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SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder MisMatched Type Error


I am trying the set the DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder using WMI, yet I keep Getting OLE MisMatch Error.
obj.DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = myarray


If you have the latest version of WB (2004G). We added conversion of object method parameters from WIL arrays to variant arrays when parameter's variant type is not known. This is necessary for some WMI and ADSI methods that do not specify their parameter's types.

In other words, you should be able to place the DNS domain names in a regular WIL array and call the "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder" method directly. Something like this:

; Note: this example has not been tested.
; Create an array of DNS domain names
aDNS = ArrDimension(2)
aDNS[0] = ""
aDNS[1] = ""

; Call the method directly.
nResult = objNetworkSettings.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrderobj(aDNS)

If you have an older version of the software...(which you must because of the error you are seeing.)

"DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder" is a read-only property. To set the property you need to user the method "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder" which accepts an array of suffixes as it's only parameter.

It should look something like this:

strComputer = "."
objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\%strComputer%\root\cimv2")
objNetworkSettings = objWMIService.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
arrDNSSuffixes = ArrDimension(2)
arrDNSSuffixes[0] = ""
arrDNSSuffixes[1] = ""
because "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder" is a method not a property.

However, this does not work because the type information for the "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder" method appears to be missing from the object. You will get an type mismatch error if you try it ( I know, back were we started.)

At this point the best advice I have is to create a WSC file which would allow you to call the method in VB from a WB. If I get a chance I will put something together and post it later today.

I am not sure what we need to do in WB to make this method work but it will get looked into.

Attached is an ugly hack that will enable you to use the "SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder" method in WB. The "SetDnsSrch.wsc" file contains a component written in VBS. The second file is a sample script that makes use of the component created in the first file. (Many thanx to Stan L. for first pointing out this technique.)


sComponentFile = StrCat("c:\projects\automation\test\","SetDnsSrch.wsc")

; Create a VBS component.
sComponentFile = "c:\projects\automation\test\SetDnsSrch.wsc"
If ! FileExist(sComponentFile)
   message("Error:","Cannot locate SetDnsSrch.wsc" )
sComponentFile= StrCat("script:",sComponentFile)
oObj = GetObject(sComponentFile)  

strComputer = "."
objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\%strComputer%\root\cimv2")
objNetworkSettings = objWMIService.Get("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")

; Use the component to call the problematic method.
nResult = oObj.SetDnsSrch(objNetworkSettings ,"","")
message("nResult", nResult)

oObj  = 0
objWMIService  = 0
objNetworkSettings  = 0
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?component error="true" debug="true"?>


	<method name="SetDnsSrch">
		<PARAMETER name="netobj"/>
		<PARAMETER name="dns1"/>
		<PARAMETER name="dns2"/>

<implements type="Behavior" id="Behavior"/>

<script language="VBScript">

function SetDnsSrch(netobj,dns1,dns2)
arr = Array(dns1, dns2)
SetDnsSrch = netobj.SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder(arr)
end function



Article ID:   W16755
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:22:14
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:22:14