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Simple SMTP Email Message

 Keywords:  SMTP Send Email E-Mail Message System.Net.Mail System.Net.Mail.MailMessage System.Net.Mail.MailAddress System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient System.Net.NetworkCredential

strHost = ''                                        ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strTo = ''                                        ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strFrom = ''                                     ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strSubject = 'Sample dotNet Email'                                 ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strBody = '<HTML><HEADER></HEADER><BODY>Hello World!</BODY></HTML>' ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strUser = 'SoandSo'                                                ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strPassword = 'SuperSecret'                                        ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
strAttachment = 'c:\myfile.txt'                                    ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
nPort = 25                                                         ;!!!!!!!!! MODIFY TO FIT YOUR NEEDS !!!!!!!!
nPort = ObjectType( "I4", nPort )

ObjectClrOption ("use","System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")   
_TRUE = ObjectType( "BOOL", @TRUE )
_FALSE = ObjectType( "BOOL", @FALSE )

;NetworkCredential = ObjectClrNew( 'System.Net.NetworkCredential', strUser, strPassword) 

MailAddress_From = ObjectClrNew( 'System.Net.Mail.MailAddress', strFrom )
MailAddress_To = ObjectClrNew( 'System.Net.Mail.MailAddress', strTo )

MailMessage = ObjectClrNew( 'System.Net.Mail.MailMessage', MailAddress_From, MailAddress_To )
MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = _True
MailMessage.Subject = strSubject
MailMessage.Body = strBody

Attachment = ObjectClrNew('System.Net.Mail.Attachment', strAttachment)
Mailmessage.Attachments.Add( Attachment )

SmtpClient = ObjectClrNew( 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient' )
SmtpClient.Host = strHost                   ; Specify SMTP Host
SmtpClient.Port = nPort                     ; Port Number
SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = _TRUE   ; Use SSL
;SmtpClient.Credentials = NetworkCredential  ; Authentication
;SmtpClient.EnableSsl = _TRUE                ; Use SSL
SmtpClient.Send( MailMessage )              ; Send

Article ID:   W17838
Filename:   Simple SMTP Email Message.txt
File Created: 2013:12:11:10:27:08
Last Updated: 2013:12:11:10:27:08