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Backup Event Log

 Keywords: Read Backup Event Log Eventlog Application CSV Array WMI 

This code reads the entire Application event log using WMI and it stores the data into an array then ultimately writes the data out to a CSV file.
objSWbemLocator = ObjectGet("winmgmts:")
objEventSet = objSWbemLocator.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile='Application'")
count = objEventSet.Count
If count == 0
   Message("Notice","No Events")
   objEventSet = 0
   objSWbemLocator = 0

;Create an array to store all the data
;Columns = RecordNumber,Type,SourceName,Message,TimeWritten,EventCode
arrEvents = ArrDimension(count, 6 )
Column = 0
ForEach LogEvent In objEventSet
   arrEvents[column, 0] = LogEvent.RecordNumber
   arrEvents[column, 1] = LogEvent.Type
   arrEvents[column, 2] = LogEvent.SourceName
   arrEvents[column, 3] = LogEvent.Message
   DMTF_date = LogEvent.TimeWritten
   yr =  StrSub(DMTF_date,1,4)
   mnth  = StrSub(DMTF_date,5,2)
   day = StrSub(DMTF_date,7,2)
   hr = StrSub(DMTF_date,9,2)
   mins = StrSub(DMTF_date,11,2)
   secs = StrSub(DMTF_date,13,2)
   YMDHMS_date = StrCat(yr,":",mnth,":",day,":",hr,":",mins,":",secs)
   arrEvents[column, 4] = YMDHMS_date
   arrEvents[column, 5] = LogEvent.EventCode
   Column =  Column + 1
objEventSet = 0
objSWbemLocator = 0

; Write Array out to CSV file
ArrayFilePutCSV('D:\temp\appeventlog.csv', arrEvents, ',' )

Article ID:   W18465
Filename:   Backup Event Log.txt
File Created: 2009:06:16:14:30:48
Last Updated: 2009:06:16:14:30:48