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TIF Page Counter

 Keywords: TIF TIFF Page Count Conter Freeimage FreeImage.dll DllCall DllCallCdecl FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap FreeImage_GetPageCount FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap

; Create a list of all TIF files with their number of included image pages.
; Detlev Dalitz.20120412.

#DefineFunction udfTIFPageCount (strFilename)
IntControl (73, 1, @TRUE, "", 0) ; On error goto the label :WBERRORHANDLER and leave the function.
LastError ()
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (4)
BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, 0, 2)
intByteOrder = BinaryPeek2 (hdlBB, 0)
Switch intByteOrder
Case 18761 ; "II" the file is little-endian byte order (Intel).
   BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, 2, 2)
   intFileID = BinaryPeek2 (hdlBB, 0) ; These 2 header bytes are the file identifier. Version number (always 42).
   If intFileID != 42 ; If this is not 42, it is not a valid tif image.
      intPageCount = -2
   BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, 4, 4)
   intPosIFD = BinaryPeek4 (hdlBB, 0) ; Offset to first IFD Image File Directory. This IFD can be located anywhere in the file. Every 'page' in a multi-page TIFF is represented by one IFD.
   intPageCount = 0
   While intPosIFD ; Break on the null pointer.
      BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, intPosIFD, 2)
      intTags = BinaryPeek2 (hdlBB, 0)   ; Number of tags in IFD. Read the first 2 bytes of the IFD header for the number of directory entries for this page.
      intPosNext = intPosIFD + 2 + (12 * intTags) ; Next pointer location is the number of entries at 12 bytes each plus 2 for the header. Offset to next IFD, if there is a next IFD, 0 otherwise.
      BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, intPosNext, 4)
      intPosIFD = BinaryPeek4 (hdlBB, 0) ; Read next pointer.
      intPageCount = intPageCount + 1    ; Increment page counter.
Case 19789 ; "MM" the file is big-endian byte order (Motorola).
   BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, 2, 2)
   BinaryPokeHex (hdlBB, 0, BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 1, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 1))
   intFileID = BinaryPeek2 (hdlBB, 0) ; These 2 header bytes are the file identifier. Version number (always 42).
   If intFileID != 42 ; If this is not 42, it is not a valid tif image.
      intPageCount = -2
   BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, 4, 4)
   BinaryPokeHex (hdlBB, 0, BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 3, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 2, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 1, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 1))
   intPosIFD = BinaryPeek4 (hdlBB, 0) ; Offset to first IFD Image File Directory. This IFD can be located anywhere in the file. Every 'page' in a multi-page TIFF is represented by one IFD.
   intPageCount = 0
   While intPosIFD ; Break on the null pointer.
      BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, intPosIFD, 2)
      BinaryPokeHex (hdlBB, 0, BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 1, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 1))
      intTags = BinaryPeek2 (hdlBB, 0)   ; Number of tags in IFD. Read the first 2 bytes of the IFD header for the number of directory entries for this page.
      intPosNext = intPosIFD + 2 + (12 * intTags) ; Next pointer location is the number of entries at 12 bytes each plus 2 for the header. Offset to next IFD, if there is a next IFD, 0 otherwise.
      BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, strFilename, intPosNext, 4)
      BinaryPokeHex (hdlBB, 0, BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 3, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 2, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 1, 1) : BinaryPeekHex (hdlBB, 0, 1))
      intPosIFD = BinaryPeek4 (hdlBB, 0) ; Read next pointer.
      intPageCount = intPageCount + 1    ; Increment page counter.
Case intByteOrder
   intPageCount = -1 ; Not a valid tif image.
If LastError () Then intPageCount = -3 ; Not a valid tif image.
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)
Return intPageCount
; This UDF udfTIFPageCount returns the integer number of all pages included in the given TIF file.
; In case of an error the function returns a negative integer value.
;    -1 ... The TIF byte order mark "II" resp. "MM" cannot be found.
;    -2 ... The TIF version number (always 42) cannot be found.
;    -3 ... Any other error, possibly damage of the TIF file structure.
; See TIF specifications ...
; Detlev Dalitz.20120412.

#DefineSubRoutine udfPathFold (strPath)
If !StrIndex (strPath, "\\", 0, @FWDSCAN) Then Return StrReplace (strPath, "\", "\" : @LF)
Return "\\" : StrReplace (StrSub (strPath, 3, -1), "\", "\" : @LF)

; Test.

DirChange (DirScript ())

strFileThis = IntControl (1004, 0, 0, 0, 0)
strFileListIn = ItemReplace ("TIF.List.In.txt", -1, strFileThis, ".")
strFileListOut = ItemReplace ("TIF.List.Out.txt", -1, strFileThis, ".")

:Step1 ; Collect TIF files.

arrMasks = Arrayize ("*.tif|*.tiff", "|")
intMasksLast = ArrInfo (arrMasks, 1) - 1

arrDisks = Arrayize (DiskScan (2), @TAB)
intDisksLast = ArrInfo (arrDisks, 1) - 1

AddExtender ("wwfaf44i.dll") ; File and Folder Finder.
fafHidden = 1      ; Include hidden files.
;fafSystem = 2      ; Include system files.
;fafFolders = 4     ; Inspect  subfolder names also.
;fafFindFolders = 8 ; Only inspect subfolder names not file names.
fafRecurse = 16    ; Recurse through subfolders.
;fafNoPathInfo = 32 ; Do not return path information to files or folders found.
;fafNoRedirect = 64 ; Do not turn off file redirection for x64 windows.

strMsgTitle = 'Step 1 | TIF | Search for TIF files'
strMsgText = ""
BoxOpen (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
WinPlace (200, 200, 600, 700, "")
BoxDataTag (1, 1)

intCountObjects = 0
intCountItems = 0

intF = 0
arrFiles = ArrDimension (0)

For intD = 0 To intDisksLast
   strFolderRoot = arrDisks[intD] : "\"
   For intM = 0 To intMasksLast
      strMask = arrMasks [intM]

      hdlFAF = fafOpen (strFolderRoot, strMask, fafRecurse|fafHidden)
      While @TRUE
         strFileFullName = fafFind (hdlFAF)
         If strFileFullName == "" Then Break

         intCountItems = intCountItems + 1
         strMsgTitle1 = strMsgTitle : "|" : intCountItems : "|" : FileBaseName (strFileFullName)
         BoxTitle (strMsgTitle1)

         ArrayRedim (arrFiles, intF + 1)
         arrFiles[intF] = strFileFullName
         intF = intF + 1

         intCountObjects = intCountObjects + 1
         strMsgText = "Objects found: " : intCountObjects : @LF : @LF : udfPathFold (strFileFullName)
         BoxText (StrSub (strMsgText, 1, 2400)) ; Display only the first 2400 characters.
         BoxDataClear (1, 1)
      fafClose (hdlFAF)

If !!ArrInfo (arrFiles, 1) Then ArraySort (arrFiles)
intBytesWritten = ArrayFilePut (strFileListIn, arrFiles)

Drop (arrFiles)

strMsgText = "Objects found: " : intCountObjects : @LF : @LF : "Ready."

BoxButtonDraw (1, 1, "&OK", "50,780,950,950")
BoxText (strMsgText)
While !BoxButtonStat (1, 1)
   TimeDelay (0.2)
BoxButtonKill (1, 1)
BoxShut ()

:Step2 ; Examine TIF files.

IntControl (73, 2, @TRUE, "", 0) ; On error gosub the label :WBERRORHANDLER.

strMsgTitle = "Step 2 | TIF | PageCount | ByteOrder"
strMsgText = ""
BoxOpen (strMsgTitle, strMsgText)
WinPlace (200, 200, 600, 700, "")
BoxDataTag (1, 1)

arrFiles = ArrayFileGetCSV (strFileListIn, 0, "|")
intFiles = ArrInfo (arrFiles, 1)
intFilesLast = intFiles - 1

ArrayInsert (arrFiles, 0, 2) ; Column 0 contains PageCount.
ArrayInsert (arrFiles, 0, 2) ; Column 1 contains ByteOrder.
; Column 2 contains FullFilename.

intTicks1 = 0
intTicks2 = 0

hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (2) ; Buffer for ByteOrder bytes.
For intF = 0 To intFilesLast
   arrFiles[intF, 0] = udfTIFPageCount (arrFiles[intF, 2])

   BinaryReadEx (hdlBB, 0, arrFiles[intF, 2], 0, 2) ; Get ByteOrder bytes.
   arrFiles[intF, 1] = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, 2)
   BinaryEodSet (hdlBB, 0)

   strMsgText = intFiles : "/" : 1 + intF : @LF : @LF : "PageCount = " : arrFiles[intF, 0] : @LF : "ByteOrder = " : arrFiles[intF, 1] : @LF : "Filename = " : @LF : udfPathFold (arrFiles[intF, 2])
   BoxText (StrSub (strMsgText, 1, 2400)) ; Display only the first 2400 characters.
   BoxDataClear (1, 1)
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)

intBytes = ArrayFilePutCSV (strFileListOut, arrFiles, "|")

BoxButtonDraw (1, 1, "&OK", "50,780,950,950")
BoxText (strMsgText)
While !BoxButtonStat (1, 1)
   TimeDelay (0.2)
BoxButtonKill (1, 1)
BoxShut ()

If intBytes Then Run (strFileListOut, "")


IntControl (73, 2, @TRUE, "", 0) ; On error gosub the label :WBERRORHANDLER.

#DefineFunction GetPageCount(tiffile)
      ; returns number of pages in a multipage tiff file
      ; for info and downloads see
      ; KDMOYERS 2012.04.11

      me = 'GetPageCount'

      If !FileExist(tiffile)
        Return -1
      Terminate(StrUpper(FileExtension(tiffile)) != "TIF", me, 'only works on tiff files')

      FIF_BMP = 0
      FIF_PCX = 10
      FIF_TIFF = 18
      FIF_JPEG = 2

      pdllhandle = PtrPersistent(dllhandle, 0)
      If *pdllhandle == 0 Then *pdllhandle = DllLoad(DirScript() : "FreeImage.dll")

      ;DLL_API FIMULTIBITMAP * DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif, const char *filename, BOOL create_new, BOOL read_only, BOOL keep_cache_in_memory FI_DEFAULT(FALSE), int flags FI_DEFAULT(0));
      imag1 = DllCallCDecl(*pdllhandle, long : "_FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap@24", long : FIF_TIFF, lpstr : tiffile, long : 0, long : 1, long : 0, long : 0)
      Terminate(imag1 == 0, me, 'Failed to load tiff' : @LF : tiffile)

      ;DLL_API int DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_GetPageCount(FIMULTIBITMAP *bitmap);
      pages = DllCallCDecl(*pdllhandle, long : "_FreeImage_GetPageCount@4", long : imag1)

      ;DLL_API BOOL DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap(FIMULTIBITMAP *bitmap, int flags FI_DEFAULT(0));
      x = DllCallCDecl(*pdllhandle, long : "_FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap@8", long : imag1, long : 0)
      Terminate(x == 0, me, 'Failed to close tiff')
      imag1 = 0

      Return pages

Article ID:   W18336
Filename:   TIF Page Counter.txt
File Created: 2012:04:12:13:44:46
Last Updated: 2012:04:12:13:44:46