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Unlock Workstation Trick

Note: Prior to Vista, this method of escalation will work reliably since a native NT service could be configured to run as "Local System" and thus have the same privileges as the O.S. itself and all services would run in session #0, which was guaranteed to be the console session. However, as of Vista, services no longer have access to the interactive desktop, are confined to session #0 and the console is no longer associated with session #0. In effect, this escalation method has been made unusable on Vista & newer.

The gist of these sources is that you *can* do it, by having a service running on the machine under the local system account. The service will have access to the WinLogon desktop - and once you have that, you're in.

Contains the C++ source code from VNC (as VNC is open source).

The biggest part of the secret is running a service under the local system account, which has the ability to launch a new process on the WinLogon desktop. Microsoft wants you to believe there is something magical about the WinLogon desktop, but there really isn't.

Once the service is running under the local system account, it needs to use DllCall to call CreateProcess directly and specify the WinStation\Desktop for a new process ("WinSta0\Winlogon" if I recall correctly).

Sample code written by Artomegus:

runsendcad.wbt is the code that should run under the local System account (e.g. from a service). It calls another program called sendcad.exe, and expects it to be in the same directory as the current executable. It uses CreateProcess to launch the new process on the Winlogon desktop.

sendcad.wbt is the code that does the work of posting CTRL+ALT+DEL broadcast message on the Winlogon desktop. Must be compiled and called via the code in runsendcad.wbt

sendcad.wbt could be modified to do additional stuff after sending the CTRL+ALT+DEL.


sDirExe = FilePath(IntControl(1004, 0, 0, 0, 0))

sCrashLog = StrCat(sDirExe, "runsendcad-crash.txt")


IntControl(38, 1, sCrashLog, 0, 0)

sCmdLine = StrCat(sDirExe, "sendcad.exe")

sKernel = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "kernel32.dll")

hDesktop = BinaryAlloc(32)
BinaryPokeStr(hDesktop, 0, "WinSta0\Winlogon")
lpDesktop = IntControl(42, hDesktop, 0, 0, 0)

hSI = BinaryAlloc(68)
BinaryPoke4(hSI,0,68);        DWORD   cb                  size of structure
BinaryPoke4(hSI,4,0) ;        LPTSTR  lpReserved
BinaryPoke4(hSI,8,lpDesktop); LPTSTR  lpDesktop
BinaryPoke4(hSI,12,0);        LPTSTR  lpTitle
BinaryPoke4(hSI,16,0);        DWORD   dwX
BinaryPoke4(hSI,20,0);        DWORD   dwY
BinaryPoke4(hSI,24,0);        DWORD   dwXSize
BinaryPoke4(hSI,28,0);        DWORD   dwYSize
BinaryPoke4(hSI,32,0);        DWORD   dwXCountChars
BinaryPoke4(hSI,36,0);        DWORD   dwYCountChars
BinaryPoke4(hSI,40,0);        DWORD   dwFillAttribute
BinaryPoke4(hSI,44,0);        DWORD   dwFlags
BinaryPoke2(hSI,48,0);        WORD    wShowWindow (SW_HIDE = 0)
BinaryPoke2(hSI,50,0);        WORD    cbReserved2
BinaryPoke4(hSI,52,0);        LPBYTE  lpReserved2
BinaryPoke4(hSI,56,0);        HANDLE  hStdInput
BinaryPoke4(hSI,60,0);        HANDLE  hStdOutput
BinaryPoke4(hSI,64,0);        HANDLE  hStdError

hPI = BinaryAlloc(16)

;BOOL CreateProcess(
;  LPCTSTR lpApplicationName,
;  LPTSTR lpCommandLine,
;  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
;  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
;  BOOL bInheritHandles,
;  DWORD dwCreationFlags,
;  LPVOID lpEnvironment,
;  LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
;  LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
;  LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)

DllCall(sKernel, long:"CreateProcessA", lpnull, lpstr:sCmdLine, lpnull, lpnull, long:0, long:0, lpnull, lpnull, lpbinary:hSI, lpbinary:hPI)



sDirExe = FilePath(IntControl(1004, 0, 0, 0, 0))
sCrashLog = StrCat(sDirExe, "sendcad-crash.txt")
IntControl(38, 1, sCrashLog, 0, 0)
sUser = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "user32.dll")
DllCall(sUser, long:"PostMessageA", long:65535, long:786, long:0, long:3014659)

Article ID:   W17024
File Created: 2009:04:30:12:12:12
Last Updated: 2009:04:30:12:12:12