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!Window Analysis Script!

 Keywords: Window Analysis Script Analysis.wbt 

;**   Window Analysis Script
;** This script creates a report on the windows visible at the time
;** the report is run.  Run the script.  Choose a top-level
;** window of interest, and it will show pertinent information
;** that may be necessary to use the Control Manager extender.
;** Note that Tabbed dialogs sometimes must be displayed before
;** their controls are brought into existence.  So when using
;** tabbed dialogs, tab to the correct dialog first.  The
;** cWndInfo example shows how to move through a tabbed dialog.
;** Revisions:
;**  6.0 July 7th 2011
;**      Load 64 bit Control manager when running 64 bit version of WinBatch.
;**  5.0 Jan 7th 2010
;**      FIX: Handle titles with embedded double quotes. Fixes issue with
;**      ItemExtractCSV returning error 1707.
;**  4.0 Sept 4th 2009
;**      FIX: Handle strings with embedded linefeeds. Fixes issue with
;**      ArrayFileGetCSV returning error 1808.
;**  3.0 Sept 29th 2008
;**      FIX: Handle Windows Names that contain a comma.
;**  2.0
; **     Initial Release
thisver = '6.0'
thistitle = 'Window Analysis'
csvfile ='Analysis.csv'
htmfile ='Analysis.htm'
; Application Data directory to store CSV file output
appdatadir = ShortCutDir( 'AppData', 0 , @TRUE ) : 'WinBatch\Temp\'
;Check if dir exists. it not create it
If !DirExist( appdatadir ) Then DirMake( appdatadir )
;if this is already running then exit
If WinExist( thistitle )
   WinActivate( thistitle )
;Tell Winbatch to be greedy
;Load the Control Manager Extender
If WinMetrics(-3) == 5 Then AddExtender( 'wwctl64i.dll' )
Else AddExtender( 'wwctl44i.dll' )
;Handle errors
;Intcontrol( 73, 1, 0, 0, 0 )                    ; Use Goto ErrorHndlr
;Change to current working directory
wbtdir = FilePath( IntControl( 1004, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
DirChange( wbtdir )
;Get list of all windows currently on the screen
wins = WinItemize( )
If AskYesNo( 'Ok to Ignore', 'Duplicate, hidden and iconized windows will be removed from the list' ) == @YES
   AskMsg = 'Duplicate, hidden and iconized windows are not shown.'
   AskList = ''
   aCnts = ItemCount(wins, @TAB)
   For aCnt = 1 To aCnts
      Win = ItemExtract(aCnt, wins, @TAB)
      If (WinState(Win)!=-1 && WinState(Win)!=1)
         If !ItemLocate(Win, AskList, @TAB) Then AskList = ItemInsert(Win, -1, AskList, @TAB)
   AskMsg = 'Showing all windows.'
   Asklist = wins
trgWnd = AskItemlist(AskMsg, AskList, @TAB, @SORTED, @SINGLE)
;Get chosen window handle
; Some error checking from the help file to make sure we have a valid handle to the target window.
hwndChk = DllHwnd(trgWnd)
Spec    = cWndGetWndSpec(hwndChk)         ; Get the window specification.
hWnd    = cWndByWndSpec(%Spec%)           ; Get the handle by the window specification.
If hWnd!=hwndChk                          ; Make sure the result matches the original handle
   Pause('ERROR!', "Could not get valid handle for %trgWnd% window.%@crlf%Exiting program.")
   Goto CANCEL
GoSub InitUDFs
;Get maximum number of child levels
maxlevel = udfMaxLevelCount( hWnd, 1, 0 )  ;include parent by setting level to one
;Get total number of child windows
wincnt = udfWinCount( hWnd, 0 )
;Initialize database
; Format:
; RowNumber, MaxLevels, ParentCount,  [Child1, Child2, Child3, Etc ] , Class , Id , Title , WndStyle, WndStyleEx, ClassStyle
staticcols = 9
data =  ArrDimension( wincnt, maxlevel + staticcols - 1  ) ; Subtract one because Parent is included in maxlevel
ArrInitialize(data, '')
;Get Window data
info = udfGetWndInfo( hWnd )
name =  ItemExtractCSV( 1, info, 1 )
name = StrReplace( name, @LF, ' ' ) ; 4.0 fix
id =  ItemExtractCSV( 2, info, 1 )
class = ItemExtractCSV( 3, info, 1 )
wndsytle = ItemExtractCSV( 11, info, 1 )
wndstyleex = ItemExtractCSV( 12, info, 1 )
classstyle = ItemExtractCSV( 13, info, 1 )
; RowNumber, MaxLevels , ParentCount,  [Child1, Child2, Child3, Etc ] , Class , Id , Title , WndStyle, WndStyleEx, ClassStyle
data[0, 0] = 0 ;RowNumber
data[0, 1] =  maxlevel ;MaxLevels
data[0, 2] =  0  ;Parent
;data[0, 3] =  level  ; ;*Ignore* Child Windows
data[0, maxlevel+2 ]  = class ;Class
data[0, maxlevel+3 ]  = id    ;ID
data[0, maxlevel+4 ]  = name  ;Title
data[0, maxlevel+5 ]  = wndsytle ;WndStyle
data[0, maxlevel+6 ]  = wndstyleex  ;WndStyleEx
data[0, maxlevel+7 ]  = classstyle  ;ClassStyle
;Initalize Level
level = 0
;Gather CSV data about the window into the data array
udfGetWinData( hWnd, level, maxlevel, data )
; Write out CSV  the Application Data\Temp (C:\Documents and Settings\Deana\Application Data\WinBatch\Temp)
appdatadir = ShortCutDir( 'AppData', 0 , @TRUE ) : 'WinBatch\Temp\'
;Check if dir exists. it not create it
If !DirExist( appdatadir ) Then DirMake( appdatadir )
ArrayFilePutCSV( appdatadir : csvfile, data )
;Run(appdatadir : csvfile, '')
;Run('Notepad.exe', appdatadir : csvfile )
;**  Read CSV create HTML Table
headcolor = '#C0C0C0'
greytext =  '#808080'
greybkgrnd = '#DBEADC'
greenbkgrnd = '#BAFEA3'
; Write out CSV  the Application Data\Temp (C:\Documents and Settings\Deana\Application Data\WinBatch\Temp)
appdatadir = ShortCutDir( 'AppData', 0 , @TRUE ) : 'WinBatch\Temp\'
;Check if dir exists. it not create it
If !DirExist( appdatadir ) Then DirMake( appdatadir )
csvdata = ArrayFileGetCSV(appdatadir : csvfile, 0)
; Database Format:
; RowNumber, MaxLevels, Parent,  [Child1, Child2, Child3, Etc ] , Class , Id , Title , WndStyle, WndStyleEx, ClassStyle
;Read max level from data
maxlevel = csvdata[0,1]
;Read parent windowname
topwin = csvdata[0,maxlevel + 4]
handle  = FileOpen( appdatadir: htmfile, 'Write')
FileWrite(handle, '<HTML>')
FileWrite(handle, '<HEAD></HEAD>')
FileWrite(handle, '<TITLE>' : thistitle: '</TITLE>')
FileWrite(handle, ' <!-- <DEFANGED_STYLE type="text/css"><!--p {font-family: Courier, monospace;font-size: 9pt;}TD{font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: 9pt;}TH{font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: 9pt;}--> --> </DEFANGED_STYLE>')
FileWrite(handle, '<BODY>')
FileWrite(handle, '<H2>': thistitle : ' ' :  thisver : '</H2><P>' : 'Windowname : ': topwin: '<BR>')
FileWrite(handle, 'Max Level : ' :  maxlevel : '<P>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TABLE border="1" cellpadding="5">' )
; Write header for table
FileWrite(handle, '<TR bgcolor="':headcolor:'">' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>Parent<BR>&nbsp</TH>' )
For count = 1 To maxlevel-1
  FileWrite(handle, '<TH>Child<BR>': count :'</TH>' )
  If count == maxlevel - 1
      FileWrite(handle, '<TH>&nbsp</TH>' ) ; Write a blank col at the end of all the child windows
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>Class</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>Id</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>Name</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>WndStyle</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>WndStyleEx</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '<TH>ClassStyle</TH>' )
FileWrite(handle, '</TR>' )
greenflag = 0
For darow = 0 To ArrInfo(csvdata, 1 )-1
   FileWrite(handle, '<TR>' )
   For dacol = 2 To ArrInfo(csvdata, 2 )-1
      data = csvdata[darow, dacol]
      ;Compare to previous data if one of the parent/child columns
      If dacol <= maxlevel+1
         ;Special Handling for first row
         If darow == 0 Then prevrow = ''
         Else prevrow = csvdata[darow-1, dacol]
         ;Need to decide Whether to Write in grey or green.
         If data == prevrow && greenflag == 0  ; if previous row matches current rowdata and green flag set to false
            ;if data == csvdata[darow-1, dacol];if previous row matches current rowdata
            FileWrite(handle, '<TD bgcolor="':greybkgrnd:'"><FONT COLOR="':greytext:'">' ); Grey
            FileWrite(handle, '<TD bgcolor="':greenbkgrnd:'">' ); Green
            greenflag = 1
         If data == ''
            FileWrite(handle, '&nbsp' )
            FileWrite(handle, data )
         FileWrite(handle, '</FONT></TD>' )
         If dacol == maxlevel+1 ; Write a blank col at the end of all the child windows
            FileWrite(handle, '<TD bgcolor="':greybkgrnd:'">&nbsp</TD>' ); Grey Empty Col
         ;Colorize all non - child window columns
         ;Get RGB
         rgb = ItemExtract( dacol-maxlevel-1, colcolors, ',' )
         FileWrite(handle, '<TD bgcolor=': rgb : '>' )
         If data == ''
            FileWrite(handle, '&nbsp' )
            FileWrite(handle, data )
         FileWrite(handle, '</TD>' )
   greenflag = 0
   FileWrite(handle, '</TR>' )
FileWrite(handle, '</TABLE>' )
FileWrite(handle, '</BODY>')
FileWrite(handle, '</HTML>')
FileClose( handle )
Run( appdatadir: htmfile, '')
;**                User Defined Functions
#DefineFunction udfMaxLevelCount( WorkWnd, Level, MaxLevel )
   level = level + 1
   ;Locate child
   nextchild = cWndinfo( workwnd, 8 )
   While nextchild
      ;Keep track of the highest level number
      If level > MaxLevel
         MaxLevel = level
      MaxLevel = udfMaxLevelCount( nextchild, level, MaxLevel )
      ;Get next Sibling
      nextchild =  cWndinfo( nextchild, 6 )
   Return MaxLevel
#EndFunction ;udfMaxLevelCount
#DefineFunction udfWinCount( WorkWnd, count )
   count = count + 1
   ;Locate child
   nextchild = cWndinfo( workwnd, 8 )
   While nextchild
      count = udfWinCount( nextchild, count )
      ;Get next Sibling
      nextchild =  cWndinfo( nextchild, 6 )
   Return count
#EndFunction ;udfWinCount
#DefineFunction udfGetWinData( WorkWnd, level, maxlevel, data )
   delim = ','
   level = level + 1
   ;Keep track of row number
   ptr_rowcount = PtrPersistent( rowcount, 0 )
   *ptr_rowcount = *ptr_rowcount + 1
   ;Locate child
   nextchild = cWndinfo( workwnd, 8 )
   count = 0
   While nextchild
      count = count+1 ;Keeps track of Childcount windows
      ;Pause(count, *ptr_prevchild)
      ; Get Window Data
      info = udfGetWndInfo( nextchild )
      name =  ItemExtractCSV( 1, info, 1 )
      name = StrReplace( name, @LF, ' ' ) ; 4.0 fix
      id =  ItemExtractCSV( 2, info, 1 )
      class = ItemExtractCSV( 3, info, 1 )
      wndsytle = ItemExtractCSV( 11, info, 1 )
      wndstyleex = ItemExtractCSV( 12, info, 1 )
      classstyle = ItemExtractCSV( 13, info, 1 )
      ; RowNumber, MaxLevels , ParentCount,  [Child1, Child2, Child3, Etc ] , Class , Id , Title , WndStyle, WndStyleEx, ClassStyle
      row = *ptr_rowcount
      data[row, 0] = row+1      ;RowNumber -  add one because parent already written
      data[row, 1] = maxlevel ;MaxLevels
      data[row, 2] = 0             ;ParentCount will always be zero
      ; HandleChild Windows
      ; Keep track of previous childs
      For col = 3 To level+2 ;Loop once for each child
      ;Grab data from previous rows column
      prevdata = data[row-1, col]
      ;Check if col is equal to the current level plus 2
      If col == level+2
         data[row, level+2] = count ; insert child count number
         data[row, col] = prevdata ; insert data from previous line
      data[row, maxlevel+2 ]  = class ;Class
      data[row, maxlevel+3 ]  = id    ;ID
      data[row, maxlevel+4 ]  = name  ;Title
      data[row, maxlevel+5 ]  = wndsytle ;WndStyle
      data[row, maxlevel+6 ]  = wndstyleex  ;WndStyleEx
      data[row, maxlevel+7 ]  = classstyle  ;ClassStyle
      data = udfGetWinData( nextchild, level, maxlevel, data )
      ;Get next Sibling
      nextchild =  cWndinfo( nextchild, 6 )
   Return data
#EndFunction ;udfGetWinData
#DefineFunction udfGetWndInfo( WorkWnd )
   ;Returns a delimited list of Window information
   delim = ','
   Title           = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 0)
   Title = StrReplace( Title, '"', '""' ); 5.0 fix : Replace any embedded doublequotes in the title with double doublequotes
   ID              = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 1)
   Class           = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 2)
   Parent          = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 3)
   FirstSibling    = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 4)
   PreviousSibling = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 5)
   NextSibling     = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 6)
   LastSibling     = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 7)
   FirstChild      = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 8)
   Owner           = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 9)
   WndStyle        = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 20)
   WndStyleEx      = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 21)
   ClassStyle      = cWndinfo(WorkWnd, 22)
   info = '"':Title:'"':delim:ID:delim:Class:delim:Parent:delim:FirstSibling:delim:PreviousSibling:delim:NextSibling:delim:LastSibling:delim:FirstChild:delim:Owner:delim:WndStyle:delim:WndStyleEx:delim:ClassStyle
   Return info
#EndFunction ;udfGetWndInfo
;**             Cancel and Error Handling
wErrFile = thisVer
wErrStr = IntControl(34,wError,0,0,0)
wErrLine = wberrorhandlerline
wErrOffset = wberrorhandleroffset
wErrAssign  = wberrorhandlerassignment
wErrMessage = 'Please email this info:%@CRLF%%@tab%"%wErrRptFile%"%@CRLF%to with the Subject line "Analysis Error"'
wErrTxt = StrCat(`wErrFile = `, wErrFile, @CRLF, `wError = `, wError, @CRLF, `wErrStr= `, wErrStr, @CRLF, `wErrLine = `, wErrLine, @CRLF, `wErrOffset = `, wErrOffset,@CRLF, `wErrAssign = `, wErrAssign, @CRLF, @CRLF, wErrMessage)
Pause( 'Notice', wErrTxt)

Article ID:   W18502
Filename:   !Window Analysis Script!.txt
File Created: 2014:05:28:14:46:02
Last Updated: 2014:05:28:14:46:02