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FileVerInfo Constants

 Keywords: FileVerInfo Version Strings Win32 Resource Blocks

;   ============================================================================
;   File Name:      VERSION_STRINGS_P6C.WIL
;   Synopsis:       Define standard strings used to process standard Windows
;                   version resource (VS_VERSION_INFO) blocks.
;   Dependencies:   None.
;   Remarks:        This file MUST be included AFTER include files
;                   it will behave as it was originally designed, and add ALL of
;                   its constants to the current symbol table.
;   Author:         David A. Gray, Simple Soft Services, Inc., d/b/a WizardWrx,
;                   of Irving, Texas, USA.
;   Copyright:      2012, WizardWrx. All rights reserved world wide.
;   Trademarks:     WizardWrx and P6 Consulting are trade marks of Simple Soft
;                   Services, Inc., of Irving, Texas, USA.
;   Date Written:   Sunday, 30 September 2012
;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   Revision History
;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   Date        Author Version Synopsis
;   ----------  ------ ------- -------------------------------------------------
;   2012/09/30  DAG/WW 1.38    Initial release. The version number corresponds
;                              to that of WIL_CONSTANTS_L_P6C.WIL, the inline
;                              include file where most of the symbolic constants
;                              are defined.
;   ============================================================================

;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   Language strings identify Win32 resource blocks. This includes both version
;   strings and general purpose StringTable resources.
;   If you work in the US, unless you use Microsoft .NET assemblies, you will
;   see mostly VER_LANG_EN_US.
;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    VER_LANG_EN_US       = '040904e4'           ; U. S. English - applies to most
                                                ; regular Windows .EXE and .DLL
                                                ; files, including WIL scripts
                                                ; built with the US English
                                                ; compiler.

    VER_LANG_NEUTRAL     = '04b00000'           ; Language neutral - applies to
                                                ; most .NET assemblies.
                                                ; See GetVersionInfo_P6C.H. (So
                                                ; you don't waste time looking
                                                ; for it on the Internet, this
                                                ; is an unpublished C/C++ header
                                                ; file that I created.)

;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   Following are the standard version resource strings that you are most likely
;   to encounter. They correspond to the fields seen in the Version tab of the
;   property sheet of an executable file (.EXE or .DLL).
;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    VER_COMMENTS         = 'Comments'           ; I am unaware of any formal
                                                ; standards for this field. This
                                                ; field is usually left blank,
                                                ; even in WIL scripts, although
                                                ; there is a spot for it in the
                                                ; generated .CMP file and in the
                                                ; template generated by Visual
                                                ; Studio when you insert a new
                                                ; Version resource.

    VER_COMPANYNAME      = 'CompanyName'        ; Amazingly, I frequently see
                                                ; this field left blank. Hey,
                                                ; it's free advertising.

    VER_FILEDESCRIPTION  = 'FileDescription'    ; See VER_COMMENTS.

    VER_FILE             = 'FileVersion'        ; This is the standard string
                                                ; for file version. See also
                                                ; ProductVersion. Both values
                                                ; are usually, though not
                                                ; always, identical.

    VER_INTERNALNAME     = 'InternalName'       ; This field usually contains
                                                ; the file name, but not always.
                                                ; Its value is usually, though
                                                ; not always, the same as that
                                                ; of OriginalFilename.

    VER_LEGALCOPYRIGHT   = 'LegalCopyright'     ; This is the standard version
                                                ; string for a copyright notice.

    VER_LEGALTRADEMARKS  = 'LegalTrademarks'    ; Use this for trademark notices
                                                ; such as:
                                                ;   FooBar is a registered trade mark of AlphaGeeks, Inc.

    VER_ORIGINALFILENAME = 'OriginalFilename'   ; This field usually, though not
                                                ; always, contains the base file
                                                ; name, such as EZXFER.exe. Its
                                                ; value is usually, though not
                                                ; always, the same as that of
                                                ; InternalName.

    VER_PRIVATEBUILD     = 'PrivateBuild'       ; This is intended primarily for
                                                ; version control systems, such
                                                ; as Visual SourceSafe, Team
                                                ; Foundation Services, CVS, and
                                                ; SourceForge. I have never seen
                                                ; it in a released binary, and
                                                ; it is omitted from the .CMP
                                                ; file template.

    VER_PRODUCTNAME      = 'ProductName'        ; For a standalone program, this
                                                ; is usually he same as the
                                                ; InternalName and OriginalFilename.
                                                ; Executable programs and DLLs that
                                                ; belong to a package, e. g.,
                                                ; Microsoft Office, usually list
                                                ; the package name.

    VER_PRODUCTVERSION   = 'ProductVersion'     ; This is the standard string for
                                                ; product version. See also
                                                ; FileVersion. Both values are
                                                ; usually, though not always,
                                                ; identical.

    VER_SPECIALBUILD     = 'SpecialBuild'       ; SpecialBuild must specify how
                                                ; this file differs from the
                                                ; standard version of the file.
                                                ;   Reference: 1) "FileVersionInfo.SpecialBuild Property"
                                                ;              2) "Nullsoft Scriptable Install System: Special Builds"
                                                ; To date, I have never used
                                                ; this field, nor seen a binary
                                                ; in which it was populated.

;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   These are custom strings added by the WinBatch compiler. They also appear in
;   the file's property sheet, immediately below the standard strings.
;   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    VER_COMPILE_TM       = 'Compiletime'        ; Applies to compiled WinBatch scripts. The string value is in the standard WIL YmdHms format.

    VER_TOOLS_BUILD      = 'ToolsetBuildInfo'   ; Applies to compiled WinBatch scripts. For example, the string in scripts that I compile is as follows.
                                                ;   Compiled with WinBatch Compiler 2012B by David Gray (#123456)
                                                ; The six digit number is parentheses is the control number assigned to the license that was in force when the script was compiled. (The number shown, 123456, is a dummy. I'll keep my control number to myself.)

    VER_TOOLS_COPR       = 'ToolsetCopyright'   ; Applies to compiled WinBatch scripts. My 2012B compiler generates the following string.
                                                ;   Portions Copyright (c) 1990-2012 Wilson WindowWare, Inc.

;   +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
;   |            E n d   o f   I n l i n e   I n c l u d e   F i l e           |
;   +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Article ID:   W17872
Filename:   FileVerInfo Constants.txt
File Created: 2012:10:01:08:00:46
Last Updated: 2012:10:01:08:00:46