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Search String With Whitepace

 Keywords: Search Find String Text Leading Trailing Whitespace Space Binary BinaryAlloc BinaryIndexEx


When doing a search within files, using the File Search extender, it appears that any trailing blank spaces are ignored. Is this by design or simply a bad assumption on the extender's part? Any way around the problem? Not seeing anything in the help file regarding this situation. Thanks.


Yes, when doing a search within files, using the File Search extender, it appears that any trailing blank spaces are ignored.

Development of the File Search Extender (WSRCH34I.DLL) is currently suspended. There has been talk about deprecating the the File Search Extender (WSRCH34I.DLL) all together. It's main functionality has been replaced by the File and Folder Finder Extender (WWFAF44I.DLL). However the File and Folder Finder does not support searching for text inside of files. You would need to add code to query each file located by the File and Folder Finder by using Binary operations. Here is an example theat uses the File and Folder Finder Extender and Binary operation to search for text in a file.

Note this technique resolves the leading a trailing space issue:

;Load Appropriate Extender
If WinMetrics(-2) == 3 Then AddExtender("WWFAF64I.DLL") ; 64-bit
Else AddExtender("WWFAF44I.DLL") ; 32-bit

searchstring = 'Read '

; Initialize flags for readability
fsHidden = 1   ; Include hidden files
fsSystem = 2   ; Include system files
fsRecurse = 16  ; Look in sub directories

; Open a search handle
fsHandle = fafOpen(DirScript(), "*.txt", fsHidden|fsSystem|fsRecurse)

filelist = ''
While 1
   sFoundFile = fafFind(fsHandle)
   If sFoundFile == "" Then Break
   ; Search File For Text
   handle = BinaryAlloc( FileSize(sFoundFile) )
   BinaryRead( handle, sFoundFile )
   ptr = BinaryIndexEx( handle, 0, searchstring, @FWDSCAN, 1 )
   If ptr !=-1 Then filelist = ItemInsert (sFoundFile, -1, filelist, @LF)

If filelist == ""
   Pause ('Search result', ' No Files Found')
   Pause ('Search result', filelist)

Article ID:   W17568
Filename:   Search String With Whitepace.txt
File Created: 2012:05:10:13:10:08
Last Updated: 2012:05:10:13:10:08