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IntControl 60 and Refreshing Printers Control Panel

Keywords: 	  IntControl(60 WM_DEVMODECHANGE


I am installing a new printer and everything seems to be working except IntControl(60 is not refreshing Printers Control Panel. Is there something else I can do to get this refreshed?


I talked to the developers about the . They said maybe you could hit an F5 in the Printers window to refresh?? They also asked if the newly installed printer shows up in your applications?

You might also try the functions in the Printer extender, to see if the change takes effect (the printer extender is available for download from the WIl Extenders section of the Download our Software page below).

It may be that there is some other API call that needs to be made to the system to refresh the Control Panel. As of now, it appears that the Control Panel is only reading the registry changes when it starts Windows. This is not a very appealing solution, but maybe log your user out of Windows and then back in again?

Article ID:   W14285
Filename:   IntControl 60 and DevModeChange Message.txt
File Created: 2001:01:03:13:38:02
Last Updated: 2001:01:03:13:38:02