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Get Active Web Page Url

 Keywords:  DDE DDEExecute WWW_GetWindowInfo GetActivePageUrl web page browser url active current ie iexplore chrome firefox mozilla netscape 

Totally undebugged DDE code sample that attempts to get the current url displayed in the web browser. This code is intended to work with many different browsers.
;**      GetActivePageUrl
;** Purpose: Get url of active webpage using DDE
;** Developer: Deana Falk 2012.03.22
;** Revisions: 1.0

#DefineFunction GetActivePageUrl( browser )
   channel = DDEInitiate(browser, "WWW_GetWindowInfo") ;Initialize DDE
   url = DDERequest( channel, "0xFFFFFFFF" )
   Return url

#DefineFunction GetActivePageUrlFromChrome( )
   hWndChrome = cFindByClass('Chrome_OmniboxView')
   If hWndChrome <>0
      WM_GETTEXT = 13
      len=256 ; abritrary max len
      ret = DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"user32.dll"), long:"SendMessageA", long:hWndChrome ,long:WM_GETTEXT, long:len, lpbinary:buf)
      url = BinaryPeekStr(buf,0,ret)
   Return url

If AppExist('iexplore')
   browser = 'iexplore'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('firefox')
   browser = 'firefox'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('netscape')
   browser = 'netscape'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('mosaic')
   browser = 'mosaic'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('netscp6')
   browser = 'netscp6'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('mozilla')
   browser = 'mozilla'
   url = GetActivePageUrl( browser )
ElseIf AppExist('chrome')
    ; DDE is not supported in Google Chrome
    browser = 'chrome'
    url = GetActivePageUrlFromChrome( )
   Pause('','No supported browser is running')

Message("Active URL in ":browser, url)


Article ID:   W18410
Filename:   Get Active Web Page Url.txt
File Created: 2012:03:22:11:36:06
Last Updated: 2012:03:22:11:36:06