D and later versions of Winbatch, DllCall/DllLoad now also look for the specified DLL in the directory where the WIL Interpreter application is located.


I've created a compiled WinBatch exe which calls a 32-bit dll. Calling the "DllLoad" function when running the exe on a WinNT machine it works fine. Calling the "DllLoad" function when running the exe on a Win95 machine I get "Error 1300: DLL file not loadable".

The dll file in question I've written using VB50 and VisualDLL. It is purportedly a 32-bit dll. DLL and source available on request. Any suggestions you can provide would be appreciated.


Seems like the DLL has been marked NT only somehow. Can you use it yourself in Win95?

Or otherwise, the DLL references other DLLs not on your Win95 system.

Article ID:   W12942
Filename:   1300 DLL file not loadable.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:50:42
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:50:42