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List All Monitors

 Keywords: Win32_DesktopMonitor List Enumerate Screen Monitors Asset Hardware Make Manufacturer Model Serial Number Win32_MonitorDesktop 


I'm struggling trying to use Winbatch in collecting hardware information on a PC having to do with monitors.

The best example I've found uses the Win32_DesktopMonitor Class to get a list of monitors.

It only works for a single monitor and not multiple monitors on my system.

Do any of you have Winbatch scripts I'm looking for the monitor's make/model/serial


Apparently, starting with Windows Vista, hardware that is not compatible with Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) returns inaccurate property values for instances of this class.


It took me a while to find a solution other than using the WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor. Give this code a try, it manages to list all my monitors, on a multi monitor system. It basically reads the data from the registry. This might require administrative level access because it attempts to read a protected portion of the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:

#DefineSubRoutine ParseBinaryData( myIndex )
   arrTestModel  = Arrayize( "0 0 0 252", " " )
   arrTestSerial = Arrayize(  "0 0 0 255", " " )
   blnModel      = @TRUE
   blnSerial     = @TRUE
   strTemp = ""
   For idx = 0 To 3
      index = idx + myIndex
      If Int( arrTestModel[idx] ) <> Int( arrRawEDID[index] )  Then blnModel  = @FALSE
      If Int( arrTestSerial[idx] ) <> Int( arrRawEDID[idx + myIndex] ) Then blnSerial = @FALSE

   If blnModel || blnSerial Then
      For idx = 4 To 17
         Select arrRawEDID[ myIndex + idx ]
            Case 0
               strTemp = strTemp : " "
            Case 7
               strTemp = strTemp : " "
            Case 10
               strTemp = strTemp : " "
            Case 13
               strTemp = strTemp : " "
            Case arrRawEDID[ myIndex + idx ]
               strTemp = strTemp : Num2Char( arrRawEDID[ myIndex + idx ] )
         End Select
      strTemp = StrTrim( strTemp )
      If blnModel  Then strModel  = strTemp
      If blnSerial Then strSerial = strTemp
   End If

; Enumerate All Monitors
; Based on code found here

strComputer = "."
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE      = 2147483650
strMsg      = ""

objReg = ObjectGet( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" : strComputer : "/root/default:StdRegProv" )
arrKeys = ArrDimension(999)
strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY"
objReg.EnumKey ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrKeys )
For i = 0 To ArrInfo(arrKeys,1)-1
   strSubKeyPath = strKeyPath : "\" : arrKeys[i]
   arrSubKeys = ArrDimension(999)
   objReg.EnumKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubKeyPath, arrSubKeys)
      For j = 0 To ArrInfo(arrSubKeys,1)-1
         strSubSubKeyPath = strSubKeyPath : "\" : arrSubKeys[j]
         arrSub2 = ArrDimension(999)
         objReg.EnumKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubSubKeyPath, arrSub2 )
         blnControl = @FALSE
         For k = 0 To ArrInfo(arrSub2,1)-1
            If arrSub2[k] == "Control" Then blnControl = @TRUE
         If blnControl
            strMfg = ""
            objReg.GetStringValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubSubKeyPath, "Mfg", strMfg)
            If  strMfg == "" Then strMfg = "unknown"
            If StrIndex( strMfg, ";", 1, @FWDSCAN ) Then  strMfg =  StrSub( strMfg, StrIndex( strMfg, ";", 1, @FWDSCAN )+1, -1 )

            strDeviceDesc = ""
            objReg.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubSubKeyPath, "DeviceDesc", strDeviceDesc)
            If  strDeviceDesc == "" Then strDeviceDesc = "unknown"
            If StrIndex( strDeviceDesc, ";", 1, @FWDSCAN ) Then  strDeviceDesc =  StrSub( strDeviceDesc, StrIndex( strDeviceDesc, ";", 1, @FWDSCAN )+1, -1 )

            arrBadEDID = ArrDimension(9999)
            arrRawEDID = ArrDimension(9999)
            strSubSubKeyPath = strSubSubKeyPath : "\Device Parameters"
            objReg.GetBinaryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubSubKeyPath, "BAD_EDID", arrBadEDID)
            If ObjectTypeGet( arrBadEDID ) != "ARRAY" Then
               objReg.GetBinaryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubSubKeyPath , "EDID", arrRawEDID)
               ParseBinaryData( 54 )
               ParseBinaryData( 72 )
               ParseBinaryData( 90 )
               ParseBinaryData( 108 )
               If StrMsg !=  "" Then strMsg = strMsg : @CRLF
               strMsg = strMsg : "Manufacturer   = " : strMfg : @CRLF : "Description    = " : strDeviceDesc : @CRLF  : "Model   (EDID) = " : strModel : @CRLF : "Serial# (EDID) = " : strSerial     : @CRLF
            End If
         End If

Pause("Asset List - Monitors",strMsg )

Article ID:   W18475
Filename:   List All Monitors.txt
File Created: 2012:04:11:07:29:42
Last Updated: 2012:04:11:07:29:42