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Backup Eventlog

; How to do it:
; 1 - Open specified eventlog (Application, Security, System)
; 2 - Clear (and Backup) eventlog
; 3 - Close eventlog

; Note: 
; Make sure backup file does not exist already, otherwise DllCall will fail!

#DefineFunction OpenEventLog(dllhandle,computername,sourcename)
; The OpenEventLog function opens a handle to an event log.
; Declare Function OpenEventLog Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "OpenEventLog"
; (ByVal lpUNCServerName As String, ByVal lpSourceName As String) As Long
	eventloghandle = DllCall(dllhandle,LONG:"OpenEventLogA",lpstr:computername,lpstr:SourceName)

#DefineFunction CloseEventLog(dllhandle,evthandle)
; The CloseEventLog function closes a read handle to the specified event log.
; Declare Function CloseEventLog Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "CloseEventLog"
; (ByVal hEventLog As Long) As Long
	closeevt = DllCall(dllhandle,LONG:"CloseEventLog",long:evthandle)

#DefineFunction ClearEventLog(dllhandle,evthandle,backup_filename)
; The ClearEventLog function clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the logfile to a backup file.
; If the lpBackupFileName parameter is NULL, the current event logfile is not backed up.
; Declare Function ClearEventLog Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "ClearEventLogA"
; (ByVal hEventLog As Long, ByVal lpBackupFileName As String) As Long
	If backup_filename == ""
		result = DllCall(dllhandle,LONG:"ClearEventLogA",long:evthandle,lpnull)
		result = DllCall(dllhandle,LONG:"ClearEventLogA",long:evthandle,lpstr:backup_filename)

computername    = ItemExtract(1,WinSysInfo(),@tab)
dllname         = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"advapi32.dll")
dllhandle       = DllLoad(dllname)
sourcename      = "Application"
backup_filename = "C:\Backups\Application.evt"

evthandle = OpenEventLog(dllhandle,computername,sourcename)

; Now check if backup file already exists. If it does, first delete/move the backup file
backupresult = ClearEventLog(dllhandle,evthandle,backup_filename)

closeevt = CloseEventLog(dllhandle,evthandle)



Article ID:   W16005
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:10
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:10