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Sending Keystrokes

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Send Fn key on a Notebook


Here's a hack for sending "Fn" keys on a Dell notebook.
#DefineFunction GetVirualKeyScanCode( nVirtualKey )

   sDll = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "user32.dll")
   nScanCode = DllCall(sDll, long:"MapVirtualKeyA", long:nVirtualKey, long:0)

   Return nScanCode

; Note to self: never post to the board before having first cup of coffee....

; The trick is figuring out the scan code for the key when the Fn key is down.
; On my Dell the Fn+Dn keys mute the speakers.  The scan code for this is 32
; You may find the scan code for your notebook via Google or by trial and error.

#DefineFunction SendFnKey( wScanCode )

   ; Initialize
   nSize    = 28  ; Size of input structure.
   nOffset  = 0   ; Current buffer location.

   ; Flag member values
   INPUT_KEYBOARD        = 1
   KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 1  ; Causes a 0x 30 to be sent ahead of the key
                              ; This gives the scan code the "fn" meaning.
   KEYEVENTF_KEYUP       = 2

   ; 2 stucture buffer.
   Input  = BinaryAlloc(nSize * 2 )

   ; Key down structure
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, INPUT_KEYBOARD) ; type
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke2(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; wVk  - ignored
   nOffset = nOffset + 2
   BinaryPoke2(Input, nOffset, wScanCode)  ; wScan
   nOffset = nOffset + 2
   nFlagOff = nOffset
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; time - not used
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; dwExtraInfo - not used

   ; Key up structure
   nOffset = nSize
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, INPUT_KEYBOARD) ; type
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke2(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; wVk  - ignored
   nOffset = nOffset + 2
   BinaryPoke2(Input, nOffset, wScanCode)  ; wScan
   nOffset = nOffset + 2
   nFlagOff = nOffset
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; time - not used
   nOffset = nOffset + 4
   BinaryPoke4(Input, nOffset, 0)  ; dwExtraInfo - not used

   ; Get a structure pointer.
   pInput = IntControl(42, Input, 0, 0, 0)

   ; Do the deed.
   sDll = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "user32.dll")
   nResult = DllCall(sDll, long:"SendInput", long:2, long:pInput, long:nSize ); key down

   ; Clean up

   Return nResult ; 0 on failure otherwise number of inputs.

;VK_END =  35
;nScanCode = GetVirualKeyScanCode( 68 )
;message("Scan code", nScanCode)

; Mute the speakers.
nResult = SendFnKey(32)

If nResult == 2
   sText = "Success"
   sText = "Failure"
Message("SendFnKey", sText)

Article ID:   W18270
Filename:   Send Fn key on a Notebook.txt
File Created: 2008:05:19:07:40:40
Last Updated: 2008:05:19:07:40:40