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UDF - UDS Library

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Free WinBatch Resources UDF

 Keywords:  Unload Free Resources Garbage Collector Collection UDF UDS IntControl 77 File Handle Variables Binary Buffer COM OLE Object Arrays Registry DLL WinBatch 

;**            udfFreeResources( nScopeFlag, nShowFlag )
;** Keywords: Free Unload Resources Garbage Collector Collection UDF UDS
;** Purpose: Close open handles and free resources explicitly.
;**          This UDS should be called at the END of your script.
;** Background: WinBatch automatically frees resources when it exits. However If you have a main script calling
;**  multiple scripts using the Call function, the resources created by the called script are not freed upon return
;**  One way to handle this is to use RunWait() instead of Call(). The issue with RunWait is the variables are not
;**  shared between the Main script and the Called scripts.
;** Parameters:
;**  [nScopeFlag Parameter]
;**   0 : Free All Resources. This will also free resource in the Main Script!!!!
;**       This option does not handle Registry & Dll handles.
;**   1 : Free Only Prefixed Resources. This assumes you named all the various elements in your script
;**       with these leading characters:
;**            f_   File handles
;**            b_   Binary buffers
;**            o_   COM Object handles
;**            v_   Variables - includes: Strings, Integer, Floating Point, Arrays & Variants
;**       This option can also be used to handle closing these prefixed Registry & Dll handles:
;**            r_   Registry handles defined with RegOpenKey.
;**            d_   Dll handles defined with DllLoad.
;**            c_   DllCallback handles defined with DllCallbackCreate.
;**  [nShowFlag Parameter]
;**   0 : Do Not Show Progress Messages.
;**   1 : Show Progress Messages.
;** DevNotes:
;**  The Drop function automatically free Arrays, COM object and Strings but
;**  Binary Buffers, File Handles, Remote Registry handles and Dll/DllCallBack handles are not.
;**  WinBatch automatically frees the following resources when it exits: Arrays, COM object and Strings
;**  That is because WinBatch reference counts these items.
;**  However binary buffers, file, registry and Dll/DllCallBack handles are not reference counted and
;**  are the responsibility of the script developer to release them.
;** TO DO: nada.
;** Revisions:
;**  1.0 ( 2012.11.15 ) Deana Falk
;**  Initial Release.
;**  1.1 ( 2013.01.31 ) Deana Falk
;**  Added code to attempt to free any loaded extender dlls.
#DefineSubRoutine udfFreeResources(nScopeFlag,nShowFlag)

   sVars = IntControl (77, 12, 0, 0, 0) ; List of variables assigned
   nTimeout = 0 ; Effects the amount of time used to display messages if nShowFlag = 1

   sSkipVars = 'n,sVars,sVarEntry,nType,nTimeout,sPreFix,nScopeFlag,nShowFlag' ; Ignore these vars for now , will drop later
   If nShowFlag Then BoxOpen('Freed Resources - Total Items = ' : ItemCount( sVars, @TAB ), '' )

   For n=1 To ItemCount( sVars, @TAB )
      sVarEntry = ItemExtract( n, sVars, @TAB ) ; Get assigned variable name

      ; Skip UDS variables and Drop() them just before returning
      If ItemLocate( StrLower( sVarEntry ), StrLower( sSkipVars ), ',' ) Then Continue

      nType = VarType( %sVarEntry% ) ; Gets the data type of a variable
      sPrefix = StrSub( sVarEntry, 1, 2 ) ; Gets the Prefix of the varaible

      Switch nType
         Case -1   ; Function name, reserved word or string constant
         Case 0    ; Undefined
            ; Ignore function name, reserved word or string constant and UNDEFINED variables
         Case 1    ; Integer
            If sPreFix == 'r_' && nScopeFlag == 1  ; Registry Key Handle
               If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing Registry Handle: ': sVarEntry )
               TimeDelay( nTimeout )
               RegCloseKey( %sVarEntry% )
            If sPreFix == 'c_' && nScopeFlag == 1  ; DllCallback Handle
               If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing DllCallback Handle: ': sVarEntry )
               TimeDelay( nTimeout )
               DllCallbackDestroy( %sVarEntry% )
         Case 2    ; String
             If sPreFix == 'd_' && nScopeFlag == 1  ; Dll Handle
                If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing Dll Handle: ': sVarEntry )
                TimeDelay( nTimeout )
                DllFree( %sVarEntry% )
         Case 32   ; Floating point value
         Case 128  ; LPWSTR or "Unicode"
         Case 256  ; Array
         Case 512  ; Variant
            If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Dropping Variable: ': sVarEntry )
            TimeDelay( nTimeout )
         Case nType|4 ; File Handle
            If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing File Handle Variable: ': sVarEntry )
            TimeDelay( nTimeout )
            If sPreFix == 'f_' && nScopeFlag == 1
               FileClose( %sVarEntry% )
               FileClose( %sVarEntry% )
         Case nType|64 ; Binary Buffer
            If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing Binary Buffer Handle: ': sVarEntry )
            TimeDelay( nTimeout )
            If sPreFix == 'b_' && nScopeFlag == 1
               BinaryFree( %sVarEntry% )
               BinaryFree( %sVarEntry% )
         Case nType|1024 ; COM Object Handle
            If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Closing COM Object Handle: ': sVarEntry )
            If sPreFix == 'o_' && nScopeFlag == 1
               %sVarEntry% = 0
               %sVarEntry% = 0

      If nScopeFlag == 1 ;Check flag - Free Only Called Resources.
         If sPreFix == 'f_' || sPreFix == 'b_' || sPreFix == 'o_'  || sPreFix == 'v_' || sPreFix == 'r_' || sPreFix == 'd_' || sPreFix == 'c_'
         ; Must Also Explicitly Remove Params
         If StrSub( StrLower( sVarEntry), 1, 5 ) == 'param'
         Drop(%sVarEntry%) ;Drops All Vars Regardless of Prefix

   ;**   Frees all UDF/UDS's
   ;**   IMPORTANT: This cannot be called inside any UDS/UDF
   ;**   Make sure to call this function after calling this UDS.
   ;**   NOTE: Frees all UDS/UDFs from both the Main and any called scripts.
   ;**   IntControl(78, 0, 0, 0, 0)

   ;**   Unload Extenders using udfRemoveExtender
   ;**   Unfortunately there is currently no way to accomplish this currently
   ; nExtender = IntControl (77, 40, 0, 0, 0) ; number of extenders loaded
   ; nSlots = IntControl (77, 41, 0, 0, 0) ; number of extender slots available
   ; sExtList = IntControl (77, 42, 0, 0, 0) ; tab-delimited list of extenders loaded
   ;If IntControl (77, 40, 0, 0, 0) > 0
      ;; Exiting the script automagically frees Extender resources
      ;udfRemoveExtender( AskItemList("Extenders Loaded", IntControl (77, 42, 0, 0, 0), @Tab, @Sorted, @single ) )

   ;**      Drop all variables defined in this UDS
   If nShowFlag Then BoxText( 'Done Freeing Resources' )
   sSkipVars = sSkipVars:',sSkipVars'; Don't forget to include this var

   ;**  Error Checking
   ;**  Confirm Resources Have Been Freed
   ;   20 number of files open
   ;   30 number of binary buffers open
   ;   40 number of extenders loaded  ( not currently handled  )
   ;   60 number of COM/OLE objects open
   ;   90 number of UDF's defined ( not currently handled - expect 1  )
   ;   110 number of DDE conversations open
   ;Pause( 'Number of Files Open', IntControl(77,20,0,0,0)); Expect 0
   ;Pause( 'Number of Binary Buffers Open', IntControl(77,30,0,0,0)); Expect 0
   ;Pause( 'Number of COM/OLE Objects Open', IntControl(77,60,0,0,0)); Expect 0
   If IntControl( 77,20,0,0,0 ) != 0 Then Pause( 'Notice', 'Number of Files Open ' : IntControl(77,20,0,0,0) )  ; Number of Files Open - Expect 0
   If IntControl( 77,30,0,0,0 ) != 0 Then Pause( 'Notice', 'Number of Binary Buffers Open ' : IntControl(77,30,0,0,0) )  ; Number of Binary Buffers Open - Expect 0
   If IntControl( 77,60,0,0,0 ) != 0 Then Pause( 'Notice', 'Number of COM/OLE Objects Open ' : IntControl(77,60,0,0,0) )  ; Number of COM/OLE Objects Open - Expect 0

   Return 1


#DefineFunction udfRemoveExtender( dllname )
   ; Free Unload Remove Delete Extender
   ; if udfRemoveExtender is used you must call
   ; Quiet function avoid the Exit Error : Could not access Extender Entry 0x02
   ; Get Module Handle
   modulehandle = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"kernel32.dll"),long:'GetModuleHandleA',lpstr:dllname)
   If modulehandle == 0
      err = DllLastError()
      Message('GetModuleHandleA Failed', err)
   ; Free Module
   result = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"kernel32.dll"),long:'FreeLibrary',long:modulehandle)
   Return result
;                   MAIN

AddExtender( 'wwint44i.dll' )

;                   Inputs
;nScopeFlag = 0 ; Frees Resources for Main and Called scripts : excludes Registry and Dll handles
nScopeFlag = 1 ; Frees Prefixed Resources : includes Registry and Dll handles
;nShowFlag = 0  ; Do Not Show Progress Messages.
nShowFlag = 1  ; Show Progress Messages.

;                   Test Variables
param0 = 1
param1 = 'nada'
v_sample = "dummy"
v_array = ArrDimension( 1,1 )
f_handle = FileOpen( 'c:\temp\dummy.txt', 'Write' )
b_buffer = BinaryAlloc(1)
o_object = ObjectCreate( 'WbemScripting.SWbemLocator' );ObjectCreate( 'InternetExplorer.Application' )
If nScopeFlag == 1 ;Only test these variables if nScopeFlag = 1
   r_regkey = RegOpenKey( @REGCLASSES, '.wbt' )
   d_dll = DllLoad( DirWindows(1):'USER32.DLL' )
   #DefineFunction udfDummyCallback()
     Return 1
   c_callback = DllCallbackCreate('udfDummyCallback', 'LONG', '')

;                   Free Resources UDS
udfFreeResources( nScopeFlag, nShowFlag )

;                   Free All UDF / UDSs
; Note: Frees all UDF/UDS's. Global Scope. Only call IntControl 78, if necessary.
;IntControl(78, 0, 0, 0, 0)

;                   Confirm Results
; Proof Resources Have Been Freed
AskItemlist('udfFreeResources : ' : ItemCount( IntControl (77, 12, 0, 0, 0), @TAB ), IntControl (77, 12, 0, 0, 0), @TAB, @SORTED, @SINGLE)
If IsDefined(v_sample) || IsDefined(v_array) || IsDefined(f_handle) || IsDefined(b_buffer)|| IsDefined(o_object) || IsDefined(r_regkey)  || IsDefined(d_dll) || IsDefined(c_callback) || IsDefined(param0)
    Pause('Problem','These should no longer be defined.')

;*****IMPORTANT *******
; if udfRemoveExtender is used you must call
; Quiet function avoid the Exit Error : Could not access Extender Entry 0x02
;IntControl( 38, 1, '', 0, 0)

Article ID:   W18333
Filename:   Free WinBatch Resources UDF.txt
File Created: 2013:01:31:16:50:22
Last Updated: 2013:01:31:16:50:22