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Time - Timer and Date Functions

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Schedule to run every hour

 Keywords:  Schedule run every hour


I need to execute a couple different applications in order, every hour. Does Winbatch have to ability to schedule itself?


Yes, You can use the TimeWait function to help schedule a task every hour. Here is some sample code....
IntControl(12,9,0,0,0)    ;refuse to terminate WB; allow Windows termination quietly
TimeToWait = "0000:00:00:01:00:00"  ; 1 hour
While 1 ; do forever
      Message("","Add Your code Here")
		;Get Current time
		Now=TimeYmdHms( )

		;Add an hour to the current time
		HourLater = TimeAdd(Now,TimeToWait)

		;Wait an hour

Article ID:   W14980
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:41:18
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:41:18