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Use Private Netscape Bookmark and Cookies Files during Session

Keywords:    netscape 

;************				Paranoia Netscape Navigator Launcher
;************ All disclaimers and legal mumbojumbo that are always applied to shareware/freeware apply to this
;************ chunk of code too.  Every effort was made to throughly debug this script before sending it out.
;************ However, I make ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, as to the operation of this script.
;************ This script modifies the registry.  As with any program which does so, a registry backup should be
;************ performed before running this script for the first time on your computer.
;************ This script was written specifically for use with Netscape.  I have never used MS Internet Explorer but
;************ I am sure that the script will need to be modified to work with MS IE.
;************ When executed, this script creates a backup of the bookmark file then replaces the bookmarks with your
;************ personal copy of bookmark file.  After the Netscape session, the "in use" bookmark file is copied to
;************ your personal bookmark file and the original bookmark file is returned to use.  The cookies file, history
;************ file and cache files are deleted and the current user URL History key of the registry is cleared.
;************ Special Notes
;************ If Netscape is not installed under C:\Program Files, you will need to change the path.  In the three lines
;************ that deal with MyBkmark.htm (the personal bookmark file), you will need to change XXX to the directory
;************ of your choice.  If you REALLY don't want to take the chance of someone seeing this file, you can use a
;************ floppy instead.  When Netscape is launched, the RunWait command calls a shortcut on the desktop instead
;************ of the executable.  If you do not have a shortcut on your desktop, or if the shortcut name is different,
;************ you will need to change this line.  Once in a great while on my computer, Netscape crashes for no obvious
;************ reason.  If this happens during one of your sessions, all bets are off.  You will probably need to deal with
;************ all of the post-session file copying manually.

DirChange ("C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator")
FileCopy ("Bookmark.htm", "Bookmark.tmp", @FALSE)					;back up bookmarks
If FileExist ("C:\XXX\MyBkmark.htm") == @FALSE then goto NoBook				;check if personal bookmarks exist
FileCopy ("C:\XXX\MyBkmark.htm", "Bookmark.htm", @FALSE)				;replace with personal bookmarks
DirChange ("C:\")
RunWait ("C:\Windows\Desktop\Netscape Navigator Gold", "")				;run Netscape, wait for session end
DirChange ("C:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator")
FileCopy ("Bookmark.htm", "C:\XXX\MyBkmark.htm", @FALSE)				;copy out to personal bookmarks
FileCopy ("Bookmark.tmp", "Bookmark.htm", @FALSE)					;restore original bookmarks
FileDelete ("Cookies.txt")								;delete cookies
FileDelete ("Netscape.hst")								;delete history
DirChange ("Cache")
FileDelete ("*.*")									;delete cache files
DirChange ("C:\Windows")
URLS = RegQueryItem(@REGCURRENT,"Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\URL History")	;check URL History
if URLS == "" then goto done								;if no URL History, done
len = ItemCount(URLS, @TAB)								;count URL History items
for I = 1 to len
DelURL = ItemExtract (I, URLS, @TAB)
RegDelValue (@REGCURRENT,"Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\URL History[%DelURL%]")	;delete URL History items
DirChange ("C:\")

Article ID:   W13808
Filename:   Use Private Netscape Bookmark and Cookies during Session.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:56:30
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:56:30