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Boxes Functions

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Box Drawing Functions

Keywords:  box drawing functions drawing boxes 


I found some code in one of your samples for creating nice looking boxes with information for the user. I cannot, however, find these commands documented anywhere. Are they windows API's? Are they undocumented features, and I'm on my own? Thanks.


The Box drawing functions are documented in the WINBATCH.HLP file and the WinBatch Users Guide, *not* in the Big WIL (Windows Interface Language) manual or the Windows Interface Language help file.

The reason for this is the following: There is this WIL processing engine, with over 400 functions, as documented in the Windows Interface Language.hlp, WIL.HLP, and WIL Manual. There are several products that use the WIL functions, so that is why we keep that separate from the functions and utilities that are unique to WinBatch.

Note that BoxOpen, BoxShut BoxTitle and BoxText are the older box functions. If you *just* use those four, you can ignore all the other box functions. But if you use any other box functions, then you ought to stay clear of the BoxOpen etc. functions. They use the SAME box.

If you get confused, just practice with a program that basically only does box functions, so you can pinpoint mistakes easier.

You can use BoxesUp for your main box, then BoxNew *if* you want extra boxes inside the main. For many purposes you wouldn't need extra boxes.

. If you can, you shouldn't Destroy boxes if you're just going to redraw them. Rather, you organize your box functions such that you draw the ones that never change first, then you place a BoxDataTag, and finally you draw the ones you will modify. When you want to change some of the latter, you use BoxDataClear, then redraw everything in your "modify" pile.

Article ID:   W12770
Filename:   Where are the docs for drawing those pretty boxes.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:49:30
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:49:30