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Winbatch Studio

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Null characters found

 Keywords: WinBatch studio null chars 



I noticed that after upgrading to Winbatch 2001k, I keep getting the following popup window when stepping through many of my scripts in Winbatch Studio:

Null characters found in file. Replace with ASCII value 255? Yes or No

If I answer No, I get the following Winbatch error:

Nulls encountered in file. Use another editor to edit this file.

If I answer Yes, my script is replaced with weird characters. Ether way, I can't use Studio to debug my scripts anymore.

I always use Notepad as my script editor. I don't ever remember having this problem with version 2000.

I've really come to depend on Studio and now I am unbale to use it. Can anyone help?


What is happening is you are debugging a script that places calls to a .wbc file (complied called script) or other executable that is compiled. The replaced characters that are weird are the text versions of the files that are being called. If you are 'calling' a called script, try replacing all of the ".wbc" entries with ".wbt" and see if you get the scripts that you wrote, before they were compiled.

User reply:

You are right...I changed my Call statement from a .wbc to a .wbt and it is working just fine. Thanks..
Article ID:   W15777
File Created: 2003:05:13:11:30:02
Last Updated: 2003:05:13:11:30:02