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Laffdb Sort

Sorts an array or ItemList on multiple keys with options for:
  1. reporting or deleting duplicate keys
  2. force hyphens and apostrophes to sort with other symbols
  3. convert results between lists and arrays
  4. make sorting consistent with lists sorted using Itemsort. Requires the LAFFDB extender.

goto udfLASort

Sorts an array or ItemList on multiple keys with options for reporting/deleting 
duplicate keys and converting between lists and arrays.  Requires the LAFFDB extender.
   udfLASort(Recs, fSep, rSep, Keys, Flags)
   (s/a)Recs:                           an array or item list
   (s)fSep:                             field delimiter
   (s)rSep:                             record delimiter
   (s)Keys:                             CSV list of keys (column numbers) to sort on in 
                                        least to most important order.
   (i)Flags:                            Or-able flags to modify the default behaviour. cf 
   (s/a)                                a null string if there was an error or a variable 
                                        return value. cf Notes.
   sorting ANSI convert array list lists arrays table vector symbols sort index key 

Version 1.0 developed and tested with WB2003J.

While udfLASort can be used to sort vector arrays and simple lists it 
is meant for the sorting of records in a table array or a list of lists.

fSep & rSep:
Must be specified, for arrays or simple lists they should be the same 
value.  If an array is to be returned as a list these designate the 
field and record separators.

Sorting, Keys, and Duplicate Records:
Multiple column sorting and reporting or deleting duplicate Keys is 
not supported.
For a multiple column sort Keys might look like this "1,-3,7".  Which 
would be interpreted as do an ascending sort on the first column, then 
a descending sort on the third, and finally an ascending sort on the 
seventh.  Least signifacant to most significant where grouping of 
previous sorts is maintained.

OR-able Options:
1  - treat apostrophes and hyphens as symbols.          
2  - check for duplicate keys, case sensitive.           
4  - check for duplicate keys, case insensitive.         
8  - delete duplicate keys.                              
16 - lexical sort, same  as ItemSort.**      
32 - pass in an array get a list, pass in a list get an array. 

**While still faster than QuickSorting an array or list this option 
takes ~3 times longer than the default sort but only impacts string 

Return Type Depends on Recs and Flags:
ItemList and Convert returns an array.

ItemList and any of the duplicate flags set returns the sorted list with a 
Num2Char(1) appended duplicate "report".  Either "nn records deleted" 
or "Duplicate key list - N1^N2^N3..." where "^" is the fSep delimiter.
If no duplicates were found only the sorted list is returned.

Array and any of the duplicate flags set returns just the report or 
@TRUE if no duplicates were found.

#definefunction udfLASort(Recs, fSep, rSep, Keys, Flags)
   IntControl(73, 2, 0, 0, 0)    ; GoSub WBERRORHANDLER

   ; Do some quick checking here.
   if fSep=='' || rSep=='' then return ''                         ; Caller beware!.
   esc = num2char(27)
   IsArray = @false

   if vartype(Recs)==256 then IsArray = @true
   if IsArray
      if arrinfo(Recs, 3) then return ''                          ; Vector or table arrays only.
      RecCnt = arrinfo(Recs, 1)-1                                 ; Zero based rows.
      FldCnt = arrinfo(Recs, 2)                                   ; One based columns.
      RecCnt = itemcount(Recs, rSep)-1
      FldCnt = itemcount(itemextract(1, Recs, rSep), fSep)
   KeyCnt = itemcount(Keys, ' ')
   Symbols = @false
   Dups    = @false
   DupsNC  = @false
   DupDel  = @false
   AnsiSrt = @false
   Convert = @false

   ; Deal with the Flags.  NB! Defaults are set for fastest performance.
   if (Flags&1)==1 then Symbols = @true                        ; Treats apostrophes and hyphens as symbols. 
   if (Flags&2)==2 && KeyCnt==1 then Dups = 1                  ; Check for duplicate keys, case sensitive.
   if (Flags&4)==4 && KeyCnt==1 then Dups = 2                  ; Check for duplicate keys, case insensitive.
   if (Flags&8)==8 && KeyCnt==1 then DupDel = @true            ; Delete duplicate keys.
   if (Flags&16)==16 then AnsiSrt = @true                      ; Slower, but returns same  results as ItemSort.
   if (Flags&32)==32 then Convert = @true                      ; Pass an array get a list, pass a list get an array.

   if Convert && !IsArray then Ary = arrdimension(RecCnt+1, FldCnt, 0, 0, 0)

   ;   dbOpen(filename - ignored,
            ; bCreateOK - ignored,
            ; model - memory based, 
            ; numcols - FldCnt+1 needed for ANSI sort,  
            ; format - delimited, 
            ; field delimiter - fSep, 
            ; optionstring - null allows max length for strings)
   Db = dbopen('', 0, 1, FldCnt+1, 0, fSep, '')

   ; Comma delimited, one based column numbers least to most important sort order.
   ; A negative number indicates a descending sort for that column.
   Keys = strreplace(Keys, ' ', '')
   Ascends = ''
   for k = 1 to KeyCnt
      n = itemextract(k, Keys, ',')
      if !isint(n) then return ''
      if n<0 then Ascends = iteminsert(0, -1, Ascends, ',')
         else Ascends = iteminsert(1, -1, Ascends, ',')
   Keys = strreplace(Keys, '-', '')
   ; Bind columns to variables.
   for Fld = 1 to FldCnt+1
      Err = dbbindcol(Db, Fld, strcat('Col', Fld))
      if Err!=1 then return ''

   if IsArray 
      for Row = 0 to RecCnt
         for Fld = 1 to FldCnt
            Col%Fld% = Recs[Row, Fld-1]
            if Symbols && itemlocate(Fld, Keys, ',') then Col%Fld% = strreplace(strreplace(Col%Fld%, "'", strcat(esc, '&')), '-', strcat(esc, ','))
         Err = dbSetEntireRecord(Db, 0, 2|4)                         ; Add new record.
         if Err!=Row then return ''

      for Row = 0 to RecCnt
         Rec = itemextract(Row+1, Recs, rSep)
         for Fld = 1 to FldCnt
            Col%Fld% = ItemExtract(Fld, Rec, fSep)                   ; Load record data into bound variables.
            if Symbols && itemlocate(Fld, Keys, ',') then Col%Fld% = strreplace(strreplace(Col%Fld%, "'", strcat(esc, '&')), '-', strcat(esc, ','))
         Err = dbSetEntireRecord(Db, 0, 2|4)                         ; Add new record.
         if Err!=Row then return ''                                  ; Caller beware!.


   ; Sorta had to get here sooner or later.
   Lkp = FldCnt+1
   for Srt = 1 to KeyCnt
      Key = itemextract(Srt, Keys, ',')
      Ascend = itemextract(Srt, Ascends, ',')
      ; Hack to fix LAFFDB sorting of mixed case strings.
      if dbgetcolumntype(Db, %Key%)=='S' && AnsiSrt
         List = ''
         for Row = 0 to RecCnt
            f00 = dbGetRecordField(Db, Row, %Key%, 2)
            List = iteminsert(dbGetRecordField(Db, Row, %Key%, 2), -1, List, @tab)
         List = itemsort(List, @tab)

         ls = ''
         recno = 0
         for k = 1 to RecCnt+1
            itm = itemextract(k, List, @tab)
            if itm!=ls then strt = -1
               else strt = recno
            recno = dbFindRecord(Db, strt, 2|8, %Key%, itm, 1)
            f00 = dbgetlasterror()
            err = dbSetRecordField(Db, recno, Lkp, 2, k)
            ls = itm   
         err = dbsort(DB, %Lkp%, Ascend)
         err = dbsort(DB, %Key%, Ascend)

      if Err!=1 then return ''

   KeyList = ''
   DupList = ''
   DupRows = 0
   if Convert then IsArray = !IsArray

   if IsArray
      if Convert then Recs = Ary
      for Row = 0 to RecCnt
         Err = dbgetentirerecord(Db, Row, 2)                               ; Variable record number.
         if Err!=1 then return ''
         for Fld = 1 to FldCnt
            if Symbols && itemlocate(Fld, Keys, ',') then Col%Fld% = strreplace(strreplace(Col%Fld%, strcat(esc, '&'), "'"), strcat(esc, ','), '-')
            if Dups && Fld==Keys    ; Dups is only supported for single sort keys.
               if Dups==1 then Tag = itemlocate(Col%Fld%, KeyList, fSep)
                  else Tag = itemlocate(strlower(Col%Fld%), KeyList, fSep)
               if Tag
                  DupList = iteminsert(Row, -1, DupList, fSep)
                  if DupDel
                     DupRows = DupRows+1
               else ; Unique field.
                  if Dups==1 then KeyList = iteminsert(Col%Fld%, -1, KeyList, fSep)
                     else KeyList = iteminsert(strlower(Col%Fld%), -1, KeyList, fSep)
            Recs[Row-DupRows, Fld-1] = Col%Fld%
         next  ; Fld
      next  ; Row
      if DupRows && DupDel                                                 ; Cleanup for deleted records.
         Offset = Row-DupRows
         for Row = Offset to RecCnt
            for Fld = 1 to FldCnt
               Recs[Row, Fld-1] = ''
   else  ; !IsArray
      Recs = ''
      for Row = 0 to RecCnt
         Err = dbgetentirerecord(Db, Row, 2)                               ; Variable record number.
         if Err!=1 then return ''
         Rec = ''
         DupRows = @false
         for Fld = 1 to FldCnt
            if Symbols && itemlocate(Fld, Keys, ',') then Col%Fld% = strreplace(strreplace(Col%Fld%, strcat(esc, '&'), "'"), strcat(esc, ','), '-')
            if Dups && Fld==Keys
               if Dups==1 then Tag = itemlocate(Col%Fld%, KeyList, fSep)
                  else Tag = itemlocate(strlower(Col%Fld%), KeyList, fSep)
               if Tag
                  DupList = iteminsert(Row+1, -1, DupList, fSep)
                  if DupDel
                     DupRows = @true
                  if Dups==1 then KeyList = iteminsert(Col%Fld%, -1, KeyList, fSep)
                     else KeyList = iteminsert(strlower(Col%Fld%), -1, KeyList, fSep)
            Rec = iteminsert(Col%Fld%, -1, Rec, fSep)
         next ; Fld
         if !DupRows then Recs = iteminsert(Rec, -1, Recs, rSep)
      next  ; Row
   if IsArray && Convert then return Ary

   if DupDel && DupList!='' then DupList = strcat(itemcount(DupList, fSep), ' records deleted.')
   if (Dups || DupsNC)  && DupList!='' then DupList = Strcat('Duplicate key list - ', DupList)
   if IsArray
      if DupList!='' then return DupList
         else return 1

      if DupList!='' then return strcat(Recs, num2char(1), DupList)
         else return Recs

   wError     = LastError()
   wErrStr    = IntControl(34,wError,0,0,0)
   wErrLine   = wberrorhandlerline
   wErrOffset = wberrorhandleroffset
   wErrAssign = wberrorhandlerassignment
   wErrMsg    = strCat(`wError = `, wError, @CRLF, `wErrStr = `, wErrStr, @CRLF, `wErrLine = `, wErrLine, @CRLF, `wErrAssign = `, wErrAssign)
   pause(`Error in udfLASort`, wErrMsg)

#endfunction   ;udfLASort

keyStr = "bcd %@tab%ab %@tab%abcd %@tab%ab(cd %@tab%ab&cd %@tab%ab-cde %@tab%ab,cd %@tab%ab'cde "

; Fastest. No special handling.
Flags = 0   
Keys  = udfLASort(keyStr, @tab, @tab, 1, Flags)
Msg = 'Why bother ItemSort is faster?'
pause(Msg, strCat(`keyStr%@tab%= `, keyStr, @CRLF, `Keys%@tab%= `, Keys))

Flags = 1      ; 
Keys  = udfLASort(keyStr, @tab, @tab, 1, Flags)
pause('Hyphens and apostrophes are treated as symbols.', strCat(`keyStr%@tab%= `, keyStr, @CRLF, `Keys%@tab%= `, Keys))

keyStr = "BCD %@tab%AB %@tab%ABCD %@tab%AB-cd %@tab%abcd %@tab%AB&cd %@tab%ab-cd %@tab%ab-CD "

Item = itemsort(keyStr, @tab)
Flags = 0
f00  = udfLASort(keyStr, @tab, @tab, 1, Flags)
Keys = itemextract(1, f00, num2char(1))
pause('LAFFDB mixed case sorting is inconsistent.', strCat(`keyStr%@tab%= `, keyStr, @CRLF, `Item%@tab%= `, Item, @CRLF, `Keys%@tab%= `, Keys))

Flags = 16
Keys  = udfLASort(keyStr, @tab, @tab, 1, Flags)
pause('Force a lexical sort.', strCat(`keyStr%@tab%= `, keyStr, @CRLF, `Item%@tab%= `, Item, @CRLF, `Keys%@tab%= `, Keys))

keyStr = "BCD %@tab%AB %@tab%ABCD %@tab%abcd %@tab%AB&cd %@tab%ab-cd %@tab%ab-CD "
Recs = ''
Cnts = itemcount(keyStr, @tab)
Ary = arrdimension(Cnts, 2, 0, 0, 0)
for Cnt = 1 to Cnts
   Key = itemextract(Cnt, keyStr, @tab)
   Rec = strcat(Key, @tab, `Data for %Key%`)
   Recs = iteminsert(Rec, -1, Recs, @lf)
   Ary[Cnt-1, 0] = Key
   Ary[Cnt-1, 1] = `Data for %Key%`

; DupsNC|AnsiSrt
Flags = 4|16
f00 = udfLASort(Recs, @tab, @lf, 1, Flags)
Recs = itemextract(1, f00, num2char(1))
Dups = itemextract(2, f00, num2char(1))

Flags = 4|8|16|32
f00 = udfLASort(Ary, @tab, @lf, 1, Flags)
Arr2Lst = itemextract(1, f00, num2char(1))
Dups2 = itemextract(2, f00, num2char(1))

pause(`Array returned as List, duplicate keys removed.`, strCat(`Recs = `, @CRLF, Recs, @CRLF, `Dups = `, @CRLF, Dups, @CRLF, @CRLF, `Arr2Lst = `, @CRLF, Arr2Lst, @CRLF, `Dups = `, @CRLF, Dups2, @CRLF))


Article ID:   W16338
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:19:54
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:19:54