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Active Window Height and Width in Pixels


Is there a way to determine the height and width of the active window in pixels?


Yes. You can get pretty close by doing a WinPlaceGet, and then picking apart the numbers (ItemExtract) then "converting the numbers to absolute coordinates with from fractions. From WinMetrics you know the pixel size of the entire screen. And the numbers returned from WinPlaceGet assume it is a 1000x1000 screen so you have to convert it. Alternatively some DllCall or other like GetWindowRect might do it. Pick the numbers apart with ItemExtract, using a comma as a delimiter.
a = ItemExtract( 1, rect, "," )

;GetWindowPos : Gets window position in real screen x,y                          ;
;handle : dialog handle of window                                                ;
;Returns: string = "xpos,ypos,widht,height"                                      ;
#DefineFunction GetWindowPos(handle)
   lpRect = BinaryAlloc(16)
   ret = -1
   If DllCall(user32,long:"GetWindowRect",long:handle,lpbinary:lpRect) Then
      ret = StrCat(BinaryPeek4(lpRect,0),",",BinaryPeek4(lpRect,4),",",BinaryPeek4(lpRect,8),",",BinaryPeek4(lpRect,12))
   Return ret

handle=DllHwnd("Untitled - Notepad") ; 

Article ID:   W16748
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:22:14
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:22:14