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Time - Timer and Date Functions

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Reformat TimeYmdHms for Simple Display

Keywords: 	   TimeYmdHms timedate datetime


I want the date to display like:
Is there a Winbatch function to do that?


Here's some simple code to do it:

year  = ItemExtract(1,now,":") mod 100
month = ItemExtract(2,now,":")
day   = ItemExtract(3,now,":")

;Some days and months may only have one digit.  
;To make sure they have two digits:
If StrLen(year) == 1 then year ="0%year%"
If StrLen(month) == 1 then month="0%month%"
If StrLen(day) == 1 then day= "0%day%"

thedate = Strcat(month,"/",day,"/",year)
message("New date format", thedate)

Article ID:   W14409
Filename:   Reformat TimeDate for Display.txt
File Created: 2001:01:09:12:05:46
Last Updated: 2001:01:09:12:05:46