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Reading Buttons and Child Windows

Keywords: winitemchild

How to read the contents of buttons and child windows:

See our brand new Control Manager Extender, on our website, under WinBatch Add-Ons.

In addition, WinItemChild reads the contents of a child window. To see what this function does, start File Manager/Explorer. Do a File/Copy so that the Copy dialog box is active on the screen. Run the following script.

  a=strreplace(a, @tab, @crlf)
  message("", a)
It reads the contents of the Copy window and displays the results. The buttons should appear with the information collected. Look at StrIndex to search the results for your info.

Also, see the MsgTextGet function.

Article ID:   W13203
Filename:   Reading Buttons and Child Windows.txt
File Created: 2011:09:16:12:13:06
Last Updated: 2011:09:16:12:13:06