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FTP Functions

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500 Error on ftpQuote more



First experience with using winsock extender (can't use Wininet as script runs on server that has IE v2). Trying to do ftpQuote(hSession "mkdir xyz") returns Error 500 MKDIR XYZ command not understood. The returned message is in upper case which I assume causes the error. Question is is there any way to solve this ?


Note: Our ftpQuote command is designed to send a command string to a remote FTP server. Your server will need to be configured to execute The "MKDIR" command remotely.

Here's some background on how FtpQuote works:

FtpQuote expects the actual server commands are NOT the commands you type into your FTP Client.

For example in your client you often type MKDIR. The command actually sent is MKD.

The best place to reference all the valid FTP commands is RFC-0959, the official specification of File Transfer Protocol. This file can be found on the internet (subject to change) at .

User Reply:

A big thanks ....changing MKDIR to MKD worked. Result = ftpQuote(Session,"mkd DirName")

Article ID:   W14808
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:40:06
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:40:06