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TCPIP and IP Address

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TCP Port Status Script

Keywords: 	 tcp port status	 tcpstat netstat

; tcpstat.wbt  Return information similar to 'netstat -anp tcp'
; The purpose of referencing the DLL was to avoid the need for relying on
; external commands (other than the DLL) to get netstat results and two
; commands which run in the POSIX subsystem to parse the data (grep and wc).
;The GetTcpTable function retrieves the TCP connection table.
;DWORD GetTcpTable(
;  PMIB_TCPTABLE pTcpTable,  // buffer for the connection table
;  PDWORD pdwSize,           // size of the buffer
;  BOOL bOrder               // sort the table?
;	[out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the TCP connection table as a MIB_TCPTABLE structure. 
;	[in, out] On input, specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the pTcpTable parameter. 
;	On output, if the buffer is not large enough to hold the returned connection table,
;		the function sets this parameter equal to the required buffer size. 
;	[in] Specifies whether the connection table should be sorted. If this parameter is TRUE,
;			the table is sorted in the order of: 
;				Local IP address 
;				Local port 
;				Remote IP address 
;				Remote port 
;Return Values
;	If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.
;	If the function fails, use FormatMessage to obtain the message string for the returned error.
Run("f:\tcpstat\tcpstat.cmd","") ; pipe 'netstat -anp tcp' into a file for comparison
; The GetTcpTable states that if the buffer to hold the data is too small, the function returns
; the necessary buffer size which is why the function is first called with lpnull and a pointer
; to a binary buffer to receive the required buffer size.
bbdwSize=BinaryAlloc(4) ; create 4 byte buffer
BinaryPoke4(bbdwSize,0,0) ; set first byte in buffer to zero
DLLCall(dllname,long:entrypoint,lpnull,lpbinary:bbdwsize,long:0) ; call function
size=BinaryPeek4(bbdwsize,0) ; read buffer size populated by the DLL function
binbuf=BinaryAlloc(size) ; create a binary buffer with the required size
BinaryEodSet(binbuf,size) ; set end of buffer to match its size
outputbuf=BinaryAlloc(size+300) ; create a binary buffer to use for output
outputheader=StrCat("Port State,Local IP,Local Port,Remote IP,Remote Port",@CRLF)
result=DLLCall(dllname,long:entrypoint,lpbinary:binbuf,lpbinary:bbdwsize,long:1) ; call function
; Function filled the binary buffer with the number of entries and a table with their values
; as specified by PMIB_TCPTABLE above.
;The MIB_TCPTABLE structure contains a table of TCP connections. 
;typedef struct _MIB_TCPTABLE {
;  DWORD      dwNumEntries;    // number of entries in the table 
;  MIB_TCPROW table[ANY_SIZE]; // array of TCP connections 
;	dwNumEntries 
;		Specifies the number of entries in the table. 
;	table[ANY_SIZE] 
;		Pointer to a table of TCP connections implemented as an array of MIB_TCPROW structures. 
numberofentries=BinaryPeek4(binbuf,0) ; Get number of entries
;The MIB_TCPROW structure contains information for a TCP connection.
;typedef struct _MIB_TCPROW {
;  DWORD   dwState;        // state of the connection
;  DWORD   dwLocalAddr;    // address on local computer
;  DWORD   dwLocalPort;    // port number on local computer
;  DWORD   dwRemoteAddr;   // address on remote computer
;  DWORD   dwRemotePort;   // port number on remote computer
;dwstate -- Specifies the state of the TCP connection. This member can have one of the following values.
;				as defined in the header file iprtrmib.h.
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSED            1
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_LISTEN            2
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_SENT          3
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_SYN_RCVD          4
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_ESTAB             5
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT1         6
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_FIN_WAIT2         7
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT        8
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_CLOSING           9
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_LAST_ACK         10
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT        11
;	#define MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB       12
;dwLocalAddr -- Specifies the address for the connection on the local computer. 
;dwLocalPort -- Specifies the port number for the connection on the local computer. 
;dwRemoteAddr -- Specifies the address for the connection on the remote computer. 
;dwRemotePort -- Specifies the port number the connection on the remote computer. 
x=4 ; buffer start location for connection table information 
for y = 1 to numberofentries ; loop through binary structure for entry info (20 byte increments [5 entries of 4 byte values])
	portstate=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x) ; first byte of first 32bit entry (port status)
	localaddr1=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 4) ; first byte of second 32bit entry (first IP octet)
	localaddr2=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 5) ; second byte of second 32bit entry (second IP octet)
	localaddr3=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 6) ; third byte of second 32bit entry (third IP octet)
	localaddr4=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 7) ; fourth byte of second 32bit entry (fourth IP octet)
	localaddr=StrCat(localaddr1,".",localaddr2,".",localaddr3,".",localaddr4) ; append octets to form local IP address
	portv1=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 8) ; first byte of third 32bit entry (first port value)
	portv2=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 9) ; second byte of third 32bit entry (second port value)
	localport=(portv1 << 8) + portv2 ; shift first byte over 8 plus second byte to get local port
	If portstate == 2 ;Listening port doesn't have remote connection
		remoteaddr1=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 12) ; first byte of fourth 32bit entry (first IP octet)
		remoteaddr2=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 13) ; second byte of fourth 32bit entry (second IP octet)
		remoteaddr3=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 14) ; third byte of fourth 32bit entry (third IP octet)
		remoteaddr4=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 15) ; fourth byte of fourth 32bit entry (fourth IP octet)
		remoteaddr=StrCat(remoteaddr1,".",remoteaddr2,".",remoteaddr3,".",remoteaddr4) ; append octets to form remote IP address
		portv1=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 16) ; first byte of fifth 32bit entry (first port value)
		portv2=BinaryPeek(binbuf,x + 17) ; second byte of fifth 32bit entry (second port value)
		remoteport= (portv1 << 8 ) + portv2 ; shift first byte over 8 plus second byte to get remote port
	values=StrCat(portstate,",",localaddr,",",localport,",",remoteaddr,",",remoteport,@CRLF); append table row entries together
	outputbufend=BinaryEODGet(outputbuf) ; get end of output buffer information
	BinaryPokeStr(outputbuf,outputbufend,values) ; insert row entry information into output buffer
	x=x+20 ; increment row entry start position by offset of 20
BinaryWrite(binbuf,"f:\tcpstat\debug.bin") ; write buffer information from 'GetTcpTable' as a hex file to debug
BinaryWrite(outputbuf,"f:\tcpstat\tcpstat.txt") ; write processed buffer info into a results file
; parse output buffer for statistics here and send results to SQL database

Article ID:   W14976
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:41:16
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:41:16