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Syntax Checker

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Syntax Checker

Keywords: 	 syntax checker

This is a primitive WinBatch Syntax checker. It is designed to be placed into the WSP-USER.MNU file to add user defined items to the WinBatch Studio right-click pop-up menu.

_Syntax checker                                             ; v1.00 17/09/1999 
    cancelactive=0                                          ; recovery setup
    xxact=WinGetactive()                                    ; get edit window
    If IsKeyDown(@CTRL | @SHIFT) Then kino=1                ; cinema show ?
        Else kino=0                                         ; not today
    If kino Then AddExtender("wwsop32i.DLL")                ; get projector if nec. 
    lmax=500                                                ; max line length, should be enough
    If wGetSelstate() Then                                  ; anything selected
        xxcurl2=wGetLineNo()                                ; get end of selection line number
        wCut()                                              ; yes, copy it to clipboard
        xxcurl1=wGetLineNo()                                ; get start of selection line number
        Else                                                ;  
        xxcurl1=1                                           ; line # 1 for all
        wSelectAll()                                        ; no, get the lot
        xxcurl2=wGetLineNo()                                ; get end of selection line number
        wCut()                                              ; now
        EndIf                                               ;  
    afiles=(xxcurl2-xxcurl1+1)*lmax                         ; assuming max line lenght
    rbuf=BinaryAlloc(afiles)                                ; buf for current file
    cbuf=BinaryAlloc(afiles)                                ; buf in case of cancel
    nbuf=BinaryAlloc(afiles+10000)                          ; buf for modified selection + expansion
    :CANCEL                                                 ; like all good programs
    If cancelactive                                         ; oops time?
        If kino Then aStatusbar(2,"",""," ",0)              ; close show
        BinaryFree(rbuf)                                    ; return to owner
        BinaryFree(nbuf)                                    ; return to owner
        BinaryClipPut(cBuf, 1)                              ; restore text befor syntax check
        wPaste()                                            ; stick back in edit file
        wGotoLine(xxcurl1)                                  ; point back at original location
        BinaryFree(cbuf)                                    ; return to owner
        Exit                                                ; emergency exit
        Else                                                ;
        cancelactive=1                                      ; strap on parachute
        EndIf                                               ;
    BinaryClipGet(rBuf, 1)                                  ; and stick it in the buffer
    BinaryClipGet(cBuf, 1)                                  ; and stick it in recovery buffer
    ls=0                                                    ; starting point for unmodified lines
    If kino Then aStatusbar(0,"",""," ",0)                  ; start cinema show 
    totalbar=(xxcurl2-xxcurl1+1)                            ; total recs so far
    tsf=0                                                   ; total so far
    Brk = BinaryEodGet(rBuf)                                ; max buffer
    While ls < Brk                                          ; go through input buffer
        rc=0                                                ; no @crlf required
        le = BinaryIndexEx(rbuf,ls,@CRLF,@FWDSCAN,0)        ; find end of line
        If le < 0 Then le = brk                             ; end of buffer; last line
            Else rc=1                                       ; @crlf required 
        ll=le-ls                                            ; ll is length of current line 
        tsf=tsf+1                                           ; processed counter
        If ll <> 0                                          ;  
            dataline=BinaryPeekStr(rbuf,ls,ll)              ; process i/p record
            GoSub checksynif                                ; check for if problems
            GoSub checksynbrk                               ; check for odd delimiters
            ;add new subroutine here to cure YOUR problems return with dataline changed/unchanged ; 
            If rc Then BinaryPokeStr(nbuf,BinaryEodGet(nbuf),StrCat(dataline,@CRLF)) ; add to new buffer with @crlf
                Else BinaryPokeStr(nbuf,BinaryEodGet(nbuf),dataline) ; add to new buffer data only
            ls=ls+StrLen(dataline)                          ; add length of old/modified data
            Else                                            ;  
            BinaryPokeStr(nbuf,BinaryEodGet(nbuf),@CRLF)    ; add one blank line
            EndIf                                           ;  
        If rc Then ls=ls+2                                  ; minimum increase in rbuf size
        If kino Then aStatusbar(1,totalbar,"",totalbar,tsf) ; enjoy
        EndWhile                                            ;  
    BinaryEodSet(nbuf,ls)                                   ; set length of restore
    BinaryClipPut(nBuf, 1)                                  ; text format
    wPaste()                                                ; stick back in edit file
    wGotoLine(xxcurl1)                                      ; point back at original location
    BinaryFree(nbuf)                                        ; free output buffer
    BinaryFree(rbuf)                                        ; free input buffer
    BinaryFree(cbuf)                                        ; free original screen data
    If kino Then aStatusbar(2,"",""," ",0)                  ; close show
    ;winactivate(xxact)                                     ; get focus on edit window again
    Drop(parms,lmax,xxcurl1,xxcurl2,brk,afiles,brks,nbuf,kino,tsf,totalbar) ; drop 'em
    Drop(lmax,rbuf,ls,le,ll,xxact,x,dataline,dl2,x1,cancelactive,rc) ; drop 'em
    Display(1,"Syntax","checks finished")                   ; finished
    Exit                                                    ; finished syntax checking
    :checksynif                                             ; do some basic == v = syntax checking
    dl2=dataline                                            ; copy input
    x=StrIndex(dl2," ; ",0,@BACKSCAN)                       ; try cutting out the comment  
    If x Then dl2=StrSub(dl2,1,x)                           ; data to scan
    x=StrIndexNC(dl2,"if",0,@FWDSCAN)                       ; always confuse == with = 
    If x                                                    ; home in on trouble maker
        x1=StrIndexNC(dl2," then",x,@FWDSCAN)               ; look for then on if line
        x=StrIndex(dl2,"=",x+2,@FWDSCAN)                    ; find first = sign
        If x1<x                                             ; if then before = then forget it
            Else                                            ; 
            x1=1                                            ; set trap
            If x Then x1=StrIndex(dl2,"==",x,@FWDSCAN)      ; check for ==
            If !x1 Then dataline=AskLine("Syntax - missing == in line %tsf% ?","Hit enter to accept or edit line",dataline)
            EndIf                                           ; 
        EndIf                                               ;  
    Return                                                  ;  
    :checksynbrk                                            ; check for odd brackets, 95percent of my probs
     dl2=dataline                                           ; copy input
    x=StrIndex(dl2," ; ",0,@BACKSCAN)                       ; try cutting out the comment  
    If x Then dl2=StrSub(dl2,1,x)                           ; data to scan
    x=1                                                     ; scanning position
    brks=0                                                  ; set up count
    While x<=StrLen(dl2)                                    ; set up loop for scan
        x1=StrScan(dl2,"()[]{""''``}%%",x,@FWDSCAN)         ; scan for delimters in list
        If x1                                               ; if found
            If brks Then brks=0                             ; incr count
                Else brks=1                                 ; decr count
            EndIf                                           ;  
        If !x1 Then Break                                   ; scanned all?
            Else x=x1+1                                     ; scan again start at next position
        EndWhile                                            ;  
    If brks Then dataline=AskLine("Syntax - missing delimter in line %tsf% ?","Hit enter to accept or edit line",dataline)
    Return                                                  ; 

Article ID:   W14967
File Created: 2003:05:28:10:23:10
Last Updated: 2003:05:28:10:23:10