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Center Window Without Resizing

 Keywords: WinPlace WinPlaceGet WinPlaceSet WinPosition Center @NoResize No Resize 1000x1000 Width Height Window Position Coordinates X Y Upper Lower

;Center Window Without Resizing
partialwinname = "~Notepad"
Run( 'notepad.exe','')

;Get width and height of window
pos = WinPosition(partialwinname)
ux = ItemExtract(1,pos,",")
uy = ItemExtract(2,pos,",")
lx = ItemExtract(3,pos,",")
ly = ItemExtract(4,pos,",")
width = lx -ux
height = ly - uy

;calculate center based on 1000x1000 virtual screen
centerUX = Int( (1000 - width) / 2.0 )
centerUY = Int( (1000 - height) / 2.0)
centerLY  = centerUX+width
centerLY  = centerUY+height

newpos = centerUX : " " : centerUY : " " : centerLY : " " : centerLY
WinPlaceSet( @NORMAL, partialwinname, newpos )

;newpos = centerUX : "," : centerUY : "," : @NoResize : "," :  @NoResize
;WinPlace( %newpos%, partialwinname )

Sample using an array

strWinName = "Untitled - Notepad"
arrCoord = Arrayize (WinPlaceGet (@NORMAL, strWinName), " ")
intLenX = arrCoord[2] - arrCoord[0]
intLenY = arrCoord[3] - arrCoord[1]
intPosX = (1000 - intLenX) / 2
intPosY = (1000 - intLenY) / 2
blnResult = WinPlace (intPosX, intPosY, intPosx + intLenX, intPosY + intLenY, strWinName)

Article ID:   W18457
Filename:   Center Window Without Resizing.txt
File Created: 2012:04:23:09:23:50
Last Updated: 2012:04:23:09:23:50