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Time - Timer and Date Functions

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Run Winbatch Every Two Weeks

Keywords:   two weeks	timejulianday


I would like to write a script to execute every 2 weeks on a specific day at a specific time, e.g. on Wednesday at 2:30 in the morning. But, I need a starting point for this script meaning this script will execute another program that will download data from payroll, so this can only run after a payroll period. So I cannot run it any 2 weeks it has to be every 2 weeks after a pay period.


If you mean every two weeks forever starting at some particular initial payroll date...
timejulianday(timeymdhms()) mod 14 ==timejulianday(initial_payroll_date) mod 14 

Article ID:   W14979
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:41:18
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:41:18