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Shortcut Information

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Make a quick launch shortcut

This shows how to make a standard shortcut on the "Quick Launch" section of the START menu bar.
;Get user application data directory

;add path to quick launch directory
quicklaunchdir=StrCat(appdatadir,"Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\")

;Define shortcut name
linkfile="Run Notepad.lnk"

;Define application to run

;build full lnk file name

;does shortcut of sname name exist?
; FileExist does not work as expected for shortcuts
;If shortcut exists, delete it
If test != "" Then FileDelete(fulllnkfile)

;Make new quick launch shortcut


Article ID:   W16217
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:43:20
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:43:20