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UDF to Search for a String in a File

Keywords:   binary search match

A UDF to search for a string in a file, using Binary methods, and if a match is found return the entire line from the file. Intended to make life easy for those not familiar with Binary Functions but wanted to do fast searches.

;;**   File:         BinarySearch.wbt
;;**   Requires:   binary_test_filet.txt
;;**   Author:      Craig Storey
;;**   Modified:   2001/10/02

;UDF: BLineSearch(inputfile, offset, clue, CS, moreinfo, failure_notice)
;   inputfile      - Full path + filename + extension of file to search
;   offset         - Binary offset location to start search
;   clue           - String to search for
;   CS             - Case-sensitivity (0=No, 1=Yes)
;   moreinfo       - BLineSearch Return (value) depends on the switch "moreinfo"
;                      - moreinfo = 0  then  Return line or "failure_notice"
;                      - moreinfo = 1  then  Return line or "failure_notice" + | buffer size | offset of clue | line begin | line end | line length
;                      - moreinfo = 2  then  Return line or "failure_notice" + @CRLF buffer size @CRLF offset of clue @CRLF line begin @CRLF line end @CRLF line length
;   failure_notice - String to return if nothing was found

#DefineFunction BLineSearch(inputfile, offset, clue, CS, moreinfo, failure_notice)

;; Binary Search for a "CLUE"
binbuf = BinaryAlloc(fs)
BinaryRead(binbuf, inputfile)
index = BinaryIndexEx(binbuf, offset, clue, @FWDSCAN, CS)

;; If Clue was found return entire line
If (index>=0)
   linebegin = BinaryIndex(binbuf, index, @CRLF, @BACKSCAN) + 2    ;; +2 for CRLF
   If (linebegin==2) Then linebegin=0                              ;; Compensate for 1st line having no previous CRLF
   lineend = BinaryIndex(binbuf, linebegin, @CRLF, @FWDSCAN)
   linelen = lineend-linebegin
   linedata = BinaryPeekStr(binbuf, linebegin, linelen)

   ;; Included Extra info about the location, filesize, linelenght, etc..
   Switch moreinfo
      Case 1
         linedata=StrCat(linedata,"|",fs,"|", index,"|",linebegin,"|",lineend,"|",linelen)
      Case 2
          linedata=StrCat(linedata,@CRLF,@CRLF,"File Size= ", fs, @CRLF, "Offset= ",index,@CRLF,"Line BEGIN= ",linebegin,@CRLF,"Line END= ",lineend,@CRLF,"Line LENGTH= ",linelen)
      Case DEFAULT
         linedata=linedata      ;; No formatting



;; A simple example of how to use BLineSearch
;; requires the file below in the same directory

;; binary_test_filet.txt
;; This is a binary_test_filet.txt
;; Here's the cue to start...Not quite right!
;; It was Colonel Mustart with the wrench in the study.
;; That's a pretty good clue! Because this sentence was found.
;; That's all folks.

IntControl(1002,0,0,0,0)                      ;;Hide WIL Box
home=FilePath(IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0))      ;;Get Path to this File

inputfile=StrCat(home, "binary_test_filet.txt")        ;; File to search
clue="clue"                                               ;; What to look for?
CS=0                                                   ;; Case-sensitivity (0=No, 1=Yes)
mess="%@CRLF%"                                        ;; Results string
filelength=100                                          ;; Arbitrary to begin with
offset=0                                                ;; Start of Binary buffer
moreinfo=1                                             ;; Return only string, not filesize etc..
failure_notice=-1                                       ;; Could also be "No Matches"

While offset<filelength

   foundline=BLineSearch(inputfile, offset, clue, CS, moreinfo, failure_notice)
;;   Message(1, foundline)

   If (foundline!=failure_notice)
      occurances=ItemCount(foundline, "|")                  ;; Count | incase there are extras.
      BLlength=ItemExtract(occurances, foundline, "|")       ;; Work backwards to extract info
      BLend=ItemExtract(occurances-1, foundline, "|")
      BLbegin=ItemExtract(occurances-2, foundline, "|")
      offset=BLend                                          ;; Move to the next line
      filelength=ItemExtract(occurances-4, foundline, "|")
      foundline=ItemExtract(1, foundline, "|")               ;; Only the line found
      mess=StrCat(mess, foundline, @CRLF)                     ;; Add to other found lines.
;;      Message(2, StrCat(filelength,":",offset))


Message(StrCat("BLineSearch for '",clue,"' Results"), mess)

Article ID:   W15002
File Created: 2008:11:24:15:19:40
Last Updated: 2008:11:24:15:19:40