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JSON Extender News

                           JSON WIL Extender DLL
                               Revision History

The JSON extender require Windows VISTA, Windows 2008 or newer.


        Run the SETUP.WBT file to install the extender for you.

Change Info

Version 44001  Sep 9 2021

      Initial public experimental release

Version 44002  Sep 10 2021

      Address Unicode parameter checking problem in
      experimental release.

Version 44003  Sep 17 2021 (Experimental release.)

      Modified the jsKeyPaths function to return
      a single dimension array instead of an item
      Improved performance of the jsValueGet and
      jsValueType functions.
Version 44004  Oct 12 2021 (Experimental release.)
      Changed the names of the jsObjNew, jsObjMap,
      jsObjClose to jsConNew, jsConMap, and 
      jsConClose respectively.

      Modifed the jsParse to place top-level
      JSON arrays in the extender's container
      table along with JSON objects.
      Modified the jsKeyPaths, jsValueAdd, 
      jsValueGet and jsValueType to handle
      JSON arrays as JSON containers.

Version 44005  Oct 21 2021

      Initial production release.  
Version 44006  Nov 12 2021

      Modified jsFindPath to handle partial and
      full paths in the key-name parameter.

      Fixed several edge case JSON path parsing
      problems that could affect multiple extender

      Updated the extender help file.
Changes 44007 Jan 5 2023
     Added additionl validation check to jsParse 
     function. This check produces an error when 
     a JSON data fragment that is internally valid 
     but incomplete is passed to the function.  

Changes 44008 Jan 6 2023
     Added additionl validation check to jsValid 
     function. The function will now return FALSE(0) 
     when JSON data does not start and end with 
     either braces({}) or square brackets([]). 
     Added new option 4 to the jsGetInfo function. 
     The option returns the number of elements in a JSON array
     when the function's optional second parameter is a handle
     to a JSON array.    

Changes 44009: Jun 13 2023 

     Addressed issue that occasionally caused an unhandled 
     exception when passing an invalid type value to the 
     jsValueAdd function.

     Fixed bug that caused the jsKeyPaths function to 
     sometimes return invalid array paths when array json 
     path syntax was include in the path/key-name parameter.

     Added the jsKeyExist function. JsKeyExist returns the
     number of occurances of a key in a JSON container. The 
     function can optionally return an array of relative 
     paths to all found key instances.   

Article ID:   W18541
Filename:   !NEWSFLASH!.txt
File Created: 2023:06:13:14:05:12
Last Updated: 2023:06:13:14:05:12