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Boxes Functions

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Dynamically Create a Box with more than 16 buttons

 Keywords: Dynamically Create a Box with more than 16 buttons 


I am attempting to create a Dialog with Winbatch Box Functions. I am attempting to place more than 16 Buttons in a box, or at least make it appear as there is only one box. I've read that more than 16 buttons can be drawn if the boxnew function is used however I have not been successful. I also need the script to read the contents of an ini file, and build the box based on how many items(applications) are listed in my ini file.


Here is some code that might help. It reads the contents of the ini file that determines how many buttons will appear. This code dynamically generates a dialog with a number of buttons determined in an INI file:

;INI file that list applications that need to be associated with a button
menuini = "C:\menu.ini"
appz = iniitemizepvt ("Applications", menuini)
headings = iniitemizepvt ("", menuini)
num_of_appz = itemcount (appz, @tab)

space_between = 75  ; amount of space to add between each button

Boxesup ("75, 25, 900, 950", @normal)
BoxDrawText (1, "50, 30, 250, 50", "Application", @false, 1)

for appnum = 0 to num_of_appz-1
   box = (appnum/10)+2
   boxbutton = (appnum mod 10) +1
   if boxbutton == 1
      boxX = ((box-2)*270) + 10
      Boxnew (box, "%boxX%, 100,%BoxX2%,850", 1)
      ux = 0
      lx = 0
      uy = 800
      ly = 68
   cords = strcat (ux, ",", lx, ",", uy, ",", ly)
   app%appnum% = itemextract (appnum+1, appz, @tab)
   BoxButtonDraw (box, boxbutton, app%appnum%, cords)
   lx = lx + space_between
   ly = ly + space_between
next appnum

BoxButtonwait ()
for buttons = 0 to num_of_appz-1
   box = (buttons/10)+2
   boxbutton = (buttons mod 10)  +1
   if BoxButtonStat (box,boxbutton) then pbutton = buttons
next buttons

Display (1, "Button test", app%pbutton%)

Article ID:   W15111
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:49:44
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:49:44