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Time - Timer and Date Functions

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Count Number of Mondays In a Month

 Keywords: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays Month Year Count 

Find Mondays ( whatever)  In a given month

daycode=1   ; Sun=0 Mon=1 ... sat=6

ThisDayList="Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat"
ThisMonthList="Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec"
ThisMonth=ItemExtract(month,thismonthList," ")
ThisDay=ItemExtract(daycode+1,ThisDayList," ")

; Determine if this year is a leap year
Feb28PlusOne=TimeAdd(Feb28,"0000:00:01:00:00:00")   ;Add a day to Feb28
If TestDay==29 Then FebDaze=29
               Else FebDaze=28

;make small table of days on a month
DaysInThisMonth=ItemExtract(Month,"31 %FebDaze% 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31"," ")

;Get the daycode of the first of the month

DaycodeOfFirst=((TimeJulianDay("%year%:%month%:01:00:00:00") +5) mod 7)
;Pause("Daycode of first of month",DayCodeOfFirst)

;Get first day of month of the desired day
If daycodeuse < daycodeoffirst Then daycodeuse = daycodeuse+7
;Pause("daycodeuse %daycode%",daycodeuse)
DateofFirstMatchingDay = daycodeuse - DayCodeOfFirst +1
;Pause("Get date of first matching day", DateofFirstMatchingDay)

; are there 4 or 5 of those sort of days in the month
WeekDaysInMonth=4     ; always at least 4
DaysLeftAfterFirstmatchingDay = DaysInThisMonth - DateofFirstMatchingDay
If DaysLeftAfterFirstmatchingDay >= 28 Then WeekDaysInMonth = WeekDaysInMonth+1

Message(ThisDay: "'s in " :ThisMonth : " " : Year,   "         " : WeekDaysInMonth )

Article ID:   W17473
File Created: 2008:04:10:15:11:18
Last Updated: 2008:04:10:15:11:18